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Chapter 9 - 9.72
72. (a) We denote the mass of the car (and cannon) as M (excluding that of the cannonballs) and the mass
of all the cannonballs as m . For concreteness, we assume that before firing all the cannonballs are
at the front (left side of Fig. 9-52) of the car, which we choose to be the origin of the x axis;we
choose + x rightward. The coordinate of the center of mass of the car-cannonball system is
x com =
(0) m + 2 M
M + m
2( M + m )
After the firing, we assume all the cannonballs are at the other end of the car;the train will have
moved (in the negative x direction) by a distance d ,atwhichtime
x com = 2
d M +( L
d ) m
M + m
Equating the two expressions, we obtain d =
M + m <L. If m
M , the distance d can be very
close to (but can never exceed) L .Thus d max = L .
(b) After each impact, there is no relative motion in the system;thus, the final speed of the car is equal
to that of the center of mass of the system, which is zero.
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