SA Payne - All Souls Pass 01.1 - A Thanksgiving Feast.pdf

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A Thanksgiving Feast
by S.A. Payne
An All Souls Pass Side Story
Holidays don't always go as planned. Sometimes what isn't planned is the best plan! Nummy,
tasty goodness.
All Souls Pass:
A Thanksgiving Feast
Part 1
“Macy! Get moving, we need to get on the road.” York shouted as he pulled on his coat. “Traffic
is going to be crazy until we get out of the city.”
Macy sighed and buckled his belt of the too tight jeans he’s selected to wear today. They made
his ass look amazing and that was high on his list of priorities for a road trip. “Geesh I’m here,
settle down. Kid’s not going anywhere, we’ve plenty of time to get there and get back today.”
They’d only been back in the loft a few months and Macy was already certain they’d returned
home too soon. Maybe it would have been okay if Luke had come home with them but the boy,
now a man, was away at university. York had insisted that everywhere they went the two of them
enrolled in some class, Luke for credit and York to further his own interest in things. Over the
years Luke earned enough for his bachelor’s degree, even with some of the schools being a bit
more unorthodox than the rest, and they’d returned home to give Luke time to earn his master’s
in a more stable, and traditional, setting. York had lost his interest in continuing their wandering
and together they’d returned to their loft.
It had seemed like a good idea. They’d be far enough away from Luke so the boy would have a
chance to build his own life, make his own friends and experiences, but still close enough to be
on hand if he needed them. York had sworn he was ready to face the ghosts in their city and
home and Macy had believed him. It wasn’t until the newness of being back had worn off that
he’d started to see some signs of trauma creeping back into York’s eyes. The man flinched again
at too sudden a sound or movement, he was uneasy about going out alone after dark and their
sex life, which had been slowly improving over the years, had gone back to virtual celibacy.
There was no doubt they’d come back too soon. They should have given it a few decades, if not
longer. He should have made York wait until the cycle of destruction and rebuilding that was
always endless in any city had changed the landscape a bit more. Maybe if the streets with its
sights and smells had been a bit more different his lover would have been really okay instead of
the forced okay he was trying to be.
But, now that the Thanksgiving holiday was on them and Luke was coming home for a few days,
things would be better. Macy could admit that the boy was a blessing. He seemed to understand
York’s distances and moods without having to struggle and he’d acted as an amazing translator
helping Macy to understand what would have confused him. The boy was working one some
paper or project and had stayed at his off campus apartment for a few days and would be going
back to school early. They would only have a few days together again but even Macy knew he
York needed that.
“I just want to get there and get home.”
Macy ran a hand over York’s shoulder. The human had lost some weight but his body was strong
and beautiful. His hair had grown out, again, after both York and Luke had shaved their heads in
a Buddhist ritual two years ago. Now it was long enough to almost look normal and it’s return
made him itch to run his hands through it. Before he could give into temptation, York pulled on a
simple knit hat and tugged it down over his ears.
“Are you taking a coat?”
He had a new leather duster that he was in love with but it wasn’t quite cold enough to make it
worthwhile. Since he only wore a coat to blend in, wearing it out of season would only serve to
make him stand out. If he could pass as just a pale human, it was for the best. “Naw, I’m good.”
He pulled on his beloved fedora hat that would keep him from burning red like a lobster even in
the weak fall sunlight.
“Alright, you don’t have to go to the bathroom?”
“I just went.”
“Do you have your juice?”
Macy rolled his eyes but went to fridge to retrieve the bottle he’d almost forgotten. “And yes, I
have my games and the headphones. I won’t be pestering you for most of the trip.”
That made a thin smile appear on the otherwise blank face. “Good. We’re ready.”
York reached for his keys but before he could gather them up the phone rang. He sighed,
considered not answering it but picked it up. “Hello?”
“Oh, good! I’m glad I caught you guys before you left.” Luke’s voice chimed over the phone and
Macy’s ears twitched and caught every word.
“Just about to get on the road.”
“About that… I wanted to ask you if you’d mind if I don’t come home this holiday. The guy I’m
seeing? One of his friends had reservations at this bed and breakfast but they had a family
emergency and had to go down south for the holiday. Anyway they offered to let us go in their
place but it’s real last minute and I told him that I’d have to call and check and make sure it was
okay with you. I don’t have to go if you want me to come back.”
Macy saw a flash of pain cross his lover’s face before York turned his back to him. He drew a
silent breath and the pain wasn’t in his voice. “Who’s the one that’s been encouraging you to
make your own choices and make your own traditions? Of course we don’t mind.”
There was a pause on the phone for just long enough that Macy could almost see the boy tilt his
head to the side as he was thinking. “You’re sure?”
“Yes, I’m sure. Is this boyfriend your professor?”
“Former professor, yes.”
“Be careful with someone so much older than yourself.”
“That’s a fine thing to say.” Luke chuckled. “How old are you again? How old is Macy?”
“That’s different.”
“Of course it is. At least you know where I got a taste for older men from. Seriously, don’t worry.
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I’m not in love with him. It’s just, I can talk to him, you know? I don’t think he believes half the
things I tell him but that’s half more than kids my age. It’s good for now.”
“All I’ve wanted is for you to be happy.” Macy heard York say and he had no doubt the witch
meant it.
“I know, and I love you for it. Thank you.
“Nothing to thank me for.”
“I promise, Christmas, I’ll be home for Christmas.”
“You’d better be, I’ve already started shopping for you.”
“Please, like I need anything. You’re sure you’re okay with this?”
“I’m fine.”
“What will you do if I don’t come home?”
“Really, Luke, you act like I’ve never spent a holiday without you. I’ll be fine, stop fussing. I have
Macy, it’ll be good, just go with your lover and have a good time. You’re too young to act so old.”
York turned around and caught Macy’s worried look. He forced a smile to show he was okay but
they both knew it was a lie.
“Thanks. Kiss Macy for me?”
“I will.”
“Love you.”
“I love you to.”
That was how they always said goodbye. It fascinated Macy and while he’d been able to admit
his dependence on their relationship, he wasn’t able to express it as often as Luke thought he
should. Saying he loved York felt odd and wrong but he knew he couldn’t live without the human.
He was glad the two men had a relationship that allowed them to love each other so freely, it
made Macy feel less guilty.
“Guess we’re staying home now.” York said he hung up the phone.
“I’m sorry, baby doll.”
He pulled off his hat and started to shrug out of his coat. “I’m not. Luke needs to build his own
life. It’s not healthy for him not to.”
“I’m fine.” He held up a hand.
“Still want to go to the grocery store? It’ll be better today than tomorrow. Go get the shit you need
to make dinner tomorrow?”
York shook his head. “No point to it. It isn’t as if you can eat the turkey with me and gratitude and
a celebration of family isn’t exactly a trait of a vampire.” He forced a smile, it was painful to see
now. “Really, it’s fine. How many years have we passed before there even was a formal national
Thanksgiving? Too many to count, one more without one isn’t a big deal.” He ran a hand over his
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face and when it dropped the forced smile was gone. “Will you go dancing with me tonight?”
It had been years but some fears still clung to York. He hadn’t gone out to a night club alone
since his kidnapping, torture and rape. It didn’t matter that York was one of the most powerful
men in the city and could well take care of himself, it was his own fears of being made so
vulnerable again that made him fearful. With Macy nearby, he could function almost normally.
“I would love to go dancing. Let’s change.”
Dancing turned into drinking and a drunk York was a sexy sight. Macy spent most of the night
sitting quietly, watching as his lover writhed against the living mass on the dance floor. Even in
his well tailored dress slacks and very expensive cashmere sweater instead of his normal club
clothes most eyes were on him. It was just a tease, York needed the physical contact but wasn’t
ready for sex, especially casual sex, yet. As he danced, his eyes would drift to where Macy
lingered in the shadows and they both enjoyed the tease.
Close to dawn Macy figured York had enough of movement and booze. The human would never
admit it and wouldn’t go home until he either passed out or was dragged home. His nights out
dancing were almost masochist and Macy was only willing to indulge his lover’s self torture so
“You’re drunk.” Macy sighed as York leaned heavily against him in the elevator up to their loft.
“’m sorry…”
“It’s okay, just wish I could have joined you. You drive me crazy, watching you give every guy
there a hard on.”
A hand snaked down Macy’s chest, lower to tease over his groin. “Even you.”
“Especially me.” He grinned but the teasing smile dissolved as York’s lips found his neck and
kissed him as his body rubbed against his own. “Oh…oh…baby doll…” His hands clenched up at
his side as he struggled to not simply grab the other man and drag him to bed. “I want you so
The lips grew a little more aggressively. “I miss you…” York admitted. “I miss you in me….”
The words made Macy growl. “York…you dive me crazy…”
It was a threshold York hadn’t been able to cross yet. On a good day with the memories thin they
shared kiss and touch and whispered panting pleasure. On a very good day he was able to take
Macy or Luke and it was almost like it had been before but he hadn’t yet been able to be taken.
Each time they got close, York pulled away. It was maddening but it wasn’t the first time in their
relationship the sex had faded from their lives.
The lips flitted away and Macy caught the spiked scent of fear as the lift doors opened. “I’m
sorry, not…not drunk enough it seems.”
Denial was almost something he was getting used to but it still made his body shudder a little. He
covered the motion by lightly petting the glossy brown hair. “It’s okay…it’s okay. When you’re
ready, I’ll be here but I can wait. We have all the time in the world.”
They stepped off the lift and York swayed. They would have fallen if Macy wasn’t far stronger
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than he looked. “Easy now…easy…I’ve got you my drunk sexy beast…lets get you to bed.” All of
the other man’s weight was against him now and Macy considered just carrying him up the steps.
The only reason why he didn’t was while he helped him stagger around he could steal small,
seemingly innocent gropes and that was almost enough to make him happy.
Next Chapter
Short's Index
All Souls Pass:
A Thanksgiving Feast
Part 2
“That’s the way, one foot in front of the other…” Macy cooed as they staggered toward the stairs.
Outside the large windows the sun was brightening the sky with the first thin light of a fall
morning. “I’ll wake you for the parade. I know how much you like those giant balloons.” A few
decades earlier, York had made them go to the parade itself. They’d rented a room over the
route and watched it pass by with the windows open and the cold air blowing in.
York shook his head. “Let me sleep.”
“You sure?” It made Macy frown. The witch always watched the morning parades and even if he
wanted to deny it, seeing the very nice looking Santa at the end made him smile every year.
“Okay.” He got a grip on York’s belt and steadied the man as he climbed the spiral stairs. “I’ll call
around and get us a reservation for dinner.” It was Thanksgiving day and every place would be
booked but Macy was owed more than a few favors.
“It’s not about food, Mace.” York muttered as he staggered his way to the huge bed before
collapsing onto it. “It’s…it’s about family…”
“Than I’ll call Luke and tell him to get his bony butt home like he said he was going to do!” It
seemed stupid. York obviously wasn’t okay with their young stray going off with his lover but he
was letting him do it and causing them all pain and grief. The solution was simple, bring Luke
home, and Macy wasn’t sure why everyone was making such a big deal out of it.
“No!” York snapped and sat up. “Don’t you call him!”
“I mean it Macy, don’t you call him!”
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