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In Level 2 Lesson 21 and Level 2 Lesson 29, we looked at how to say “more” and also how to say that something is
“more + adjective + than something else”. In this lesson, we will look at how to say “much more + adjec-
tive + than something” .
Although the Korean word for “much” (as an adverb) is 많이 [ma-ni] (we will cover this word in a later lesson), in
this case, you need to use a different word: 훨씬 [hwol-ssin].
훨씬 [hwol-ssin] = much (more), far (more), etc
멋있다 [meo-sit-da] = to be cool, to be stylish
더 멋있다 [deo meo-sit-da] = to be cooler, to be more stylish
훨씬 더 멋있다 [hwol-ssin deo meo-sit-da] = to be much cooler, to be much more stylish
Sample sentences:
1. 이게 훨씬 좋아요. [i-ge hwol-ssin jo-a-yo.]
= This is much better.
2. 서울에서 도쿄까지보다, 서울에서 뉴욕까지가 훨씬 멀어요. [seo-u-re-seo do-kyo-kka-ji-bo-da, seo-u-re-seo nyu-
yok-kka-ji-ga hwol-ssin meo-reo-yo.]
= From Seoul to New York is much farther away than from Seoul to Tokyo.
3. 일본어보다 한국어가 훨씬 쉬워요. [il-bo-neo-bo-da han-gu-geo-ga hwol-ssin swi-wo-yo.]
= Korean is much easier than Japanese.
= 한국어가 일본어보다 훨씬 쉬워요.
** Go back to Level 3 Lesson 11 to review on the “ㅂ irregular”
훨씬 basically is the “much” in the phrase “much more”, but when you use 훨씬, people already know that you are
comparing, so sometimes, (only) when you want to say “much more + adjective/adverb”, you can drop the word 더
from 훨씬 더.
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** You can’t drop 덜 from 훨씬 덜 , which means “much less + adjective/adverb” .
훨씬 더 좋아요. = 훨씬 좋아요.
훨씬 더 재미있어요. = 훨씬 재미있어요.
Examples of using 훨씬 with 덜.
** Go back to Level 4 Lesson 19 if you want to review on 덜.
[deol] = less
비싸다 [bi-ssa-da] = to be expensive
덜 비싸다 [deol bi-ssa-da] = to be less expensive
훨씬 덜 비싸다 [hwol-ssin deol bi-ssa-da] = to be much less expensive
가깝다 [ga-kkap-da] = to be near
덜 가깝다 [deol ga-kkap-da] = to be less near
훨씬 덜 가깝다 [hwol-ssin deol ga-kkap-da] = to be much less near
This PDF is to be used along with the MP3 audio lesson available at
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is studying Korean. If you have any questions or feedback, visit
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