The New Order in Poland (1942).pdf

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With an Introduction by
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Copyright 1942 by Alfred A . Knopf, Inc. All rights reserved. No
pllrt of this book milY be reproduced ;, t111Y form without permis-
sion ;, 'Writing from the publisher, except by a revie'Wtf' who ma1
quote briq pii.Ssages ;, a review to be printed in a 11111gazme or
newspaper. Mt171ufactured in the United States of America. Pub-
lished simultaneously in Cf11111da by The Ryerson Press.
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THIS is the first book to describe in scientific detail
Nazi rule in Poland. A study of this question is im-
portant in itself. It is also important because Poland
is serving as a laboratory for experiments which the
Nazis will extend to the whole of Europe and the world
if they win this war.
The thesis of this book is that Germany is attempt-
ing to carve a colonial empire out of the heart of Eu-
rope. The thesis is correct in many respects. In the an-
nexed areas of Poland, the Nazis have not attempted to
revive Bismarck's policy of Germanizing the Poles. In-
stead they are ruthlessly deporting and exterminating
them, so as to make a new living space for German colo-
nists. In the Government-General proper, Nazi policy
is aimed at creating a serf-state beholden to the German
Although the Germans are thus trying to convert
Poland into a colony, one would have to go back to the
Congo Free State or to the early " culture system '' in
the Dutch East Indies to find even a degree of the ruth-
less brutality which characterizes Nazi methods. Nazi
policy is more akin to the medieval manhunts of the
Teutonic knights than to the excesses of European im-
perialism overseas.
During the past two years at least 82,ooo Poles have
been executed by the Germans or perished in concen-
tration camps. In addition the Nazis are making a sys-
tematic effort to root out the Polish intellectual class.
All Polish universities and secondary schools remain
closed. Although the primary schools in the Govern-
ment-General are now open, Polish children have lost
a year's schooling; and their education is now intended
to prepare them to become servants for the Nazi rulers.
Gennan rule in Poland has proved both inefficient and
corrupt. Only " scientific looting " is being applied
with Germanic thoroughness. The Nazis have confis-
cated all important industrial concerns, administering
large enterprises and Polish farms over a cenain size
through German trustees. " Over 3 5 ,ooo Polish and
Jewish enterprises, including 70 banks, 3,500 textile
factories and shops, 8oo very large concerns, soo
wholesale enterprises, and 8,soo retail shops, have been
confiscated in Lodz and its district alone." The Polish
forests are being cut to the ground; compulsory labor
has been introduced; agricultural exports have been
increased, less by improved methods of production
than by cutting down the food ration of the Polish
The Nazis at one time tried to beguile Western lib-
erals with the argument that they would unify Conti-
nental Europe, destroying artificial trade barriers and
increasing the production of the Continent for the
benefit of all European peoples. Yet this book demon-
strates that Nazi policy is aimed at creating a German
industrial monopoly compelling the rest of the Conti-
nent to buy German products at excessive prices, while
selling raw materials at prices dictated by Berlin. The
policy has provided loot for the Nazi politicians, and
thro\vn a great nation of 35 ,ooo,ooo people into abject
misery; but it has failed in really increasing production,
while destroying any basis for future growth.
After the death of Pilsudski, the Polish Republic
moved increasingly in the direction of anti-Semitism.
But its acts were as nothing in comparison with Nazi
anti-Semitism, which first attempted to dump the Jews
of Central Europe into the Lublin reservation and
which created ghettos in the four district capitals of the
Government-General. Todav the Polish Jew may be
, .
suffering more than the Polish gentile; yet events dem-
onstrate that the anti-Semitism of Germany is simply
the beginning of a policy which the Nazis intend to
apply to all non-Germans and, as this account sho,vs,
with particular thoroughness, to the Catholic Church.
In contrast, the Polish Government in Exile issued the
Declaration of June 1 z, 1941, which, as the book
points out, is the first time that any Polish regime has
officially condemned anti-Semitism as against the in-
terests of the Polish cause.
Dr. Simon Segal is well qualified for the authorship
of this book. Of Polish origin, he took a degree at the
University of Paris, and came to the United States in
1935. Here he published a book entitled New Poland
and the Jews, and he was an invaluable assistant to me
in preparing Poland, Key to Europe. One docs not have
to agree with all of the author's judgments to appreciate
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