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The Trigon Rituals II: Deep Pressure
Angelia Whiting
The Trigon Rituals II:
Angelia Whiting
The Trigon Rituals II: Deep Pressure
Angelia Whiting
© copyright January 2007, by Angelia Whiting
Cover art by Jenny Dixon, © copyright June 2006
New Concepts Publishing
Lake Park, GA 31636
This is a work of fiction. All characters, events, and places are of the author’s imagination and
not to be confused with fact. Any resemblance to living persons or events is merely coincidence.
The Trigon Rituals II: Deep Pressure
Angelia Whiting
-My sincerest thanks to Janalee R.
for your wonderful comments.
-To De Shanna thanks for the help-love ya darlin’
The Trigon Rituals II: Deep Pressure
Angelia Whiting
Transcending the galaxies the hunt has begun.
Two come to claim her and three become one.
Deep within the CalyTron Galaxy in the sector known as the Third Ward, more than
fifteen hundred phases back, the ancient planet of Tertia was just beginning to travel amongst the
stars. Led by a team of mostly females, they were the first of their kind that would soar to skies
afar. Their first stop was a nearby planet. Uninhabited and vastly rich with resources and
wildlife, it was dubbed the sister planet to Tertia and became known as Terta Minor.
By the end of the epoch many Tertani had transmigrated and the planets flourished.
Technology on both worlds abounded, as well, and it wasn't long before the Tertani advanced
beyond the forefront of space exploration, developing the capability to navigate the galaxy
beyond their homeland territories. New worlds were discovered, some deserted, some primitive,
and some possessing knowledge that was exceedingly more advanced than the Tertani could
have ever imagined. And within the axis of these progressive societies, they found a highly
organized, intergalactic system. Under the control of a regulatory commission, known as the
Galactic Allegiance it was the means by which the societies within the CalyTron Galaxy kept
law and order. Consisting of representatives from each of the planets, the Tertani were eager and
pleased to join their folds.
It was an exciting time in Tertian history, for their advancement in space exploration was
about to explode. Tertia and Terta Minor were keeping company with the greatest explorers and
the most advanced societies that they had ever known. Tertani females in particular clamored to
be part of these first expeditions. Restless by nature and with an innate sense of adventure they
became almost feverish about participating in space voyages. In addition to that and much to
their pleasure, the vastness of the universe provided a greater distance to which they could run
when the whim struck them. Far be it for the Tertani males to interfere with this need, for not one
would argue with the females' penchant for fleeing.
Particularly when it came to sex and breeding.
As an undomesticated culture long ago, the Tertani women once traveled in aggregates
away from the men, roaming freely on the Tertian terrains. In order to marry and mate, the men
had to stalk them down. Of course, it wasn't uncommon for a female to become overwhelmed by
two alpha warriors, known as the brethren males, intent on ravaging her body. Thus came the
reaction to escape. It was instinctive, an intrinsic part of their natures, carried through the
generations from the dawnings of old. A deeply revered spiritual element of the Trigon Rituals,
this fleeing of the females and stalking by the males was called the Triconjugal Hunt. But it was
more a celebration than it was a frustration. In fact, once the summoning of two males to the
Trigon and the subsequent translinking, or blending of their minds had begun, they much
enjoyed the chase. Just as it was in their ancient history, the same still held for the Tertani men of
the modern age.
The Trigon Rituals II: Deep Pressure
Angelia Whiting
The faster and harder their female ran, greater was the impulse and the pleasure to pursue
her. And the longer a time it took to capture and claim their Tina--the Tertian word for virgin, the
more aggressive and persistent and sexually aroused the Trigon males would become, urging
them on a relentless quest for her.
And dare no man or beast or spirit get in their way.
By the time the Tertani people were fully integrated within the advanced societies of
CalyTron, more than seventy percent of their unmated women had become nomadic, visiting
planet after planet in the galaxy. Though this resulted in a higher proportion of Tertani men
living on the home planets than women, it really brought no concern, for they were never known
to marry with other than their own kind. It was by sacred blessing of the Mahatma Divinities that
the Trigon brethren found their mate.
And she was always a Tertani female.
Until catastrophe struck.
Known as Brits Scorn, there was no cure. It came in the form of a highly contagious,
sexually transmitted disease, and since sex was considered a recreational activity by many in
CalyTron, it spread quite easily. But because it took epochs to thread its way through the galaxy
the impending devastation that Brits Scorn would eventually cause was not immediately
It affected females and males differently. Where infected males typically lived to their
life’s full expectancy, the disease slowly ate away at their brains, making them violently
aggressive, but no less intelligent. Females on the other hand, didn't become aggressive, but they
usually died within three to five phases, or years. Some females escaped infection but became
carriers and could infect the males they had sex with. Infected Babies born to them before
reaching their first phase of life. Some of the offspring were born as carriers, while other babes
were completely free of the disease. Of those free of disease, the females were sterile, but for
unknown reasons, the males were not.
The disease first ran rampant on the planet Krell. It began as a curse cast by the faerie,
Windi Britny some epochs back, after she was violated by Jonhi, a Krellian prince. Though clans
of Krellians managed to escape, the disease eventually snatched every individual who remained
there. Realizing the future of their race was doomed, the Krellian males, in their madness from
being tainted, began a reign of war, organizing a massive invasion of as many planets as they
could conquer. Men were slaughtered, women, mated or unmated were seized, repeatedly passed
around and brutally raped as the Krellians sought to breed.
Though the Galactic Allegiance deployed military regiments and managed to set up
perimeters that held the Krellians at bay, Brits Scorn had become epidemic and crept its way to
many planets in the galaxy. As a result, a high percentage of men driven to insanity and
irrationality by Brits Scorn, joined and fought on the side of the Krellians. Collectively they were
known as the Radicals and became the enemy of the Galactic Allegiance.
Subsequently, The ISDS--Intergalactic System for Disease and Sickness Control began to
move quickly. Quarantines and galaxy-wide medical screenings were called for. Infected
individuals were barred from society and banished to the colonies of Puratan to live out the
remainder of their days. But despite the massive effort to eradicate the disease, it was already too
late. Of the fifty-two planets, thirty already harbored many individuals who were contaminated
and it was impossible to find and isolated them all.
As Brits Scorn spread, infected women began to die. The balance between males and
females became exceedingly unequal and the availability of fertile, untainted females became a
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