Kuchh Meetha Ho Jaye B.txt

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00:00:06:You may not have loved me...
00:00:15:But this heart doesn't relent.
00:00:23:What can I do...
00:00:27:About my yearning...
00:00:32:This ignorant heart|is unaware of it.
00:00:41:Oh my beloved, for God's sake...
00:00:44:Oh my beloved, for God's sake...
00:00:46:Oh my beloved, for God's sake...
00:00:50:Please don't forget me... don't|forget me... don't forget me...
00:01:00:Oh my beloved, for God's sake...
00:01:02:Oh my beloved, for God's sake...
00:01:04:Oh my beloved, for God's sake...
00:01:08:Please don't forget me... don't|forget me... don't forget me...
00:01:19:Meeting my gaze, giving me dreams...
00:01:21:Expressing your love...
00:01:24:Please don't forget me... don't|forget me... don't forget me...
00:01:27:Please don't forget me... don't|forget me... don't forget me...
00:02:01:My sweetheart is so mesmerizing
00:02:03:He yearns in love.
00:02:06:I will sacrifice|my life to you too.
00:02:12:I will not be able|to live without you.
00:02:14:I will love you all day and night.
00:02:17:My beloved... till I am alive...
00:02:21:Oh my beloved, for God's sake...
00:02:24:Oh my beloved, for God's sake...
00:02:27:Please don't forget me... don't|forget me... don't forget me...
00:02:54:You are my life, you are my love.
00:02:59:You are my love, my love.
00:03:04:My heart says... this|love won't decrease.
00:03:09:Take any promise you wish.
00:03:14:Oh my beloved, for God's sake...
00:03:17:Oh my beloved, for God's sake...
00:03:20:Please don't forget me... don't|forget me... don't forget me...
00:03:25:Please don't forget me...
00:03:31:Please don't forget me...
00:03:36:Please don't forget me...
00:03:52:Taking the name of the Lord...
00:03:57:Hello... is this 260654?|- Yes, you are correct.
00:04:05:Can I speak with Farah?
00:04:07:Nobody is allowed to speak to Farah.
00:04:10:Not even her father.|Who are you speaking?
00:04:13:I am Farah's father.|- Oh...
00:04:17:Oh God... oh God...
00:04:22:You fool. Did you get me some...
00:04:24:...airport's number or|some Sikh temples?
00:04:28:Sir... I am Farah's father.|Understood?
00:04:32:Oh... have some fun...|have some fun...
00:04:35:Take a drink with soda...|have some fun...
00:04:39:Very very good morning|in the afternoon.
00:04:42:Greetings, papa.
00:04:49:Farah's papa... you too!
00:04:51:Dubey... we will drown now.
00:04:58:Ganganagar airport?
00:05:00:Yes, Mr. Azhar?
00:05:02:How did you find out that|I am Azhar speaking?
00:05:04:I mean... Sir Azharuddin, Niamuddin,|Kutmuddin...
00:05:07:My friend...
00:05:09:I am dead today.
00:05:11:Sir, is this any mental|asylum's number?
00:05:14:See... I wish to speak to Farah.
00:05:17:I am her unfortunate father,|can you understand?
00:05:21:Sir, I can understand. I|have two daughters too.
00:05:24:One is eleven years old, and|the other is of nine months.
00:05:26:I am very sorry to hear|that. I request you...
00:05:29:...will you please call Farah now?
00:05:32:Why are you requesting|me, it is my duty.
00:05:35:So why don't you fulfill it?|- Yes, please hold on. - Yes.
00:05:46:Zeba...|- Zeba is dead.
00:05:53:And listen. Don't|come back home now.
00:05:59:What did Zeba say?
00:06:01:Farah... what happened?|What did Zeba say?
00:06:04:I am not going back home...
00:06:06:Farah... what did Zeba say?
00:06:09:Papa was on the phone...
00:06:13:I am not going back home.
00:06:15:Hey, please listen.
00:06:18:Please listen.
00:06:21:Come for a second.
00:06:24:I have an idea.
00:06:26:What?|- My brother did the same thing.
00:06:28:Your brother...
00:06:30:Cool it, he is married now.|Just listen to me.
00:06:33:Tell me.|- Make her pregnant. - What?
00:06:36:It is six. I had a flight at seven|from Delhi to Chandigarh.
00:06:40:My whole schedule has gone kaput.
00:06:43:Nothing is happening on time.
00:06:44:Siddharth, whatever happens,|is for the best.
00:06:47:Not always.
00:06:49:It's possible that this|is good for someone else.
00:06:52:I don't think so.
00:06:56:It is from Chandigarh.
00:06:59:Bonjour... I mean... hello.
00:07:01:Rishabh... listen... shall|we call your brother?
00:07:05:What will my brother do?
00:07:06:Are you about to do|something or him?
00:07:08:What if your brother's|wife explains...
00:07:10:...it to Farah?|- What will be explained to Farah?
00:07:13:Wait, Priyanka. Serious... man.
00:07:16:Hey, Rahul.
00:07:18:Shall I speak?|- You?
00:07:23:Okay.|- Will anything happen?
00:07:25:I am here, why are you so tensed?
00:07:27:You sit down.
00:07:32:Farah... Rishabh has an idea.|His brother did it too.
00:07:39:He was in a similar situation.|- What?
00:07:43:Rishabh... tell her.
00:07:51:Brother too.
00:08:04:It's okay. Yes, greetings, aunty.
00:08:08:What happened?
00:08:14:Sanjana Taneja... whom I going|to meet in Chandigarh.
00:08:19:She has run away.|- What? - She has run away.
00:08:26:With whom?|- With her... - With her?
00:08:32:With her girlfriend.
00:08:35:Girlfriend? - Yes, girlfriend.|You know... like a les...
00:08:40:Everything has started here too.
00:08:43:Sid, I am sorry.
00:08:45:Sorry? Why? She wasn't my wife.
00:08:48:No, not like that.|Because all this...
00:08:50:...has started out in India|too, therefore...
00:08:55:Actually, India is sorry.
00:08:59:Excuse me... I will have a smoke.
00:09:01:India is sorry... bloody...|where is this craziness?
00:09:11:What is the matter, Ms. Chanchal?
00:09:13:Why is there such silence|like a cease fire?
00:09:17:What is the secret in the sky?
00:09:20:I was waiting for|the stars, and you?
00:09:24:The ones who are close to the moon...
00:09:27:They don't wait for the stars.
00:09:32:You are humorous all the time.
00:09:35:How do you live with such|pain in your heart?
00:09:40:I am a solider, Ms. Chanchal.
00:09:43:And the people who|are taught to die...
00:09:46:...they aren't scared of life.|- Teach me to die too.
00:09:52:Because I want to live. For myself.
00:09:58:Ms. Chanchal...
00:10:00:This was told to me by the late|captain Gayatri Bubbles.
00:10:06:And I took her to the officer's|mess for a wine in the evening.
00:10:13:What happened after that?|- Dinner, after wine.
00:10:18:And after that?|- As a officer and a gentleman...
00:10:22:...I went to drop her to her house.
00:10:26:And then?
00:10:29:Well, it was good night, bye|and see you after that.
00:10:34:And... after that...
00:10:38:After that... there was a kiss...
00:10:45:Ms. Chanchal... you are a very|smart lady. - Thank you.
00:10:51:Okay, aunty.
00:10:53:So, what did Duggal aunty say?
00:10:55:Siddharth told Duggal|aunty over the phone...
00:10:57:...that he is confused|between the two of us.
00:10:59:Kapish? Good bye.
00:11:02:Bloody Italian.
00:11:05:He told her... that he will|choose one out of us two.
00:11:09:Because the girl in Chandigarh|has disappeared.
00:11:11:And the one whom he has selected...
00:11:13:...she has already rejected him?
00:11:17:Shall I tell you something, Manju?
00:11:18:Yes. - Even I am getting|angry now. - Same here.
00:11:22:But tell me something.|- Yes?
00:11:24:So much on the first date?
00:11:26:Why not? I am a soldier,|I know how to live.
00:11:29:I know how to die. I|know how to love too.
00:11:34:Is it? Then shall we go?|- Go? Where?
00:11:42:To drink wine. To live and to die.
00:11:53:Colonel... how are you?
00:11:55:Officer... there is no hope...|or any alcohol...
00:11:58:The situation is very bad.
00:12:01:Colonel... I don't know of any hope.
00:12:04:But we have alcohol, we have|beauty... and everything else!
00:12:11:Thank you, soldier.
00:12:14:I am young? I am a father|of two daughters.
00:12:18:Yes, but you may find me|young after two pegs.
00:12:21:So, soldier, which wine|are you offering us?
00:12:24:Sir... this is the one which|our boss hasn't seen as yet.
00:12:27:This is the one, you|please drink it.
00:12:31:Wow... Mr. Singh...
00:12:33:Singh? Let me correct you,|I am not Singh, I am Dubey.
00:12:37:Sardar, and you are not a Singh?
00:12:39:Then why are you in this get up?
00:12:40:The reason behind this get up|is that my mother was a Sikh...
00:12:42:...and my father was from Bihar.
00:12:44:And I am Ramcharan Dubey.
00:12:46:Father's name and mother's pride.
00:12:48:And this poor man was trapped|in between their love.
00:12:52:Mr. Dubey... this is good.
00:12:55:Do you want a smoke or something?
00:12:57:Cigarettes are smoked by children.
00:13:00:We like something else.
00:13:05:Sure... sure...
00:13:07:So how many people work|on your airport?
00:13:10:Almost half of the crowd does work.
00:13:15:Well said...
00:13:16:Tell me if you wish for anything.
00:13:19:Thank you. Like that...|I have got everything.
00:13:32:Sid... what did you decide?
00:13:36:About what?|- There is just one out of the two.
00:13:39:That shouldn't be so difficult.
00:13:40:You can even toss.
00:13:43:Your attention please...|dinner is being served.
00:13:46:Passengers traveling on the...
00:13:47:Flight T3357... are requested to|proceed towards the lounge...
00:13:49:Shall we have the|food and then toss?
00:13:52:I will just have a smoke...
00:13:54:Have two if you wish.
00:13:57:My god, this is disgusting.
00:14:12:I am not hungry.
00:14:13:Farah, it is nine.
00:14:15:I know that, what difference|does that make?
00:14:17:May it be ten, eleven,|twelve or thirteen.
00:14:21:You move, Rahul. And|you have your food.
00:14:24:Go?|- Where should I go?
00:14:27:New York. You have a|flight from Delhi.
00:14:30:You go and meet your parents,|move around and have fun.
00:14:33:Farah, we are going together.
00:14:36:Rahul, we are not going anywhere.
00:14:38:And nothing will be done now.
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