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Hired Sword - Jester
Hired Sword - Jester
15gc to hire +5gc upkeep
May be Hired: any warband except skaven, undead, and possessed.
Rating: Increases the warband's rating by +5 points, +1 for each exp
4 2 2 3 3 1 5 1 9
Equipment: Jesting stick (counts as club), sling
Special Rules:
Skills: May choose from speed and academic skills
Taunting - Target warrior within 12" and jester's line of sight must make leadership
check. if failed victim must move directly towards the Jester at maximum rate and try to
engage him in hand-to-hand combat. doesn't affect animals or zombies. lasts for one turn.
(concept: the jester mocking the target in the hopes of enraging it and luring it into an
Jesting - The leadership of all friendly models with a 3" radius of the jester is increased
by 1. (concept: telling jokes to boost moral)
Distraction - Drops opponent's WS by 1 in hand-to-hand combat (to a min of 1). doesn't
affect animals or zombies. (concept: hopping about, singing, etc to distract opponent)
Difficult to Hide - Opponent gets +1 to Initiative for spotting (concept: bright clothes
and little jingling bells make it harder to hide) I've always had a soft spot for Jesting and
after seeing them in a few of the illustrations in the rulebook thought it would be fun to
include them in this great game. The idea was to create a character that would be fun to
use and useful, but not too powerful.
Looking at what I have here I was thinking that 12" seems a bit long for Taunting, but I
can't seem to find a distance that feels right. Also, the Distraction ability just doesn't
seem to fit with the overall concept, but I kinda like the idea. I'm not too sure if the hiring
cost and/or rating are right. Seems like the Jester might be a bit more useful that an
Halfling Scout (who's hiring cost and rating I used for a base).
Any comments and suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
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