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an Introduction to
High-Impact Communication,
Covert Hypnosis,
Getting What You Want
By J.D. Fuentes
Copyright 2001
Welcome to the First Moment of the Rest of Your Life
Thanks for downloading Basic Arousal . Basic Arousal is meant to do
two things: a) give you a little taste of the pleasures which the skills and
tools offered by can afford you, and b) demonstrate
to you that we offer CDs and books which you really want to have. We
want to sell stuff, and we want you to know that we offer you things
worth your time, your attention, and your money, because they will help
you attain your desires.
Therefore, you’ll find some things in Basic Arousal that will allow you to
have a stronger impact on the people you meet, and perhaps encourage
you to realize that the stuff you can buy from us is more powerful and
more worthwhile yet.
Many of the things inside Basic Arousal are covered in much greater
detail, and with even more of an eye toward practical, real-world use, in’s other CDs and books.
As you read, please think of how you can apply what you learn to those
you know and to the kinds of people that you want to know. Apply it all
to your own life.
Have fun.
You can learn to speak straight to someone’s gut instincts, so that
what you say has immediate and lasting impact.
Power. Money. Sex.
If you’re like most people, when you see or hear words like
those above, you get a little bit of a jolt.
But saying words like power and money and sex isn’t the only
way to have emotional impact on other people.
In fact, when someone knows how to use the other dimensions
of human communication—how to coordinate the way he or she talks
with what he or she says—that person can grab your attention just as
securely as a bouncer pins your arms behind your back.
And not just grab your attention—someone who knows how to
speak to your gut instincts, the emotional part of your mind, can make
you want what you didn’t realize you wanted, and open your mind to
possibilities you didn’t know you could have.
You can develop this power. You can learn to reach beneath
people’s “reasons,” so that you can guide and drive their gut responses,
open and inflame their imaginations. You can learn how to lead, inspire,
motivate, and connect
Conventional communication—the way most people go about
trying to get others to change opinions, beliefs, and behavior—assumes
that facts and arguments guide feelings and beliefs, and therefore, that
facts and arguments guide behavior.
Synchronized communication, or, as we call it, GutTalk , assumes
that feelings and beliefs drive behavior, and, for that matter, that feelings
and beliefs determine how facts and arguments will be interpreted.
GutTalk addresses someone’s feelings and instincts, in order to
change that person’s idea of “the facts”.
And Sexual Key shows you how to use the structure of female
language and emotion to emotionally bond with and sexually arouse
women extremely quickly—in the space of a conversation. Women are
waiting for entirely different signals than the ones men feel and usually
send—Sexual Key shows you how to send those signals, so you can
touch women’s emotions and make them feel incredibly good, while at
the same time arousing them sexually.
Ordinary speech
aims at the intellect.
The listener’s
intellect interprets
and analyzes this
After the intellect
has interpreted this
speech, the listener’s
instincts and
emotions respond.
GUTTALK aims for
the gut.
GUTTALK speaks
to the instincts in
their own language.
It is therefore more
powerful and
GUTTALK is a method of moving the listener’s feelings by
ignoring the rational part of his or her mind, and speaking
directly to his or her emotions.
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2. Monkey Hear, Monkey Feel
Many years ago, I was sitting at a café when a fairly average-
looking man in his late thirties sat down nearby a striking young blonde
of nineteen or twenty. She paid no attention to him. Within a few
minutes, though, he had started telling her of how she resembled a friend
of his in college. He went on to talk about how much he’d loved college,
and how much he’d enjoyed traveling when in college, and how much
he’d enjoyed meeting people in college, and how much he’d enjoyed
travelling and meeting people and getting laid when in college. He went
on and on, talking about how friends of his had travelled to Berlin, and
been picked up by strangers; how he had gone to Paris, and been picked
up in a café; how wonderful it was to suddenly become attracted to a
stranger. He proceeded to recount increasingly improbable stories he’d
read, he claimed, in the newspaper, of a drunken man climbing in the
wrong window and making love to a woman not his wife; of a woman
who decided to quit her boring job and start her own business, the
moment she found herself falling for a stranger who entered her
workplace one day; of a rock band questioned by the police because of
sex acts they were alleged to have performed with groupies during a
public performance. Etc .
The stories this fellow told were increasingly unrelated; in fact,
they were linked only by their theme: Sex.
And was the young lady upset or embarrassed by this?
Well, her face and upper chest were certainly red. And she
began to quiver in her seat. And she often seemed to stop breathing
entirely. And her mouth was slightly agape, and her pupils looked as big
as nickels.
So, no, she wasn’t upset—she was really turned on. In time,
when the man’s friend and ride appeared, such that the man had to go,
the girl ripped open her purse and hurriedly scribbled her number without
the man even asking for it. She made him promise to call her.
As you can imagine, this incident gave me some food for
In case you’re wondering, the man’s success in this case wasn’t
dependent on extraordinary luck—the chance of finding the one woman
in a million aroused by such talk. Actually, very very few women won’t
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