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Chapter 25 - 25.63
63. We imagine moving all the charges on the surface of the sphere to the center of the the sphere. Using
Gauss’ law, we see that this would not change the electric field outside the sphere. The magnitude of
the electric field E of the uniformly charged sphere as a function of r , the distance from the center of
thesphere,isthusgivenby E ( r )= q/ (4 πε 0 r 2 )for r>R .Here R is the radius of the sphere. Thus, the
potential V at the surface of the sphere (where r = R )isgivenby
V ( R )= V r =
8 . 99
E ( r ) dr = R
1 . 50
10 8 C
4 πε 0 r 2 dr =
4 πε 0 R
10 9 N · m 2
C 2
=8 . 43
10 2 V .
0 . 160 m
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