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000022-UK audioformaten
new audio formats
high resolution and lots of features
Digital audio has become
commonplace. Many things have
changed since digital audio was
introduced into the consumer
market in the 1970s. The technology
has been improved, and media
capacities have increased
considerably, partly due to the
development of new generations of
semiconductor lasers.
Many people find it difficult to imagine that music shops
looked completely different twenty years ago. In a remark-
ably short time, vinyl records have been forced to make way
for a very broad assortment of CDs, and recently also DVDs.
The vinyl phonograph record has now practically disap-
peared from the face of the earth, along with the equipment
used to play it.
After the first initiatives to digitise audio information for the
consumer market in the 1970s, and the appearance of the first
audio CDs in the market over fifteen years ago, a lot of effort
has gone into developing successors to the CD that can lift
the quality of the audio information to even higher levels.
Although the audio CD represents the ultimate musical expe-
rience for many of us, there are certain technical weaknesses
in its design. New developments are certain to change this
The development of the audio CD in the ’70s and ’80s of the
last century was in many regards a tremendous technical
breakthrough. Traditional analogue recording techniques,
which up to then consisted of grooves in vinyl disks or mag-
By H. Steeman
One of the first audio CD players from Philips.
Elektor Electronics
netic tracks on tapes, were discarded.
The development of A/D and D/A converters was a diffi-
cult task in the early days of digital audio. A multibit PCM
coding scheme with a relatively low sampling rate was chosen
for digitising the audio signals. Based on an audio bandwidth
of 20 kHz, the sampling rate was set to 44.1 kHz, with a reso-
lution of 16 bits. At that time, these were top-level specifica-
tions that allowed very good quality to be achieved.
side of the disk, as well as by using both sides of the disc. Let’s
have a closer look at all four of these formats.
DVD-5 (4.7 GB)
Single-sided, one layer
This format is the most elementary member of the DVD fam-
ily. The disc has a storage capacity of 4.7 GB. Only one of the
two substrates has an information layer. However, the two
substrates are combined (glued together) to produce a single
substrate that is 1.2 mm thick.
The digital recording of audio information was not the only
innovation. The use of the CD as a storage medium was also
a technical breakthrough. For the first time, a semiconductor
laser was used in a consumer product to read a digital opti-
cal storage medium at a high data rate. Nowadays, it’s impos-
sible to imagine our daily life without audio CDs.
The manufacturers of consumer electronics products find
that the time is ripe to raise the quality of audio reproduction
to a new level. Unfortunately, they have not been able to
agree on a single new standard. Two new audio media have
been introduced into the consumer market, where they will
compete with each other in the coming years: Super Audio
CD and DVD-Audio.
Bonding layer
Reflective layer
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Figure 1. Construction of a DVD disc with one optical
data layer (DVD-5).
DVD-9 (8.5 GB)
Single-sided, two layers
This DVD variant is single-sided, but it uses two layers on the
one side. This results in a capacity of 8.5 GB, which is a bit less
than twice 4.7 GB. The difference is due to measures used by
the manufacturers to improve the readability of the second
layer. The resulting bit pattern on both layers is thus 10%
larger than that of the DVD-5 and DVD-10 formats.
Each layer is located on a 0.6-mm thick substrate, with one
of the layers being semitransparent (gold coloured). The two
substrates are glued together using a transparent (optically
neutral) adhesive to make up a single assembly. The storage
capacity is more than adequate for recording a complete fea-
ture film with high quality (MPEG2 format), and it also pro-
vides room for the storage of supplementary data, including
eight tracks of audio information.
Any improvement in the quality of digital audio goes hand
in hand with an increase in the amount of digital data that
must be stored. Given that the dimensions of a CD (4 3 / 4 inch
or 120 mm) has more or less become an industry standard, it
is inconceivable that a physically larger disk (and thus yet
another new format) would be used. Furthermore, compati-
bility with existing devices and/or software is an important
prerequisite for the successful introduction of a new system.
This means that the storage capacity of the optical medium
must be improved. It took a long time for consensus to be
reached within the industry regarding a new generation of
CDs, but this has finally come in the form of the DVD (Digi-
tal Versatile Disc).
Although a DVD appears to be the same as a normal CD to
the naked eye, it is considerably more sophisticated. In the
first place, a different type of laser is used to read a DVD. This
laser uses light with a shorter wavelength (635 to 650 nm
instead of 780 nm). This makes the light spot that is used to
read the DVD much smaller. This in turn means that the
length of the digital data pits can be reduced from 0.83 to 0.4
micron. At the same time, the tracks can be made narrower,
so that adjacent tracks can be placed closer together. The track
pitch of the DVD has thus been reduced to 0.74 micron, com-
pared to 1.6 micron for a normal CD. These measures com-
bine to increase the storage capacity from 640 MB to 4.7 GB.
However, even this is inadequate for some applications. Con-
sequently, there are four formats specified for the DVD:
DVD-5, DVD-9, DVD-10 and DVD-18. In addition to these
formats, there are also agreements regarding (re)recordable
DVDs, but these fall outside the scope
of this article.
The smallest DVD has a storage
capacity of 4.7 GB, while the largest
has a capacity nearly four times as
large (17.1 GB). All DVDs employ two
substrates (transparent plastic layers
carrying the digital information) that
are 0.6 mm thick. With traditional
CDs, only one substrate is used, with
a thickness of 1.2 mm. Since the total
capacity of a single substrate layer is
4.7 GB for all DVDs, it follows that the
maximum capacity can only be
achieved by using two information
layers on top of each other on each
Reflective layer
Bonding layer
Semi-reflective layer
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Figure 2. Construction of a DVD disc with two optical
data layers on one side (DVD-9).
DVD-10 (9.4 GB)
Two-sided, one layer per side
This DVD variant uses both sides of the disc, with a digital
Table 1. Comparative physical specifications of DVDs and standard CDs.
Number of layers
Substrate thickness
1.2 mm
0.6 mm
0.6 mm
Number of substrates per disc
Track separation
1.6 micron
0.74 micron
0.74 micron
Minimum pit length
0.83 micron
0.4 micron
0.44 micron
Reading speed (m/s)
Laser wavelength (nm)
Numerical aperture (NA)
Elektor Electronics
storage layer with a capacity of 4.7 GB on each side. In order
to play back both sides, the CD must be turned over. For the
time being, this must be done manually, although it is in the-
ory possible to make CD players that can read both sides of
the disc without requiring it to be turned over by hand.
disc with two data layers is used. The information layer that
a normal CD player reads lies at the standard depth of
1.2 mm, while a special layer with high storage density is
located at a depth of 0.6 mm. The laser of a standard CD
player, operating at a wavelength of 780 nm, focuses on the
optical layer located at a depth of 1.2 mm and thus looks
through the high-density layer at 0.6 mm. The laser of a
SACD player, with a wavelength of 650 nm, focuses on the
high-density layer and does not see the ‘standard CD’ layer.
Reflective layer
Bonding layer
CD layer
Reflective layer
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HD layer
(transparent at 780 nm
reflective at 650 nm)
Figure 3. Construction of a DVD disc with one optical
data layer on each side (DVD-10).
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DVD-18 (17.1 GB)
Two-sided, two layers per side
The DVD-18 format is the variant with the largest imaginable
storage capacity. A double data layer is present on each side of
the disc, so that each disc contains a total of four data layers.
With this format, the two data layers on each side must be
placed on a single polycarbonate substrate. A photographic
process is used to produce the data layer that is located in the
middle of the substrate. With regard to the manufacturing
process, this means that a production system that transfers
the bit pattern to the photosensitive polymer must also be
available, in addition to the usual DVD press. The produc-
tion of DVDs according to this specification is very difficult
and presently quite expensive.
Figure 5. Construction of a Super Audio CD. Two differ-
ent optical data layers are present on one side of the
disc. The layer that is read depends on the type of laser
Up to now, we have described how the industry has
increased the amount of data that can be stored on a disc
with a diameter of 120 mm from 640 MB to a maximum of
17.1 GB. In order to make optimum use of this storage capac-
ity, and to also attach a user advantage to it, the recording
and coding techniques have also been improved.
Semi-reflective layer
Reflective layer
Bonding layer
Reflective layer
Semi-reflective layer
000022 - 14
f m
f s
f s-m
f s
f s+m
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Figure 4. Construction of a DVD disc with two optical
data layers on each side (DVD-18). The fabrication of
this format is presently very difficult and expensive.
Figure 6. When an audio signal is sampled, a mirror
image of the sampled frequency spectrum (f m ) is created
on the other side of the sampling frequency (f s ).
As already mentioned, the music
industry has introduced the Super
Audio CD in addition to the DVD. As
a data medium, this is a mixture of a
DVD and a normal CD. The develop-
ers of this concept, Philips and Sony,
needed a storage medium with DVD
capacity to accommodate the desired
improvements in the quality of the
audio information, but they
absolutely wanted to maintain com-
patibility with the traditional CD. The
Super Audio CD (SACD) can thus be
used with all existing CD players as
well as with the new SACD players.
Only in the latter case are the
improved quality and extra features
available. Here again, a single-sided
A compact DVD player for reproducing audio CDs, video DVDs and
special video DVDs containing audio tracks.
Elektor Electronics
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As already noted, the original audio CD is based on
multibit PCM coding with a resolution of 16 bits. Presently,
digital technology has advanced so much that speed itself
is absolutely no problem. Philips and Sony, who together
invented both the standard CD and the Super Audio CD,
have over the last several years developed a new recording
and coding system that is called Direct Stream Digital
(DSD). This works with a resolution of 1 bit and a sampling
rate of 2.8224 MHz (64·f s ). Figure 6 shows how the audio
signal is digitised. When an audio signal (f m ) is sampled at a
sampling frequency f s , then two ‘mirror ’ images of the
audio signal are generated, one on either side of the sam-
pling frequency. In order to prevent these mirror images
from overlapping, the sampling frequency must be chosen
to be as high as possible. With the standard audio CD, the
bandwidth of the audio spectrum is 20 kHz and the sam-
pling rate is 44 kHz. The original signal and the lowest part
of the mirror signal thus lie quite close to each other. Strong
filters that sharply cut off the audio spectrum just above
20 kHz are thus essential. Such filters can also affect the sig-
nals within the audio spectrum. If a high sampling fre-
quency (64·f s ) is used instead, the filtering problem disap-
pears, since the resulting image frequencies lie in a com-
pletely different part of the spectrum from the audio
frequencies. In addition, the resolution of the A/D converter
can be dramatically reduced, in this case to a single bit. For
each sample, the converter checks whether the amplitude
of the new sample is greater than or less than that of the
previous sample. This type of digitisation, which is called
delta-sigma conversion, forms the heart of a DSD converter.
If the conversion error (quantisation error) of the previous
conversion is taken into account in each new conversion
(which is referred to as noise shaping), the quality of the
sampling process can be improved even further. Figure 7
illustrates this process. The result is a digitised audio signal
with a bandwidth of 100 kHz (five times as large as that of a
normal audio CD) and a dynamic range of 120 dB, com-
pared to 96 dB for a standard audio CD. To achieve these
results, four times as much digital data are needed as for a
standard audio CD. A normal CD recording that takes up
600 MB thus requires around 2.4 GB in DSD format.
The audio specifications of DSD are so good that, with the
present state of knowledge, it is not better to make a better
recording. Philips and Sony have advised all recording stu-
dios to make their master recordings in the DSD format
(although the fact that the DSD format first appeared on the
market in mid-1999 means that very few studios have suit-
able equipment available, but that’s a different issue).
In order to guarantee compatibility with the existing PCM
technology, Sony developed what it calls Super Bit Mapping
Direct. Figure 8 shows how all standard PCM formats can
be derived from a DSD signal using this technique. It is pos-
sible to convert the signal to the PCM format with various
resolutions (16, 18, 20 and even 24 bits). If other formats are
thought up in the future, they can also be derived from the
DSD format.
It is generally thought that the audio industry will be able to
use the DSD format for the next twenty years.
DSD is the best possible recording technique, and the data
stored on the high-density layer of a Super Audio CD are in
DSD format. Since a maximum-length recording (74 minutes)
does not use the full storage capacity, there is room left over
for other information. In this regard, there is consideration
being given to multi-channel recording, graphic information
and text. Although Super-Audio CD players are presently
outside the price range of the average consumer, it is
expected that the prices of DSD decoders will drop so much
in the coming years that they will be built into more and
more equipment.
Loop Filter:
Noise Shaping
and Integration
DSP Output
Negative Feedback Loop
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Figure 7. A DSD converter employs a 1-bit delta-sigma
converter. If proper feedback is applied, the noise level
drops and the signal quality is improved.
on the DVD has also been worked on for the last few years.
The resulting formats were definitively laid down in a stan-
dard in April of 1999.
This standard is based on two DVD formats, which are
called DVD-Audio and DVD-AudioV. These two formats
stand in addition to DVD-Video, which is the format that has
been developed for the distribution of films. Future DVD
players should be able to play back all DVD formats, and
computers can work with them as well.
DVD-Audio offers new possibilities for the user, including
improved sound quality (due to an increased sampling fre-
quency and higher resolution), surround sound (multi-chan-
nel sound), longer playing time and supplementary func-
tions. The storage capacity of DVD-Audio with two layers is
adequate for at least two hours of very high quality surround
sound or four hours of stereo sound. The specifications of a
disc with only one layer are, overall, the half of these. In order
to increase the storage capacity, a lossless compression tech-
nique called Meridian Lossless Packing has been specially
developed for DVD-Audio. This increases the storage capac-
ity so much that at least 74 minutes of audio can be recorded
on a single DVD side. The hardware in the DVD player can
2.8224 MHz
44.1 kHz
1 bit
The sampling rate of
Direct Stream Digital
lends itself to simple
downconversion to all
the standard PCM
distribution formats
88.2 kHz
14.112 MHz
1 bit
32 kHz
48 kHz
96 kHz
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In addition to the Super Audio CD, an audio standard based
Figure 8. The Super Bit Mapping Direct technique can be
used to derive any desired PCM format from the DSD for-
mat, with regard to both sampling rate and resolution.
Elektor Electronics
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Up to now, only Sony supplies SACD players. These are still quite expensive; the illustrated model costs around £4000.
handle this compression without imposing too much of a
load on the processor.
In addition to all these attractive specifications, additional
measures have been taken with both DVD-Audio and the
Super Audio CD to make copying more difficult. The aver-
age user will (for the time being) not be able to make copies
that have the same quality as the originals. Criminal organi-
sations will have difficulty bringing copies on the market that
resemble the originals closely enough that the unwitting con-
sumer will not be able to tell the difference between an orig-
inal and a copy. The special watermarks that can be applied to
the data side cannot easily be reproduced.
In light of the fact that the anti-copy protection of DVD-
Video discs using the Content Scrambling System (CSS) has
recently been cracked, and that the cracking program DeCSS
was freely distributed via the Internet, it is a good question
how long these security measures will remain effective. A
variation of the CSS is also used for DVD-Audio.
As a complement to these audio formats, it is interesting to
note that a DVD-Video disc can also have eight audio chan-
nels. In this regard, the disc manufacturer can make a trade-
off between multiple mono channels, for example for
speech, and multi-channel sound recording. At least three
multi-channel audio recordings can be combined with a
video signal.
In the mean time, several music producers (such as Denon
and Chesky) have been making video DVDs containing only
two audio tracks of 96 kHz, 24-bit audio with very good qual-
ity. As long as no hardware and software are available for
DVD-Audio, these special recordings can be regarded as an
excellent alternative.
After this summary of the new audio formats, we must ask
ourselves if the consumer is really interested in all of this.
DVD-Video can be considered to be a successful new format,
but this clearly represents a qualitatively high-value combi-
nation of video and audio. It is doubtful that the true audio
fan will be overly enthusiastic about two new audio media.
The maximum data rate for DVD-Audio is 9.6 Mbit/s. This
means that the maximum sampling rate for multi-channel
audio is limited to 96 kHz. In order to make the best possi-
ble use of the available bandwidth, it is possible to apply dif-
ferent specifications to the various channels. For example, the
left, right and centre audio channels
could be sampled at 96 kHz with 24-
bit PCM resolution, while the two
rear channels could ‘make do’ with a
sampling rate of 48 kHz and 16-bit
coding. Other coding schemes can be
used in addition to PCM, such as
Dolby Digital (AC3), Digital Theatre
Sound (DTS), MPEG1 stereo or
MPEG2 multi-channel audio
(although the MPEG audio format
appears to have already lost the race).
DVD-AudioV is a supplementary
standard that combines audio with
video, such that the audio portion
can be played back on special DVD-
Audio player and the video portion
on a normal DVD video player.
Primary DVD-Audio and DVD-Video specifications.
linear or
linear PCM,
compressed PCM
Dolby AC-3
or DTS
Sampling frequency
44.1/48/88.2/96/176.4/192 kHz
48/96 kHz
16/20/24 bits
16/20/24 bits
Number of channels
6 (96 kHz maximum)
2 (176.4/192 kHz maximum)
Maximum bit rate
9.6 Mb/s (linear PCM)
6.144 Mb/s
Elektor Electronics
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