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Chapter 1 - 1.6
6. (a) Using the fact that the area A of a rectangle is width
length, we find
A total =(3 . 00 acre) + (25 . 0 perch)(4 . 00 perch)
=(3 . 00 acre) (40 perch)(4 perch)
+ 100 perch 2
=580pch 2
We multiply this by the perch 2
rood conversion factor (1rood / 40 perch 2 ) to obtain the answer:
A total =14 . 5 roods.
(b) We convert our intermediate result in part (a):
A total =(580perch 2 ) 16 . 5ft
=1 . 58
10 5 ft 2
Now, we use the feet
meters conversion given in Appendix D to obtain
A total = 1 . 58
10 5 ft 2 1m
3 . 281 ft
=1 . 47
10 4 m 2 .
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