Aerosol v0.65 - Wardriving for Windows - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aerosol is easy to use wardriving software for PRISM2 Chipset, ATMEL USB and WaveLAN Wireless cards on Windows. Its lightweight, written in C, free, and uh, just works! Please mail me with any comments, questions or suggestions. Requirements ------------ Aerosol requires a supported protocol driver to be installed. You can install WinPcap from , or the Prism Test Utilities from the main Aerosol page, WinPcap support has been tested with WinPcap_3_0_a4.exe, prior versions are known to have issues. Please try upgrading your version of WinPcap if there are problems communicating with verified cards. Do not use Aerosol whilst simultaneously trying to use a wireless network. Aerosol will deliberately attempt to mess with your wireless settings which will affect your network connectivity. Aerosol News ------------ New Feature: Configurable sound when AP is detected New Feature: Can use WinPcap as the protocol driver - no crazy license agreements New Feature: Vendor display Enhancement: Card selection process is streamlined and improved Enhancement: Debug Logs are stored elsewhere Enhancement: Debugging is configurable in level Note: Registry keys are stored in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/Aerosol. Delete them if you don't want them there any more. Known Issues ------------ Orinoco/Wavelan cards can be affected by the configuration utility running. This may cause scan results to be incomplete, or triggering the detection of the same AP multiple times resulting in no sound trigger. There is no support for D-Link DWL-650+. These are different driver/chipset than the DWL-650. Anyone with spares please contact me. If Aerosol detects your card, and gives you valid channel and signal strength but no/poor detection, you probably have your SSID set. Use the client utility to blank your SSID then try again. OS Support ---------- It has been tested to work successfully as of v0.51 on all Windows platforms. This doesnt mean we are completely bugfree :) - Please mail me and tell me how it went. Card Support ------------ This version has been tested to work with: Avaya Gold Belkin F5D6020 Compaq IPAQ PCMCIA D-Link DWL-650 D-Link DWL-500 Gemtek WL-360 Intel Anypoint Wireless II I-O Data WN-B11/PCM LinkPro WaveLink 2000I LinkSys WPC-11 Netgear MA401 Proxim RangeLan DS SMC 2632W US Robotics 3210 3Com Wireless LAN PC Card D-Link DWL-120 HP HN210W USB LinkSys WUSB 2.5 Netgear MA101 US If you have tried any other cards and had success, please mail me with the details. Future Aerosol Information/Todo list ------------------------------------ I'm not planning on buying any more Wireless hardware. If you have a favourite card you would like support added for, and you can send me hardware to work with, I'm more than happy to accept donations. Hey, if I can't make it work, then I'll send it back! The same goes for GPS equipment or other sundry bits. Todo: SSID set/reset code will be added. Todo: WEP cracking is well underway and tested, however isnt stable enough for this release. Todo: NT Native card access, for NDIS 5.1 drivers Thanks ------ team for the hosting space. for the hosting space. Ken Foster for the Avaya Gold card - Wavelan/Orinoco support would be non existent in this release without this. Thanks Ken! The_Black for the cool icon! All the people that have been mailing since the first aerosol release. The feedback and help has been appreciated. Revision History ---------------- 16 March 02 - v0.39 First public release of Aerosol. 27 March 02 - v0.45 Released support for USB Adapters. Changed code significantly to cope with the different interfaces on both cards. More debug information added. 31 March 02 - v0.48 Primarily bugfixes to support Windows 95/98 platforms correctly. More debug info added. 7 April 02 - v0.51 More bugfixes. New gui modifications. Far better scan results when using the USB adapters. 8 April 02 - v0.52 Mini bugfix release. 14 April 02 - v0.53 Mini bugfix release. 12 October 02 - v0.59 Released support for WaveLAN/Orinoco adapters. Code change to support this. Removed support for ndc interface. 5 November 02 - v0.60 Mini bugfix release. Works around issue with current PCAUSA drivers. 22 Jan 03 - v0.65 Bugfixes for Orinoco. Support for WinPcap. Major code overhaul to support packet capture and better card detection. Legal Thingos ------------- This product includes software developed by the Politecnico di Torino, and its contributors. This product is intended for the use of reviewing the security of your own wireless network. Any use other than the intended purpose is performed solely at the risk of the user.