The Drink Tank 060 (2005).pdf

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The Drink Tank Issue Sixty
At Year-End Close-Out Prices!
M Lloyd on The Year
in Sex
SaBean MoreL on
The Year in Drugs
Jay Crasdan on The
Year in Rock ‘n Roll
Frank Wu on The
Suckfest that was
Two-Thousand and
Christopher J.
Garcia on Stuff
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Welcome to the final issue of The Drink Tank for the busy year passed. It wasn’t
an easy year, and frank ly I missed most of it while I was slaving away over putting out
far more issues than anyone could ever read! There was a war on, supposedly. The
Forty-Niners and the Raiders sucked, but so did the Packers, so I’m OK. Hockey was on
Strike, and then it wasn’t.
Some folks passed away, like Hunter S. Thompson, Jack Chalker, FM Busby,
Robert Sheckley, Richard Pryor, Fay Wray and Frank Kelly Freas. Other traditions
passed to, like teh San Francisco Sourdough Bread factory that had been turning out
loaves for more than a Century and a Half.
This issue is dedicated at all those members of the Drink Tank Cahootery (or
maybe We should call ourselves the Constabulary) and Thanks for all the great work you
guys have sent my way to supplement the crap that I put out! To M, Jay, SaBean, Frank,
Kelly, Lloyd, Eric, John, Pops, Evelyn, Mike, Manny and Jusith: This one’s for you!
The Year in Sex
by M Lloyd
As always, there was sex in 2005 that
rivalled anything that had been seen in the
history of the world. Some of it was amazing-
ly good, like the last date I had in Geelong
before Jay and I got back together, and some
of it was bad, like the last date Jay had be-
fore he and I got back together. It happens,
but on a grander scale, sexual thinking and
appreciation changed a fair bit.
The irst thing is the Guys have inally
taken back Popular Culture from the Lesbi-
ans. After nearly ive years of utter domina-
tion, the Great American Dyke-Out is over
and Gay Males, that oh-so-overlooked group
since the explosion of Anne & Ellen, are
back in style.
Well, perhaps it’s just that real life
Ellen & Portia don’t have the same steam
that Those gorgeous ictional gay cowboys in
Brokeback Mountain do. Maybe it’s the way
that Six Feet Under ended the year and just
plain blew The L-Word out of the water. My
thought is that it’s the fall of the Metrosexu-
al. No longer are hets, that dastardly bunch,
wearing light make-up and exfoliating. Gay
culture been returned like 40 acres and a
mule to the rightful owners.
Or maybe it had something to do with
Graham Norton, I’m not sure.
That’s not to say there wasn’t some
world-class lesbionics. Sheryl Swoopes came
out, which was big, and Tina Fey and Amy
Poehler played up some really funny girls
dating bits on Weekend Update. Cynthia
Nixon was shot with her highly unattractive
girlfriend all year long, and I’d say that Cyn
was a big get for the Other Team.
As far as Heterosexualism goes, there
was plenty of it. The Sex Tape phenomena
kept going. So did athletes getting popped
for date rape. There was an increase in the
amount of sex on free television, though far
less of an increase over 2004 than 2004 was
over 2003.
In porn, there’s the best-selling video
Pirates, which is worth seeking out for a
combination of production values and just
plain hotness. I did terrible things to myself
the thirty or so times that I watched it. Jesse
Jane, the lead, is probably the most perfect
woman ever assembled. She’s just so damn
HAWT!!! Sweet Jesus Christ, she’s a babe!
The ilm also has a story and I understand
that it was the most expensive porn ilm
ever! Adam & Eve, the production company
and distributors, had a sure-i re winner.
GOD, is Jesse Jane Hot!
So, that’s the year in Sex. I could go
on, talk most in depth about the people
who’ve been more in-depth, but frankly, I’m
off to watch Pirates again.
time, but only recently has it become a big
deal that folks have started to address. It
really started with Ecstacy in the 1980s,
but that would usually start at a club and
progress from there. The Sex User will set up
a date and save the drugs for the moment
when they’ll make their fuck. X is still prob-
ably the most valuable drug for that use,
though Meth, Coke, and even H are all up
there. I recently saw a PSA about not taking
someone home to nail them while tweaking.
It was actually very specii c and pretty pow-
erful. I actually thought twice about taking a
guy home to fuck his brains out while hit-
ting Brain Canyon.
The Year In Drugs
by SaBean MoreL
I gave up drugs years ago. Well, that’s
not true. I gave living on drugs a long time
ago. I still indulge a bit, but there’s no more
needles and almost 0 nights where I wake
up in a place I don’t recognise. Like any
good ex-Junky, I’ve kept up on the happen-
ings in the world of illegal pharmaceuticals.
Heroin is out! Meth is in! Meth really
came to the top in the 2001-2002 timeframe.
Heroin hasn’t really been the big drug of
choice for the intelligentsia in years (after a
short reign following the X years). College
kids love Friday night Meth moments. You
can usually tell the hot drug of the year by
going to a club where the hustlers work.
They’ll spot the ones who are using the drug
of choice and work them, which is exactly
what’s happening to methheads nowadays.
What’s funny is that Crank used to be
the low man on the Totem Pole. When Coke
was the big deal, Crank (or Clear or Rock or
Ice) was the domain of Truckers
trying to make it from Coast to
Coast without sleep. Now, it’s at
every high school party.
The other thing in drugs
is the ‘Sex User’. The Sex User
has been around for a long
The Year In Rock ‘n Roll
by Jay Crasdan
I’ve suffered. It’s been years since I’ve
had good rock ‘n roll to deal with. Every so
often I’ll i nd a fun little piece of business.
like a new Frank Black album or, even bet-
ter, a re-issue of Crime or The Avengers or
Black Flag. This year had some highlights.
I’m not a big fan of The Killers, but
at least they put rock back on track. While
groups like Matchbox 20 made it impossi-
ble for me to believe that real rock was still
alive, groups like The Shins, The Killers, and
The Hives all were making OK rock that felt
at least somewhat true. They opened the
door for Franz Ferdinand to come and re-
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lease us all.
Frankly, the best rock of 2005 wasn’t
rock at all. The Dresden Dolls were making
music that really felt new and different...but
it wasn’t Rock. No way even I could make
that leap. Sadly, the same can be said of
Richard Cheese, who once Chris turned me
onto him, I couldn’t stop listening to. FF
went straight ahead, even making depend-
able groups like Audioslave and Modest
Mouse to shame.
Speaking of The Mouse, they had a big
year. They really stepped up, even playing
SNL. They had a big year, and though their
recent album wasn’t as good as any of the
ones they released in the 1990s, it was still
a worthy addition in a time when we needed
Franz Ferdinand really popped, ex-
ploding onto the scene and taking no prison-
ers. They’re straight-ahead and tough. When
I irst heard the album, I thought it was
going to suck, but it came forward in a really
aggresive way.
M also turned me on to The Veronicas.
They’re an Australian group that will ex-
plode in 2006. Good girl pop, that’s what it
is, and the album, released in Oz in October,
is the second or third best of the year.
Sadly, there was also Coldplay, who
took a riff from Datadate by Kraftwerk and
turned it into a song that just made me
grind my teeth at night.
No Elvis Costello. No Joe Jackson. No
Elliott Smith. Those three were responsi-
ble for most the albums that saved terrible
years in the 1990s, but not anymore.
2006 looks good. If Franz & co put out
a good tour, we might see them rise to the
level where Coldplay and Aging tour-freaks
(like Paul McCartney, who does put on a
good show) tend to live.
So long, 2005 - You Really Sucked!
By Frank Wu
O Fortuna velut luna
statu variabilis,
semper crescis aut decrescis;
vita detestabilis
nunc obdurat et tunc curat
ludo mentis aciem,
egestatem, potestatem
dissolvit ut glaciem.
An adage in English history is that
bad kings must alternate with good. The
frivolous and incompetent reign of Edward
II is interposed between those of the
lionhearted Edwards I and III. English kings
are thus like “Star Trek” ilms, but with the
numbering scheme reversed.
Fortune spins like a wheel, turning
them - and us - as on a rotisserie.
Sometimes we face the lame, sometimes
we face away, but then it all changes back
“Is this my beginning - or is this
the end?”
For me, last year was an annus
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mirabilis. I got married in whirlwind
romance and won a Hugo award. But a pal
cautioned that I’d have to pay up with one
bad year. He won’t admit that he cursed
me, but... this year, I proceeded to lose a
Hugo and get divorced in a hailstorm of
physical and verbal abuse. (Random note:
If you stab someone with their own words,
be sure to twist them so the wound won’t
Saint Paul - blessed with many
insights and visions - wrote that he was
troubled by a “thorn in his lesh.” What
he meant exactly, we don’t know; whether
his thorn was physical (cancer? a sore that
wouldn’t heal?) or symbolically emotional or
spiritual, we don’t know. But he wrote: “To
keep me from becoming conceited because
of these surpassingly great revelations,
there was given me a thorn in my lesh, a
messenger of Satan, to torment me.
Three times I pleaded with the Lord to take
it away from me. But He said to me, ‘My
grace is suficient for you, for My power is
made perfect in weakness.’ “
Similarly, in this life there are things which
God says I can have and things which are
denied me. Sure, I can have money, health,
artistic fulillment, hair, a minimum of
allergies - things many people long for.
But, Everlasting Love, well, nope, not
for me apparently. Perhaps I should
learn Paul’s lesson. If we were allowed to
the good must alternate by holy writ with
the bad, some big plans are on my schedule
for 2006.
One is going to Nicaragua to dig
wells in October (between Worldcon and
World Fantasy). Many years ago, I heard
about this organization called Living Waters
International, which goes around the world
not just telling people about God’s love, but
actually showing it - by building wells and
water puriication systems in Latin America
and Africa. Every 20 seconds, someone
somewhere dies from drinking contaminated
water illed with all sorts of hideous viruses,
bacteria and worms. People are starving
to death, but all they need is water. Most
plants will grow in just about anything,
even among rocks, if given enough care
and water. So I’ll be going, Lord willing, to
a couple training camps in how to run and
repair drilling equipment, and then I’m off
to Nicaragua for a week. It’d be great if,
later some time, I can go there every year, or
perhaps go for a longer trip to Tanzania.
I wrote an article in Pete Young’s
fanzine Zoo Nation #6 about the future
of science iction art. I pondered what
the meaning of art was - if we could
keep mindlessly painting cutesy dragons
and winged kittens while the world was
systematically destroying itself with famine,
war, disease and death? I still haven’t
igured out how my art can help change the
have everything
we wanted, we
would become
insufferable brats.
I certainly don’t
want to be that. So
perhaps this is all by
world, but perhaps
this is how my life
The other
big thing I want
to do involves
art. The Licensing
International Show
occurs in New York
every June. There
people show off
their projects, while
toy-makers and
folks from other
companies appear to
buy up projects.
I’ve got two. One
“Is this to end
or just begin?”
Well, Lord
willing, and keeping
in mind the idea that
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