
(116 KB) Pobierz
// Turkish language module for EVEREST
// Translated by:
//   �zkan Ak (o_ak<at>yahoo<dot>com)
// Currently maintained by:
//   �zkan Ak (o_ak<at>yahoo<dot>com)
// Last updated: Aug 23, 2009

// Hata, �neri ve hert�rl� geri bildirimleriniz i�in bana e-mail atabilirsiniz
// Bu daha iyi bir �evirinin olu�mas�na yard�mc� olacakt�r.

// application menus
Fav&orites=&S�k Kullan�lanlar

// application menuitems
&Audit Manager=&Denetleme Y�neticisi
&Database Manager=&Veritaban� Y�neticisi
&Change Manager=&De�i�iklik Y�neticisi
Disk &Benchmark=&Disk Kar��la�t�rmal� Testi
***C&ache And Memory Benchmark=Gyorsito&tar es memoria sebessegmeres
&Monitor Diagnostics=&Monit�r Tan�mlama
System &Stability Test=Sistem &Karal�l�k Testi

***Status &Bar=Allapot&sor
Large &Icons=&B�y�k Simgeler
&Small Icons=&K���k Simgeler

&Report Wizard=&Rapor Sihirbaz�
Qu&ick Report=&H�zl� Rapor
All pages=T�m Sayfalar
Favorites=S�k Kullan�lanlar
Report &Converter=Rapor &D�n��t�r�c�
R&emote Report Wizard=&Uzak Rapor Sihirbaz�

&Add Report Files=Rapor Dosyalar� &Ekle
Add Reports from Data&base=&Veritaban�ndan Rapor Ekle
Compare &List=&Kar��la�t�rma Listesi
&Statistics Details=&�statistik Ayr�nt�lar�
Statistics &Diagram=�statistik Diya&gram�
Full &HTML Report=Tam &HTML Raporu
Remove &Computer from Audit=Denetlemeden Uzak &Bilgisayar� Kald�r
Remove All C&omputers from Audit=Denetlemeden &T�m Bilgisayarlar� Kald�r
&Join Lines=&Sat�rlar� Birle�tir
D&elete Section=&B�l�m� Sil

Connect to &Remote Computer=Uzak Bilgisayara &Ba�lan
Monitor Remote Computers=Uzak Bilgisayarlar� G�zlemle
&Monitor Remote Computers=Uzak Bilgisayarlar� &G�zlemle
&Accept Incoming Remote Connections=Gelen Uzak Ba�lant�lar� &Kabul Et
&Ignore Incoming Remote Connections=Gelen Uzak Ba�lant�lar� &Yoksay

Remote Computer Information=Uzak Bilgisayar Bilgisi
Remote Computer &Information=Uzak Bilgisayar &Bilgisi
Message to Remote User=Uzak Kullan�c�ya �leti
Me&ssage to Remote User=Uzak Kullan�c�ya &�leti

&Browse Files=&Dosyalara G�zat
Screen S&hot=Ekran Res&mi
&Full Size=&Tam Boyut
&Half Size=1/&2 Boyut
Q&uarter Size=1/&4 Boyut
R&un Program=Program� B&a�lat
&Close %s=%s &Kapat
&Turn Off=&Kapat
&Restart=Yeniden B&a�lat
&Log Off=&Oturumu Kapat

&View Log=&G�nl��� G�ster
&Disconnect=&Ba�lant�y� Kes

Add to &Favorites=S�k Kullan�lanlara &Ekle
Remove from F&avorites=S�k Kullan�lanlardan &Kald�r

&Info Database Status=&Veritaban� Durumu
&What's New=&Yenilikler Neler?

%s &Help=%s &Yard�m
%s &Online=%s &�evrimi�i
***%s &Forum=%s &forum
Co&mmand-line Options=&Komut-sat�r� Se�enekleri
***&Enter Product Key=&Termekkulcs beirasa

License Agreement=Lisans Antla�mas�
What's New=Yenilikler Neler?

// remote features
Connect to Remote Computer=Uzak Bilgisayara Ba�lan
Connect to &single computer=&Tek Bir Bilgisayara Ba�lan
Scan local &network for computers=&Bilgisayarlar i�in yerel a�� tara
Connection Established=Ba�lant� Kuruldu
Client Connected=�stemci Ba�land�
Connection Refused=Ba�lant� Reddedildi
Please enter command line=L�tfen komut girin
Please enter process name=L�tfen i�lem ad� girin
Please enter service name=L�tfen hizmet ad� girin
Incoming Message=�leti Al�nd�  
Run Program=Program� Ba�lat
Remote File Browsing=Uzak PC'ye G�zat
Remote Screen Shot=Uzak PC Ekran G�r�nt�s�
Remote Program Launch=Uzak PC'de Program Ba�lat
Remote Server Shutdown=Uzak Sunucuyu Kapat
Remote Power Off=Uzak PC'yi Kapat
Remote Restart=Uzak PC'yi Yeniden Ba�lat
Remote Log Off=Uzak PC'de Oturumu Kapat
Remote computer is currently busy.  Please try again later=Uzak bilgisayar me�gul. L�tfen daha sonra tekrar deneyin.
Connection Type=Ba�lant� T�r�
Server Log=Sunucu G�nl���

// remote monitor
Remote Monitor=Uzak Ekran
Connect to Remote Computers=Uzak Bilgisayarlara Ba�lan
Connect to &Remote Computers=&Uzak Bilgisayarlara Ba�lan
&Remove from List=&Listeden Kald�r
OS=��letim Sistemi
Idle Time=Bo� Zaman
Mem. Total=Toplam Bellek
Mem. Free=Kullan�labilir Bellek
Disk Total=Toplam Disk
Disk Free=Bo� Disk
Active Window=Etkin Pencere
Process #%d=%d. i�lemi
Service #%d=%d. hizmeti
Screen Shot=Ekran G�r�nt�s�
Save Screen Shot=Ekran G�r�nt�s�n� Kaydet
JPEG files=JPEG Dosyas�
Save &As=&Farkl� Kaydet
Date Modified=De�i�tirilme Tarihi 
Process and Service Monitor=��lem ve Hizmet Monit�r�
Process #%d name:=��lem #%d ad�:
Service #%d name:=Servis #%d ad�:
Update Frequency=G�ncelleme S�kl���
UpTime, IdleTime:=Hizmet S�resi, Bo�ta S�resi:
CPU usage:=CPU kullan�m�:
Memory usage:=Bellek kullan�m�:
Hard disk usage:=Sabit disk kullan�m�:
Network usage:=A� kullan�m�:
SMART status:=SMART durumu:
Anti-virus status:=Anti-vir�s durumu:
Process count:=��lem say�s�:
Active window:=Etkin pencere:
Process monitor:=��lem monit�r�:
Service monitor:=Hizmet monit�r�:
Start Service=Hizmet Ba�lat
St&art Service=Hizmet &Ba�lat
Stop Service=Hizmet Durdur
&Stop Service=Hizmet &Durdur
Connect &To=B&a�lan
Remote Moni&tor=Uzak&tan �zleme
Remote System &Information=Uzak Sistem &Bilgisi
Remote Co&ntrol=Uzaktan Ko&ntrol
Computer Groups=Bilgisayar gruplar�
New Computer Group=Yeni Bilgisayar Grubu
Modify Computer Group=Bilgisayar Grubunu De�i�tir
&Group name:=&Grup ad�:
Address may be one of the following items:=Adres a�a��daki ��elerden biri olabilir:
computer name (e.g. ADMINPC)=bilgisayar ad� (�r. ADMINPC)
IP address (e.g. adres (�r.
IP address range (e.g. adres aral��� (�r.
Multiple addresses can be entered, separated by comma=Birden fazla adres virg�l ile ay�r�larak girilebilir
Display disk spaces in &GB=Disk bo�lu�unu &GB olarak g�ster
Run on the &local computer=&Yerel bilgisayarda �al��t�r
Run on the &remote computer=&Uzak bilgisayarda �al��t�r

// remote report
&Select All=&T�m�n� Se�
&Clear All=T&�m�n� Temizle
Command sent=Komut G�nderildi
Welcome to the Remote Report wizard=Uzak Rapor Sihirbaz�na Ho� Geldiniz!
This wizard will help you to create report files of remote computers.=Bu sihirbaz uzak bilgisayarlar�n rapor dosyalar�n� olu�turman�zda size yard�mc� olacak.
Remote computers=Uzak Bilgisayarlar
&Remote Computers=Uzak &Bilgisayarlar
Please choose the computers you want to have report of:=L�tfen rapor almak istedi�iniz bilgisayarlar� se�in:
Report output=Rapor ��kt�s�
Please enter reports file name and reports folder:=L�tfen rapor ad�n� ve rapor klas�r�n� girin:
&Destination folder for the collected reports:=Toplanm�� raporlar i�in &hedef klas�r:
File&name for the collected reports:=Toplanm�� raporlar i�in dosya &ad�:
Save to &file=&Dosyaya Kaydet
&Send in e-mail=E-mail ile g�&nder

// remote processes
End Process=��lemi Sonland�r
&End Process=��l&emi Sonland�r
Are you sure you want to end '%s'?='%s' sonland�rmak istedi�inize emin misiniz?

// winsock errors
Remote computer cannot be found=Uzak bilgisayar bulunam�yor
Connection timed out=Ba�lant� zaman a��m�na u�rad�
Remote computer name cannot be resolved=Uzak bilgisayar ad� ��z�lemiyor
Incorrect password=Hatal� parola

// info database status
Info Database Status=Veritaban� Durumu
Hard Disk Drives=Sabit Disk S�r�c�leri
Optical Drives=Optik S�r�c�ler
Video Adapters=G�r�nt� Ba�da�t�r�c�lar�
JEDEC Manufacturers=JEDEC �reticileri

// database manager
Database Manager=Veritaban� Y�netici
%d reports=%d rapor
%d computers=%d bilgisayar
%d users=%d kullan�c�
%d days old=%d g�n
%d reports selected=%d rapor se�ildi
Show &Outdated Reports=&Eskimi� Raporlar� G�ster
&Insert Report Files to Database=Raporlar� Veritaban�na &Ekle
&Export Selected Reports=Se�ili Raporlar� &Ver
&Delete Selected Reports=Se�ili Raporlar� &Sil
Delete &Outdated Reports=&Eskimi� Raporlar� Sil
Switch &RComplete Field to Yes=&RComplete Alan�n� Evet'e De�i�tir
Do you want to insert '%s' file to database?='%s' dosyas�n� veritaban�na ...
Zgłoś jeśli naruszono regulamin