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Handjobs April 98
Winner of three
Handjobs contests È
hot chest, hot ass,
and stiff dick.
See 2/98 inside cover
for more of him.
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You must be 18 or older (21 in some states) to purchase this magazine.
Handjobs © April 1998
Florida Tales 3 by J. Robert Handcock
Family Reunion by Douglas
Seducing My Big Brother by Benny
Cry Uncle 3 a true story by a Reader
The Jailhouse by Peter
Truck Driver Dad by Eman
Teach Me, Daddy by Ian Cappell
New Mexico by J.D. Thompson
a true story by a Reader
Copyright ¨ 1998 by Avenue Services, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in
whole or in part without written permission of the publisher, Avenue Services, Inc., a gay-owned and operated
business. Published monthly by Avenue Services, Inc., PO Box 23219, Seattle, WA 98102-0519.
Handjobs is a trademark of Avenue Services, Inc.
This magazine is in compliance with the so-called ÑChild Protection Act of 1995Ò.
No responsibility can be assumed for unsolicited material. All rights in letters sent to Handjobs will be treated uncon-
ditionally assigned for publication and copyright purposes and are subject to HandjobÔs right to edit and
comment upon editorially.
Safe and sane sexual behavior is encouraged by the publisher. The publisher, editor and contributors to Handjobs
cannot be held responsible for accidents or injuries or any other misfortunes that results from proper or improper
application of information imparted or ideas generated by material in Handjobs. Handjobs is designed to be used
only as an aid for masturbation. Any similarity between people and places in the fiction in Handjobs and any real
people and places is purely coincidental. Despite the terms such as ÑboyÒ or ÑsonÒ, all characters in the fiction of
Handjobs are 18 years of age or older. It may be against the law to have sexual intercourse with people under the
age of 18, but we do print memoirs of men talking about their own boyhood experiences. Printed in the US.
Rewards of Hitchhiking
Dear Handjobs : Handjobs Anthology Volume 1 was good. Handjobs
Anthology Volume 2 is excellent. All the stories have boner-stiff dick
stamped on each one. I say keep up the good work. IÔm looking
forward to Handjobs Anthology Volume 3. ¤ FL
Dear Handjobs : When I received your February 1998 issue I nearly
creamed in my pants. My cock got hard at the guy on the inside front
cover. I would love to sit on that piece of meat! Then on the back last
story Ï Roger Payne , whew! I dreamed of the three of us in a bed. You
have a lot of great stories in the February issue. My favorite was Creamy
Nephews illustrated by Buck . I, too, grew up on a farm. My dad always
had big, burly, hairy, work hands and they were always pissing in the
bushes and I was there to watch. One summer I was 15 and a black
guy and white guy worked for dad and they were both hairy. They caught
me looking while one was pissing and before the day was done I had
been fucked by both of them twice. I later found out that my uncle was
watching, because he later also had the four of us at his basement. After
that, I couldnÔt get enough cock. IÔm 41 years old now and every now
and then I still like to get a hold of some big, juicy cock. I would like
to see a spread of Roger Payne in your issue and who is the guy on the
front inside cover? ¤ NC
Handjobs Reply: The hot man on the inside cover of the February
1998 issue is a fellow from the East Coast, who was a winner in three
of our photo contests. There is a lot more to see of him in this issue.
He loves to show off his fine body and stiff equipment. Enjoy.
Dear Handjobs : From what IÔve seen of your magazine so far, itÔs likely
that your readers would be interested in my own story. My family is
all from Madison and most of them still live there. WeÔre all a pretty
blue-collar bunch, stable enough, but able to have fun wherever we
My father grew up very poor, the third of six children, and so
sober in demeanor that his childhood nickname was ÑJudgeÒ. The only
time he kidded around and laughed much was when heÔd been
drinking. For me that was the best time to be around him, but for my
teetotaling mother, it was a character fault.
Dad met my mother in junior high and dated her for seven years.
She was a classy catch for the neighborhood they came from, but Dad
was handsome and never stopped fucking whatever trashy woman crossed
his path.
During the Korean war my dad got drafted, even though heÔd
already served a stint in the Marines. He ended up in San Diego where
he became a valuable boxer for the Army and never got sent into combat.
The rest of his life he kept the huge arms he developed in the ring.
In short order my parents had my sister and my brother. Several years
4 ¤ Letters
later they had me and we all lived together until I was about twelve.
After that my mother couldnÔt take my fatherÔs fucking around or drinking
any more and got a divorce.
All of us kids stayed in our childhood home with Mom while Dad
took first a small apartment, then a small home on the south side of
town. Soon enough, however, my brother was agitating to go live with
Dad and since I didnÔt want to be in a house of women, I did the same.
It was weird at first to live just with Steve and our father. We were
expected to take care of ourselves pretty much, though occasionally
one of DadÔs lays would stay with us awhile and try to put a ÑwomanÔs
touchÒ on the house.
One of Ôem put the moves on me once. She backed me up against
the kitchen wall and made a grab at my crotch, but I shoved her off
and ran out of the house. I think Ôcause she was mad at me for that,
she told my dad IÔd tried to rape her. This must have seemed pretty
unlikely to him Ôcause he just said sheÔd better move out then.
Right after that, Dad had ÑThe TalkÒ with me. Sitting on his bed,
he brought out some pussy mags he had and told me what all a
womanÔs parts were called. He called it ÓsnatchÔ, which I didnÔt under-
stand; it made me think that pussy probably moved around, so you had
to catch it in motion or something.
He told me men could like womenÔs tits and pretended to shove his
big fingers up the pussy of the woman on the page. At this I doubled
over Ôcause my dick was growing big in my jeans. I began to shake a
little bit. Dad must have thought I was upset Ôcause he draped one big,
heavy arm across my back and shook me slightly.
HeÔd gone drinking right after work that day and the smell of beer
mixed in with the sweat of his underarm wafted around him. The room
seemed unbearably close as he continued on and on about different
positions for fucking. I felt dizzy and frankly wanted it all to be over,
but he seemed to have a lot to tell me. I think it was one of the first times
heÔd felt really close to me. Always before IÔd had my nose in books,
but now my interest in sex was apparent and that was something my
dad could understand. He felt like he was giving me the benefit of his
I looked up into his face. His normally swarthy skin was a deep red
and I realized all at once that my dad was as turned on by our conver-
sation as I was! His usually stern eyes had a real softness about them
and the way his mouth moved, he seemed to lick each word before saying
Letters ¤ 5
His hand moved from my shoulder to my left ear and began to stroke
it slowly, absently. He began to ask me what I had done with girls. Ñhave
you ever felt a girlÔs pussy?Ò he asked.
I couldnÔt talk. My mouth was bone dry and my stomach was so
cramped I could barely breathe. I just shook my head and shrugged.
ÑMaybe IÔll git you a woman È howÔd you like that?Ò He smiled and
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