jak zrobić rurę w cinemie 4d.pdf
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We will begin this tutorial on using circle splines. You will see how simple it is and why and where to
use it.
Circle splines can be used to make pipes that or not straight. So when you need a bended pipe you
should use Circle Splines.
For a start we will select
Objects > Spline Primitive > Circle
A big ring will appear on the screen. This is the first of other Circles that will show the line the pipe
will go. You will have to create a path of circles.
Because this is a beginners tutorial we will shape with Circles.
Now determine the width of the ring by selecting the circle in your objects screen en set the radius to
15m. In the coordinates menu, set
Rotation B to -45
Now select the circle in your objects manager and copy it ( CTRL + C - CTRL + V ). Circle 1. will appear.
Now get this one to the coordinates :
Position X=0 Y=60 Z=10
Press F3 to have a good view on your circles. When using this view you will be able to havea better
view over what kind of turn you are making.
Now place the third and final circle, get this one to the coordinates :
Position X=0 Y=70 Z=68
and get
the Rotaion to
P= -90
Your splines will be in the following setup in the "right view" screen ( F3 )
Now to get the circles connected to each other we are going to use a "Loft NURB". Create one by
going to
Objects > NURBS > Loft NURBS
The NURB will be on in top of all the circles in your objects
manager. Select all circles ( NOT THE loft NURB ) and make them a son of the NURB by dragging them
on the NURB. The circles will now connect. You will be able to see this on your screen.
When you render now you should see something like this :
This was the tutorial. But as you understand, when using circle spline you will be able to make all kind
of turns.
Now that you know the basics, try some of your own and see what you can do with circle splines.
When adding a simple background and a simple texture. You can make a it look like this
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