Suzumiya Haruhi Volume 3 - The Boredom of Suzumiya Haruhi.pdf

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Suzumiya Haruhi Volume Three : The
Boredom of Suzumiya Haruhi
Cover Page
Inside Flap
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Prologue Flap
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As much as I'd like to say the club was founded on the melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi, my own
melancholy would be a much more appropriate description. The SOS Brigade was established in
early spring, while the whole self-made movie incident happened in the autumn. The project
caused me to sigh endlessly, but hardly fazed Haruhi.
Half a year had gone by between the two events. Of course, in that time, which included the
summer, Haruhi could not and did not let time pass by pointlessly. It was no surprise that there
had been so many illogical and absurd incidents. I don't even know if some of them were real
incidents or just accidents. Let's just say that we were pulled into everything against our desires.
No matter what you say, seasons come and seasons go. As the average temperature rises,
inconceivable ideas arise endlessly from Haruhi's mind, similar to how different kinds of insects
appear out of nowhere. It would be all right if she kept those ideas inside her head, but no, those
ideas always result in a variety of creepy situations that the whole group is forced to deal with
properly. What is going on?
I don't know what Itsuki, Yuki, or Mikuru are thinking, but here is what my self-diagnosis tells
me, at least. My mind and body are healthy, but every time something happens, I feel as if I am
some sort of small round animal that can't move easily because I ate too much. The same ending
always happens, and that is myself rolling on and on down the hill.
Perhaps I have already started rolling.
Haruhi has a very bothersome habit: whenever her mind is not filled with happy thoughts, she
starts thinking up ideas that make you want to laugh and cry at the same time. Anyway, she just
cannot endure sitting still and doing nothing. She is just that kind of person. Whenever she has
nothing to do, she will go and find something to do. This will usually be something absurd. From
my personal experiences, whenever Haruhi says something, the rest of us will not be able to
enjoy our peaceful days. Perhaps those good old days will never come back. What a troublesome
It doesn't matter if the result is good or bad, as long as her life is not boring. That's Suzumiya
Haruhi for you.
Because this is a rare chance, let me share with you how our SOS brigade fought back
“boredom” during the half a year when our melancholy became frustration. As to why I said this
is a rare chance, I actually don't know. I just think that it wouldn't do me harm if I shared the
stories. And, anyway, I really hope that at least one person will “share” my indescribable
Yes... Let's start with that silly baseball game.
The Boredom of Suzumiya Haruhi
The Boredom of Suzumiya Haruhi
One day in the headquarters of the "Suzumiya Haruhi Brigade to Bring More Excitement to the
World," or SOS Brigade for short (in reality the Literature Club room), Haruhi announced with
the same enthusiasm as a baseball team captain who drew the first seed at Koushien:
"We are entering the baseball tournament!"
It was after school one day in June, and it had been two weeks since the "nightmare" event. Since
then, I had been unable to concentrate on my studies. My test results were a real life nightmare,
on this early summer day. Haruhi didn’t seem like she had been paying attention in class, yet her
results made it into the top 10. If there exists a God in this world, I believe that he is a
mischievous and biased person.
Oh well, this didn't matter anymore. I am more concerned with the content of Haruhi’s
announcement. What was she talking about?
I looked around at the three other people in the room.
The first that caught my eye was Asahina-san, her face as innocent as that of a middle school
student. If she had white fluffy wings, she would look like a cute little angel on her way back to
heaven. Her face and small body suits her. I know full well that she can be very glamorous.
For reasons unknown to me, Asahina-san was the only person in the room not wearing her high
school uniform. Instead, she was wearing a pink nurse uniform. With her cute lips half opened,
she looked intently at Haruhi. She is not a nursing student nor a costume-wearing weirdo, but is
just merely following the instructions of Haruhi. Haruhi must have bought this costume from
some odd website again. She's been bringing weird clothes and making Asahina-san wear them. I
believe many people would be asking the same question, "What's the point in wearing these
She replied, "Why do we need an explanation for that?"
Haruhi instructed Asahina-san, "You must wear this costume whenever you're in this room,
always!" Asahina-san would resist with "But, but..." In the end, she would still obediently follow
Haruhi’s commands with tears in her eyes. She looked so adorable that sometimes I felt
compelled to embrace her from behind. Yet so far I have not been able to do that, I assure you.
By the way, just for your information, two weeks ago her standard attire was a maid costume, but
right now it’s hanging on the clothes rack. Actually the maid costume suits Mikuru better and I
preferred it more, so I do hope she would revert to that costume soon. I believe Asahina-san
would comply with the audience's request, though she would be troubled and embarrassed by it.
Yup, that would be good.
After hearing Haruhi’s speech on the baseball tournament, Asahina-san the nurse made her
She made a sound as sweet as a canary then stopped. It was natural for her to have such a
I turned my gaze to the other girl in the room.
Her height is similar to Asahina-san's, but her presence, compared to Asahina-san, was like that
of a thin cabbage to a sunflower. Nagato Yuki, as always, was indifferent to her surroundings as
her gaze was fixed on her open hardbound book.
About every ten seconds, she would flip the pages with her finger, it was then that people could
realize that this girl was still living. I was sure a parrot would have a bigger vocabulary than she
would, and even a hibernating groundhog would be more active than she is.
As her presence doesn’t really make a difference, there was no need to describe her in detail. If I
have to make a brief description, then she's a first year student, like Haruhi and me, and she is
the sole member of the Literature Club - the original occupant of this room. In other words, our
club, the SOS Brigade, has borrowed the use of this room from the Literature Club. To be more
precise, we have taken over this room like parasites. Of course the school has not approved of
this, since our application to form a club has been ignored by the student council.
I turned my gaze away from Nagato's expressionless face, and saw sitting by the side the
handsome grinning face of Koizumi Itsuki. He looked at me with an amused expression. This
guy's opinions were of lesser importance than Nagato's. This mysterious transfer student -
according to Haruhi anyway - brushed aside his bangs and slowly broke into a smile, much to my
chagrin. As our eyes met, I had a strong urge to punch him as he shrugged his shoulders
meaninglessly. He was seriously asking for a beating.
"What did you say we are entering?"
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