a TOT of English.pdf

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T H E MAGAZINE FOR Y O U R E N G L I S H • • • • • •
Year XX N° 1
o f E n g l i s h
My life
A d h i a m b o
Urban UK
I c e A g e 2
C e l e b r i t i e s
K e l l y H o l m e s
D a m e
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Where there is light …
Check out* these
amazing* concert
The more you play on
this, the brighter the
lights are!
Are you ready?
Play as loud as
you can!!!
do it!
Wow! These lights
are so strong!
I know!
They’re tanning* lights!
G L O S S A R y
amazing: incredible
brilliant: fantastic
check out: (slang) look at
cool: (slang) great
guys: (slang) boys and girls
tanning: they make your skin go brown (like the sun)
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News from the world
What a view!
American-Indians love their
environment*. They love it so
much that they want everybody
to enjoy it. The Hualapai tribe
have built a glass and steel bridge
over the Grand Canyon. The view
from the bridge is breathtaking*!
The bridge is called Skywalw, it is
21 metres long and is 1300 metres
above the Canyon. It has a glass
bottom so you can see below.
The bridge cost 30 million
dollars. It can carry 120 people
and is earthquake-proof*.
Have you got
the guts* to walk across it?
Quiz question
What’s the tallest building in the world?
the Taipei Financial Center
the Petronas Tower in Kuala Lumpur
the Eiffel Tower in Paris
Sears Tower in Chicago
the Pirelli skyscraper in Milan
the Two International Finance Towers in Hong Ko n g
G L O S S A R y
Answers on page 15
b r e a t h t a k i n g : i n c r e d i b l e,
a m a z i n g , wonderful
(it takes your breath awa y )
e a r t h q u a k e - p r o o f :
it doesn’t break when there
is an earthquake
e n v i r o n m e n t : n a t u r e
g u t s : (colloquial) courage
Dame Ke l l y - H o l m e s
12 Urban UK
W i n d s o r
Mr G. Rama
The Clacsons
A surprise ending
The game zone
Hi! I’m your grammar
This month is on:
• present simple, past simple
and present perfect
• conjunctions
• adjectives and intensifiers
Hello everyone! Welcome
to A Tot of English.
I’m Julia and I write your
English magazine.
We’re going to have lots
of fun this year. We’re
going to read about your
favourite celebrities, play
lots of games and learn
lots of interesting facts
about the world.
Are you ready?
6 The big issue
Did you know ...?
Don’t look now !
8 Poster
Ice-Age 2
tot comes with:
Level A2-B1
teacher’s notes
Have fun! I know I will ...
10 My life
l o ves nature
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Kelly Holmes made
history at the Athens
Olympics because she
won the 1500m and
800m gold medal in
athletics. She was 34
years old. The Queen
gave her the title of
‘Dame’ because of her
achievements*. Let’s
find out more about
this remarkable*
D a m e
K E L L Y H o L m e s
Kelly was born on April 19
1970 in Pembury, Kent,
England. She hasn’t always
been a sportswoman. She
has worked as a re c re a t i o n *
assistant, as a nursing
assistant and as an arm y
s e rgeant (she was the
physical* training
i n s t ruc tor). At 18, she joined
the army's Women's Royal
A u x i l i a ry C orp (part of the
a rmy ) and drove four- t o n
t rucks. She has also been an
a rmy judo champion and
has run in the men's 1500m
at the army athletics
c h a m p i o n s h i p s .
In 2004 she .
set* the European re c o r d for the 1000m indoors
at 2:32.96 (2 minutes, 32 seconds, 96 tenths)
won Gold at the OLYMPIC GAMES for the 800m
won Gold at the OLYMPIC GAMES for the 1500m
set the New British re c o r d for 1500m at 3:57.90
came first in the World Athletics Final - 1500m
won BBC Sports Personality of the Ye a r
was European Athlete of the Year
Can you match Dame Kelly’s achievements with the
corresponding year?
1 In 2003 she won
a the Gold Medal for the 1500m at the
Commonwealth Games
2 In 2002 she won
B the Silver Medal for the 1500m World
Indoor Championships
3 In 2001 she won
C the Silver Medal for the 800m at
the Goodwill Games
4 In 2000 she won
D the Bronze Medal for the 800m
at the Olympic Games
G L O S S A R y
a c h i e v e m e n t s : the things
you do well
o u t s t a n d i n g : i n c r e d i b l e
physical tra i n i n g : i n t e n s e
physical activity
re c r eation assistant:
helping people with
physical activities
re m a r k a b l e : i n c r e d i b l e
s e t : g o t
Answers on page 15
D a m e
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A surprise ending*
It’s Linda’s birthday and
I don’t know what
to get her …
I’ve been into so many shops!
Let’s try this one ...
I’d like to buy a book
for my friend Linda.
It’s her birthday.
Do you know what she likes
Uhmmm, let’s see.
What about a love story?
What about science-fiction*?
No. But she’s 15 ...
No, no! Those
books are
No, I don’t like love
A book of jokes?
That’s it!
That’s perfect for Linda!
What about a thriller*.
It’s quick and easy to read…
I don’t
Happy birthday, sis*!
Mmm… interesting book,
Alex … it’s certainly got
a surprise ending!
What a great book!
Thanks, Alex!
G L O S S A R y
massive: very big
science-fiction: fantasy
sis: (slang) sister
surprise ending: the end
is a surprise
thriller: suspenseful story
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