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The Workings of Babalon
-The Summoning of the Daemonic Feminine into a Material Avatar
-The Queen of the Witches Sabbat-
by Michael W. Ford - Akhtya Seker Arimanius
Illustration by Elda Isela Ford
The Temple and Altar should be decorated
as one who would call forth the Mother of
Harlots, the very Queen of Wolves and Blood
Drinking Djinn of the Deserts and Forests.
Crimson and pitch black, the essence of the
souls who walk immortal through the
Trapezoid, that unto whom raise forth the
Goddess of Spilt Blood and the Passion of
the Adversary - the very essence of the Sun
and the Moon. Life is the great celebration;
Babalon is thus the queen of becoming
through the Light of Azazel. To invoke the
spirit of Babalon whom is Lilith, ecstasy
through sexual union and focus through the
enchantment of the elixir, being the
consecration of her temple or fetish. A human
skull may be in the center of the altar, if
available a skull of a large dog and cat on
each side of the altar, representing the
bestial which is brought in union with the
The South wall should have an image of
Babalon upon the Beast; East wall an image
of Hecate as the Triple Goddess; The North
wall and image of Lilith; the West wall an
image of Az (See Elda Isela Ford's illustration
in YATUK DINOIH by the present author).
Two images of Lilith – Babalon are found in
the present authors works AZOTHOZ – A
Book of the Adversary and NOX UMBRA –
Nightside Luciferian Sorcery, Luciferian
Witchcraft and Vampyrism.
Statement of Intent-
I summon the Four Goddesses of the
Sabbat, who in unity shall manifest the
divinity of Lilith within. Through sound and
posture, ecstasy and pain, you shall enflesh
within my being. Hidden Serpent of the
Elphame Fire.
From the South - I invoke thee Babalon, fire and blood drenched goddess, passionate devourer
of the weak and fearful. I tear open the gateway - come forth through me!
From the East - Hecate - I invoke thee Witch Queen and begetter of the children of Cunning Fire.
By the Howling of Dogs, wolves and night beast - by the Shades of the Necromantic Circle - by
the words of sorcerous power whispered in the shadows of the falling sun - I Conjure thee!
From the North - Lilith, Mother of the Path I invoke thee - by the Owl and Beasts of the Earth, by
the daemon of the caves, by the shadow tomb of the vampyre, Lilitu, I invoke thee by thy Hidden
Names - Abeko, Batna, Abito, Eilo, Amizo, Ita, Izorpo, Kali, Kea, Kokos, Odam, Patrota, Podo,
Partasah, Satrina, Talto, Lilith!
From the West - Az, Mother of fornication whom joined in union with Ahriman, I conjure thee! By
the Daevas of the flames of Lust - I summon thee - I invoke the primal feminine chaos of your
Babalon Outstretched I call thee - Beneath the thorns and twisted trees which reach towards the
night sky - guide me unto the sacred crossroads - I behold the gateway above and below. From
the dreaming conclaves of the Sabbat I come unto you - Standing at the Northern gate of Cain,
thy son enfleshed!
I seek thee Lilith through the wilderness and desert isolation, in the caves of primordial darkness
and the burial tombs of the forlorn dead - bring me thy lore and wisdom in the circle.
Witch Mother and Queen of the Dead, whom beholds the sacred cup of blood unto the lips of thy
children, in the purity of thine eyes, hidden and revealed in thy lust…
I call to thee, Ancient Goddess who bears the lower limbs of the beast, express through me your
sinistral divinity - outstretched congress!
In the sacred circle I summon thee - With thy list, loins and heart enflamed…terrible and beautiful
triple mooned Queen..As in the black moon and the blood moon, in the wolf moon and pale
corpse moon - Shadow me in thy wings of approach. To me! To me!
I seek to sip at thy cup or fornication, the blood of immortal youth - eternal through thee - in the
mirror by the light of candle flame, in the circle by the devil's name - I invoke thee!
Move through me in the divinity of thy essence, by toad and wolf, by owl and cat, by serpent and
bat- Babalon - Lilith - AZ - Hecate - Triple Essence in thy Temple of Azothoz, sacred path of the
1. If performed in a Coven setting, one may have the Priestess of female becoming the vessel of
Babalon from which oracles may be exchanged. This rite is meant as an entrance unto Azothoz,
which is the path of the adversary through off-beat High Sorcery.
2. The Ritual may end with sexual congress, as well as a blood like substance within the Cup of
Babalon - Wine or such a liquid may suffice. Drink deep of the Elixir, one may keep also a Skull
Cap as the Chalice of Lilith (Kapala) and a Golden Chalice (the Elixir of Babalon).
The Record of the City of Chorazin, unto which One emerged in the Light of Babalon, the Caves
and Pools of blood which invigorate - by Akhtya Seker Arimanius
I call unto the four pillars of lunar and solar manifestation - the very essence of the Sun in the Eye
of the Adversary. That within the circle I stood, summoning forth the Holy Fire of Azazel, whom
brought unto me the Adversarial essence of my being, the divine unity through Opposition. In the
circle, unto whom Aiwaz was invoked, shall then reveal Set as the Sign of our infinite possibilities.
Through this circle and exhaustion of the invocations, was I led to her unto the Beled-el-Djinn, the
City of Chorazin. I was approached by the Spirits of Old, whom have transversed the earth since
the time of the fall. Unto the Sacred city did I walk unto the Tower of Black basalt, where at the
entrance I took the Cup of Blood under a black sun, which pulsated the atmosphere with the fiery
and immortal essence of Azazel, the Dual gateway of sacred divinity.
In the eyes of the Adversary, my essence of dual ecstasy, I understood that time flows through
the memory of the Watchers, that holding the cup which is the desire of Babalon, that by drinking
from it may I enter the Coils of the Serpent, and transform unto the Beast itself. The coils of
Leviathan to be held up to the twelve wings of Azazel - Samael, the Serpent Angel, from whom I
recite glorious and beautiful and above and so below.
I stood at the tower and gave the cup unto the great spirit of fire, whom was as a mirror in my
eyes. Entry unto this tower of the Sun, revealed as fire and black basalt through the mind of the
As I entered the tower I beheld the Angel whom was death and life, who showered in the beauty
of the emerald cup, which as I beheld this beautiful chalice, passed through the Guardians of the
Path, by the Sword of Flame, the Angel of Aiwaz, known as Shaitan. I am as thee - IAO!
By the Scepter, blade of death, under the shadow I grow - I am as thee IAO!
I then stood before HER, known unto this being, the seven fold star of flame and blood was
imprinted in my soul….I looked deep unto Her eyes, known the shadow and vampyre form of the
I took then the mark of the Beast, the Antichrist from the Sea, the Sun and Moon in unity. I then
acknowledged I am separate from all things, in unity through disunity. I am a Son of Set. I emerge
through the separate conjunction of the Dragon and the Whore.
As I went forth and drifted from the City of Chorazin, wherein I tasted the pleasures of fornication
with the Lilitu - and awoke in the Noon tide sun of Azazel, so then I have passed through and
shall drink deep of the knowledge every time I return.
BABALON - LILITH and the Words of the Daemonic Feminine
1. Let us approach the Temple, clad in the blood of birth, let the star be revealed unto the seeker.
2. Shall he or she be brought unto HER temple, as robed in the birth caul and named in the
essence of her family. The Dragon shall then unite the Beast and Scarlet concubine in disunity
and glory.
3. Upon the Throne does she reside, holding a skull given to her by Child Cain, from which all
familiars and shades reside, and the Cup of Fornication, of blood which is the life.
4. Between Her breasts is the star of which ye shall enter, that passion which brings dual
ecstasies - death and congress.
5. In the Circle shall ye call unto HER, in the stance of the Dragon, and this shall be the work of
the wand.
6. All shall come unto Her, and in Her name shall you summon the Queen of the Beasts.
7. The flame which shall ignite is the unity of Azazel, called Aiwaz and in the Hidden name of the
Prince of Darkness, called Set-heh. This flame is the demoness which is the compliment of the
Black light, creation and emergence unto the Black Tower of Chorazin.
1. Through HER name shall ye become unto Her temple. Those of the blood shall understand
and yearn for her.
2. Her temple is found in the dream, and brought forth in the encirclement of the sorcerer, by the
word of the wand. Worlds grow united.
3. In the union of the Sun and the Moon may you bring Her blessing, Her child, of flesh OR spirit.
4. That by congress with her in the temple shall you enter the ring of flame that is the Antichrist.
5. The union of the Sun and the Moon, by the Keys of the Watchers of Chorazin shall the gates
be opened. In this glory of the Beast have then you become as the Desert Djinn and the Harlot
6. Through the Dual Ecstasies shall Rebirth await - As Above so Below.
7. The Temple is flesh and spirit, know it by ecstasy therein.
1. Her Temple is within the earth, in the forests, at an Oak consecrated as your living altar, the
chamber created as the vessel of the famulus and servitors. Such Coven homes are sacred unto
2. That through the infernal Lord of the Earth and through the Luciferian Lord of the Light shall the
Guardian of Greenways be revealed with Beast and spirit.
3. She resides in the caves of the Red Sea, with Bestial shape our mother revealed.
4. Those of the Witchcraft, whom have taken the devil's mark, are of the Kin of Babalon, that by
Her name are sacred unto the very Temple.
5. That the path she is behind, a guiding force of our being - from which we grow in her crimson
6. The Priestess whom is in the Glory of the White Goddess shall become through the office of
the Demonic, that she shall devour and grow in both darkness and light.
7. Her name in the Witch Cult as the avatar of Lilith, or Babalon is the Scarlet Woman, her office
is divinity, the incarnation of the immortal essence of the demonium and the angelick famulus of
the soul.
HER being is found in the graveyards and tombs of the dead, wherein she fornicates with the
hungry shades which seek the spark of life. Give unto her all for the shades of old Will replenish
in dreams.
Through the Ritual of Infernal Union and the Hymn of the Antichrist shall come forth the Temple
of Azothoz, from the City of Chorazin does one drink of the Cup of fornication of the Goddess,
called Babalon and Lilith. I become as the Lion Headed Serpent from the Dragon of the Sea, I
become as the one of the Sun, a Son of the Desert Djinn whom is revealed as the Peacock
1. From flame I emerge, a heart and mind of Two Suns, each a dual aspect of becoming.
2. It is this flame of Azazel born. Given unto those who drink deep of the emerald Cup of thy
Angel, Azal'ucel.
3. I have walked unto the oceans, blood red and black with the essence of Leviathan, summoned
the Great Dragon and entered into its coils.
4. In the circle of timeless being I found great ecstasy, and was encircled within the serpent.
Therein I found thought and perception.
5. That in communion of my Angel, which I am in all ways, began a deep communion unto
Leviathan, whom is alone and all within the abyssic depths.
6. Timeless essence was perceived through the becoming like unto mine angel, whom is
Azal'ucel, like Cain whom is a timeless mirror of the image of Seth, our tester and patron of the
1. Through this circle, from which I woke in a dreaming state, realized that "I" was an arcana of
selves, which brought in union was to be a Set - Like being, a manifestation of Azal'ucel called
Serpent Like.
2. That the symbol of the Beast and Babalon, conjoined is the office of becoming - that by this
self-knowledge I am ANTICHRIST.
3. That the Antichrist is any man or woman who has conjoined the Sun and the Moon, whom has
drank of the emerald cup of the Serpent Angel, the Golden Chalice of Babalon and awakened
and emerged from the Sea of Leviathan.
4. I awoke yet again in the coils of the Ourabouris - my tomb earth laid there, that in immortal and
vampyric essence do I exist.
5. And from the Ocean did I arise, as a Son of Leviathan, to become as the Beast, as mine
sacred angel - daemon and angelick famulus in sacred union.
6. I am Al-Dajjal, the Antichrist whom by Love and Strength shall proclaim the religion of
oppression is and shall fail. With this self-love, I take the Oath of the Antichrist.
1. I, Antichrist, whom bears the mark of the beast, come unto humanity and proclaim, "There is
no God by Man" and through man and woman does this spirit think.
2. Those who hear this voice reflect this in their actions, to fight bigotry and hypocrisy.
3. I come unto you and proclaim, "Fight now the old and false religion by striking the foundation
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