DMT - The spirit molecule by Rick Strassman.pdf
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ICQ# 779957
С уважением, Тимофей.
Advance Praise for
DMT: The Spirit Molecule
"Strassman's important research contributes to a growing awareness that
we inhabit a multidimensional universe that is far more complex and inter-
esting than the one our scientific theories have shown us. It is of the utmost
importance that we face the implications of this discovery, for it has so
much to tell us about who we are and why we are here."
John Mack, author of
Passport to the Cosmos
"The most extensive scientific study of the mental and perceptual effects of
a psychedelic drug since the 1960s. Strassman provides fascinating insight
into the world of psychiatric research as he seeks to understand these most
mysterious substances and their profound effects on human consciousness."
Ralph Metzner, Ph.D., author of
Ayahuasca: Consciousness and the Spirits of Nature
"This book is essential reading for anyone with an interest in the mind,
philosophy, the nature of reality, and spirituality. The world's foremost ex-
pert on DMT has created a masterpiece of the genre, as he brilliantly leads
the reader through a series of startling revelations about the nature of the
universe, revealed behind the doorway once DMT turns the key."
Karl Jansen, M.D., Ph.D., author of
K. Ketamine: Dreams and Realities
"DMT: The Spirit Molecule
points the way beyond the present impasse
of the reigning "drug abuse" paradigm. We owe a debt of gratitude to
Strassman for persevering in the face of bureaucratic obstacles to conduct
important research into the human pharmacology of DMT and elucidate it
for the general public, in both scientific and humanistic terms."
Jonathan Ott, author of
The Age of Entheogens
Hallucinogenic Plants of North America
A Doctor's Revolutionary Research
into the Biology of Near-Death
and Mystical Experiences
Rick Strassman, М.D.
Park Street Press
Rochester, Vermont
Park Street Press
One Park Street
Rochester, Vermont 05767
Park Street Press is a division of Inner Traditions International
Copyright © 2001 by Rick J. Strassman, M.D.
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or utilized in any form or
by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any
information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Strassman, Rick.
DMT : the spirit molecule : a doctor's revolutionary research into the biology
of near-death and mystical experiences / Rick Strassman.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references.
ISBN 0-89281-927-8 (alk. paper)
1. Dimethyltryptamine. 2. Pineal gland—Secretions. I. Title.
RM666.D564 S77 2000
615'. 7883—dc21
Printed and bound in the United States
10 9 8 7 6 5 4
Text design and layout by Rachel Goldenberg
This book was typeset in Bodoni with Bodoni Open as the display typeface
To the volunteers, and all their relations
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DMT - The spirit molecule by Rick Strassman.pdf
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