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Campus Computing, University of Missouri-Columbia
This document summarizes the most generally useful commands of the Unix computer systems available at Mizzou. For
more detailed information consult the Unix man pages available on all the Unix operating systems. Specific Unix systems
often have considerable on-line documentation besides the Unix man pages. Consult the system-specific documentation.
Also, on SHOWME, considerable information is in gopher.
Examples in this Cook Book will show commands on showme.missouri.edu . Called SHOWME for short.
The description of the commands follows the convention of showing them in the Courier font.
For Unix commands and
capitalization is significant! Commands and file names will be shown in their appropriate case.
The Unix Operating System is Case Sensitive!!
The following Unix systems are available at public computer sites, by dial-up or via telnet or ftp.
Unix System
MU host names
Sites Available
AIX (IBM RS/6000)
Most sites; via telnet
Silicon Graphics
127 Physics
124 GCB
17 Engineering Complex West
222 GCB
127 Physics
* Each workstation has a number associated with it and is part of the host name.
University Rules Regarding Computing
Access is granted only to students currently enrolled in any MU course or to faculty members.
The MU rules regarding proper use of computing say, in general, conserve resources and do not use any resource without
proper authorization. No one may use a student user ID except the student with the corresponding student number.
Those found abusing computing resources are denied access to them and may face suspension or other censure.
More details regarding MU's User ID Policy, Rules of Computing and the Ethics of Computing are available in gopher
in the 3. Guidelines/ section. .
Unix Cookbook -May 7, 1999 - mrg - Version 1.0
file names:
Logging On
1. Telnet to the machine of your choice. If you need assistance, ask one of the User Consultants at one of the principle
computing sites.
2. The SHOWME login prompt will look like:
login: _
Your login user ID will be a lower case ' c ' followed by your student number if you are a student. If you have a faculty
staff user ID consult the documentation mailed to you by the Campus Computing Help Desk for your login user ID and
default password.
You will then be prompted to enter your logon password.
login: c123456
c123456's Password: _
If you have a student user ID then your default password will be your birthdate in the form of yymmdd. For example:
740607 if your birthdate is June 7, 1974. The first time you login the system will prompt you for a new password. You
will prompted to type in your new password twice (to ensure against typos) so both the computer and you think you
have the same password. Your password will not be displayed when you type it in.
login: c123456
c123456's password:
You are required to change your password.
Please choose a new one.
c123456's New Password: _
Choose a password that is easy for you to remember but one that isn't easy for someone to guess.
DO use a password with numbers or punctuation.
DO use a password that is easy to remember. Never write a password down anywhere!
DO use a password that you can type quickly, without having to look at the keyboard.
DON'T use your login name in any form.
DON'T use your first or last name in any form.
DON'T use your spouse's, child's or pet's name.
DON'T use other information easily obtained about use. This includes license plate numbers, telephone
numbers, social security numbers, the brand of your automobile, the name of the street you live on, etc.
DON'T use a password of all digits, or all the same letter.
DON'T use a word contained in an English or foreign language dictionary.
DON'T use a password shorter than 6 characters.
Unix Cookbook -May 7, 1999 - mrg - Version 1.0
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Remember Unix is case sensitive. The password: truman99 is not the same as: Truman99 or even the same as:
TRUMAN99 . More information about password selection is available in gopher .
login: c123456
c123456's password:
You are required to change your password.
Please choose a new one.
c123456's New Password:
Re-enter c123456's New Password: _
Announcements may appear after you login. These login messages will tell you about the machine's availability, system
maintenance, software changes, or any other information that you may need. Read these messages every time you login!
login: c123456
c123456's password:
You are required to change your password.
Please choose a new one.
c123456's New Password:
* showme.missouri.edu aix 3.2.5 on rs/6000 590 *
* -- watch this space for announcements 012794 *
* -- utilize "gopher" to access usage info. 012794 *
showme:c123456> _
This is a shell prompt -- here is where you may enter your commands.
Logging Off
To terminate your Unix session press ^D (Control-D) until your session ends. This won't work if you have previously set
ignoreeof. If this case, you must type logout or exit .
Unix Cookbook -May 7, 1999 - mrg - Version 1.0
On SHOWME extensive help is available via gopher . Type in gopher from the shell prompt and you'll get a menu that
looks something like:
Internet Gopher Information Client v2.0.16
Home gopher server: gopher.missouri.edu
-->_ 1. About the SHOWME gopher /
2. What is SHOWME? /
3. Guidlines /
4. How To ... /
5. News & Weather /
6. The Internet /
7. Around Columbia, MO. /
8. Feedback & More Information /
9. Campus Information & Gopher Servers /
10. Search the SHOWME gopher menus using jughead <?>
Press ? for Help, q to quit
To ask for a list of Unix commands involving some keyword, enter a command like this:
man -k keyword
apropos keyword
To get a detailed description of a specific Unix command or facility, enter something like this:
man command
Specific Unix systems often have considerable on-line documentation besides the Unix man pages. Consult the system-
specific documentation.
Unix Cookbook -May 7, 1999 - mrg - Version 1.0
Control Characters
These are the default control characters. You may change control characters with the stty command. ^ means hold
down the Control key while pressing the specified key.
kill the current process or line being entered
end of line. If you are reading a file from the terminal, this
will end it. If you are at a shell prompt, it will log you out
unless you have set ignoreeof .
stop current job, but leave it around. For more information
see man csh
Command Format
Unix commands are typically of the format:
command [-options] arguments [redirection] [&]
Where command is the file name of a program. The PATH variable defined by the set command specifies directories that
will be searched for this name. An explicit path name can be specified for a command, for example: telnet can be invoked
by: /usr/ucb/telnet
options are typically single letters with a " - " before them. Options may be specified individually, for example:
ls -l -g -R
Or usually they can be grouped:
ls -lgR
arguments are normally file names, separated by spaces, but can be other things. File names can include wildcards *
and ? . Special characters can be quoted with the backslash \ or single quotes ' ' .
The terminal is the default standard input, standard output and standard error message output for most commands. To
send output to or take input from another device, use redirection:
< inputfile read standard input from file
> outputfile write standard output to file
>> outputfile append standard output to file
>& errorfile write error message to file
| command2 pipe output as input for command2
& at the end of a command line causes it to be done in the background. You can type other commands while it is being
processed. See below for session control and job management commands.
Unix Cookbook -May 7, 1999 - mrg - Version 1.0
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