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exchange sth for sth else

have money back / get a refund

make a complaint

have a receipt for sth

pass sell-by date


return sth

take sth back

talk to the manager






1. replace, exchange

2. refund, back

3. refund

Complete the dialogues with the words from the boxes.


(1. complaint, 2. return, 3. receipt, 4. exchange, 5. back, 6. refunds, 7. manager)


exchange; receipt; fit; scratched; replacement; refund


A: Excuse me, I bought this CD yesterday, but it’s ____________

B: I’m sorry about that. Would you like a _____________?

A: No, thank you. I’ve changed my mind about it. I’d rather have a _____________.

B: Do you have your _____________?

A: Yes, I do.

B: All right. That shouldn’t be a problem.



A: Excuse me. I bought these shoes yesterday, but they don’t ________.

B: Have you worn them outside?

A: No, I haven’t.

B: Would you like to __________ them for a different size?

A : Yes, please.




Work together. Using the prompts, write/tell me more dialogues.


1. T-shirt / too small / replacement

2. mobile phone / broken / refund

3. MP3 player / doesn’t work / exchange



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