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Lawman Lover
saranne dawson
ISBN 0373225032 9780373225033 9"780373"225033">
an extraordinary detective and an exceptional lover. Amanda
Sturdevant remembered everything, every caress and kiss, of her one
night with him, but nothing from a long-ago night of terror that had
left one woman dead and Amanda barely with her life--and amnesia. Now
those missing memories might hold the key to an unsolved murder
assigned to Michael. Reunited again, they can't deny their
still-smouldering past or the fact that someone close to Amanda was a
killer. Michael would leave no stone unturned, but would his pursuit
put the woman he loved in danger?
Danger, deception and suspense. Silhouette Intrigue
Erotic fantasies of him inundated her. Electricity shot through
Amanda: a bolt of lightning that jolted every nerve ending in her
In the half second she had to anticipate Michael's kiss, she expected
harshness, an aggressive demand. Instead, a soft, subtle persuasion
parted her lips and then made her tongue curve sensuously around his.
He held her now carefully, almost uncertainly. For a moment she stood
there, arms down at her sides, revelling in a helplessness that wasn't
really her, but belonged instead to the schoolgirl she had been.
"I want you," he rasped against the throat she had bared to him.
Years ago the young girl had daydreamed about Michael Quinn, not really
knowing what she wanted. But now the woman knew.
Dear Reader,
What a month May is! With four gripping tales of mystery, Silhouette
Intrigue will have you on the edge of your seats!
Gayle Wilson's SECRET WARRIORS trilogy comes to an end this month with
Her Baby, His Secret, where Griff Cabot comes back from the dead and
has to save the baby daughter he never knew he had--it's romantic
suspense at its best! But don't be too disappointed by the loss of the
warriors, we have more than a sneaking suspicion that they'll be back
and, meanwhile, we have a new trilogy beginning-CAPTIVE HEARTS.
Three women go from hostages during a crime to prisoners of passion.
That's Father, Lover, Bodyguard from Cassie Miles now and, next month,
Patricia Wemer's His To Protect.
In Tina Vasilos's In Her Lover's Eyes nurse Abby Chance becomes
involved with sexy murder suspect Zach Andros. And in Saranne Dawson's
Lawman Lover Michael Quinn is reunited with old flame Amanda Sturdevant
in their quest to find a killer. We're sure you'll find them all quite
Look after yourselves and come back next month when there'll also be
new books from Rebecca York, Shawna Delacorte and Charlotte Douglas.
The Editors
If you did, you should be aware it is stolen property as it was
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the publisher has received any payment for this book.
All the characters in this book have no existence outside the
imagination of the author, and have no relation whatsoever to anyone
bearing the same name or names. They are not even distantly inspired
by any individual known or unknown to the author, and all the incidents
are pure invention.
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part in any form. This edition is published by arrangement with
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First published in Great Britain 2000 Silhouette Books, Eton House,
18-24 Paradise Road, Richmond, Surrey TW9 1SR :) Saranne Hoover 1999
ISBN 0 373 22503 2 460005
Printed and bound in Spain by Litografia Roses S.
" Barcelona
Saranne Dawson is a human services administrator who lives deep in the
woods of central Pennsylvania. Her hobbies include walking, sewing,
gardening, reading mysteries--and spending time with her grandson,
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