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June 2003 Edition
Combat &
Vol. 53
Lead Story
Double Weightedness
Questions & Answers
Peter Smith Over
New Videos from
Moontagu Books
Vincenzo Over Italy
Searching For Excitement
Kathleen Montaigue
Death & Hesitation
Everything You Want To Know About the Internal Martial/Healing Arts
Editor in Chief
Erle Montaigue
Executive Editor
San dra Montaigue
Managing Editors
Ben Montaigue
Eli Montaigue
Page 1 .....Dou ble Weightedness, Death & Hes i ta tion
Senior Writers
Mi chael Babin
Erle Montaigue
Page 2 ...................................Ques tions & An swers.
Senior Copy Editor
Kathleen Montaigue
Page 11 .......................Pe ter Smith Over Folkestone.
Copy Editor
Bonnie Montaigue
Page 13 ........................Vincenzo Staltari Over It aly.
Research Editor
Blue Montaigue
Page 14 ............................Searching for Ex cite ment
Research Associates
Erle Montaigue
John Sklotz
Page 17 ...Zen Shiatsu, Acu punc ture & in ju ries in
the Mar tial Arts
Art Director
Goanna Blursnog
Senior Copy Editor
Jack Black
Copy Editor
Sputz Narget
Research Editor
LINDA Garnish
Research Associates
Splitz, Splotz & Splatz
Research Associates
Curley, Moe, Shemp
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Moontagu Books
PO Box 792
Murwillumbah, NSW 2484
June 2003
Com bat &
Double-Weightedness, Death, and Hesitation.
John Wingert . USA
You can no tice the feel ings
that you get, when you read
that para graph, and see how it
can ap ply to you. Or when
you ap ply it to you, you can
no tice a lan guage based "dou -
ble Weightedness".
some one who is re laxed and
com fort able, you can be come
more com fort able. With me,
be cause of these won der ful
arts, there is a third al ter na tive
too, be gin con sid er ing this.
W hen you hes i tate, the
only thing to miss out on is
your life...
When you are weighted dou-
ble, seems like you weigh a
bil lion pounds, be cause your
weight, en ergy, and in tent are
not con gru ent. This not only
re sults is in ef fec tive "move-
ment" but can also re sult in
hes i ta tion.
Re mem ber how you feel
when you are do ing your
forms, the flow, the
connectedness, the in spi ra-
If you are "mov ing from the
cen ter", then if at the cen ter
you are com fort able, then
that will truly ra di ate, and be
felt, and ef fect ev ery one. In
other words, he who moves
con gru ently from the cen ter,
will in flu ence more....
Hes i ta tion re sults, be cause
the body / mind / spirit may
want to move in op pos ing di -
rec tions at once. This even
can be no ticed when at tempt-
ing to make a de ci sion, when
you have a part that wants to
do some thing, like write an
ar ti cle, and a part that says oh
you're not good enough, or
why bother him.
It don't feel good, plus it lim-
its you to "ra tio nal brain". Bad
Eng lish here very in ten tional.
Chop words, chop feel ing.
Leaving that be hind,
John Wingert is a reg is tered In -
struc tor with the World Taiji
Boxing As so ci a tion in the USA.
Re mem ber how you feel
when you are do ing your
forms, the flow, the
connectedness, the in spi ra -
tion. Watching what they call
a "big man" do their form, like
Erle can also be very life
chang ing and in spir ing. Be-
cause we all share states.
Which is why I per son ally
did n't write much be fore. If
you ap pre ci ate how this
makes me feel, then keep in
mind I'm ap ply ing it to the
rest of my life with this sin gle
thought, What have I hes i-
tated on be fore, that I will
pas sion ately em brace and en -
joy now?
Walk down the street. When
get ting close to peo ple, you
can ob serve when one per son
is un com fort able, and when
some one ap proaches them
they of ten can seem to catch
it. Or when you ap proach
June 2003 1
Ques tions & An swers
By Paul Brecher: Lon don UK
as a re sult of his down to earth
ap proach and ex cel lent sys-
tem I have slowly be gun to
un der stand what is real, prac -
ti cal and use ful and what is
the mar tial arts. To be a good
fighter you have to go on to
the street and fight. The dif-
fer ence is that a good fighter
is a good fighter be cause of
his state of be ing not be cause
of how many mar tial arts
tech niques he knows.
Q ues tions and An swers by
Paul Brecher For most of my
life I have im mersed my self in
the mar tial arts. I still have my
first mar tial arts comic from
De cem ber 1971 its called The
Hands of Shang-Chi Mas ter
Of Kung Fu. On tele vi sion
when I was a kid I used to
watch pro grams like The Wa -
ter Mar gin, Kung Fu and
Mon key.
Over the years my stu dents
have asked me ques tions
about the mar tial arts and I
have tried to an swers in a sim-
ple and prac ti cal way. The an-
swers I have given are an
at tempt to clar ify what is and
what is not real in the mar tial
For ex am ple if I was in a fight
and I had a cer tain in ten tion,
if I de cided I was go ing to kill
the op po nent, with out any
con cern about the con se -
quences of my ac tions,
whether I go to jail for mur -
der or whether I die in the
fight. If I de cided to use all the
rest of my life’s avail able en-
ergy in this one con fron ta-
tion, to have no rules, no fair
fight, just to beat the op po -
nent to death with my fists
and feet or any weapon
nearby, a bot tle, a glass, a
knife or an iron bar.
In the cin ema and on video I
watched Kung Fu mov ies and
when I was in Asia I trained
with teach ers who ap peared
to have in ex pli ca ble abil i ties.
The end re sult of all of this
was that I mixed up the truth
about the mar tial arts with
fan tasy and wish ful think ing
and a ro man tic idea about an -
cient China.
Ques tion. Which is the best
mar tial art?
An swer De pends what as -
pects of your self you want to
de velop, phys i cal fit ness,
health, ex ter nal power, in ter-
nal power, strik ing, punch-
ing, kick ing, throw ing,
lock ing, break ing, grap -
pling/wres tling. Dif fer ent
styles em pha size dif fer ent
things. So no style is the best,
it is just per sonal pref er ence.
Fighting and mar tial
arts train ing are sim i lar
but dif fer ent.
The mar tial arts mag a zines,
books and mov ies that I see
to day per pet u ate this con fu -
sion. And I can imag ine that
many peo ple who are in ter-
ested in the mar tial arts are
get ting as mixed up as I did
and be liev ing that all man ner
of mys ti cal and mag i cal
things are pos si ble through
mar tial arts train ing. I be gan
train ing with Erle in1989 and
Ques tion. But which style
will make me the best fighter?
If this was my state of be ing I
would win ev ery fight
whether I knew mar tial arts or
not. And if the op po nent did
or did not know mar tial arts is
also not as rel e vant as his state
of be ing. If he was look ing for
a fair fight and had some self
An swer. Fighting and mar -
tial arts train ing are sim i lar
but dif fer ent. To be a good
mar tial art ist you have to
spend a lot of time train ing in
3 June 2003
im posed lim i ta tions about
what he was and was not pre-
pared to do be cause of his
con cern about the con se-
quences of his ac tions or be-
cause of a cer tain code of
hon our then he would lose.
for the po lice force. If your
life was in dan ger it could be
used for self de fense. The re al -
ity of self de fence is that we do
not ac tu ally try and de fend
our selves, if this is what we
did then the at tacker would
con tinue to be the at tacker
and we would con tinue to be
the vic tim, both phys i cally
and men tally.
They at tack you and you
don’t de fend your self, you get
out of the way of their at tack
and con cen trate on at tack ing
them. The Old Yang Style of
Taiji is not a self de fense sys-
tem it is a de feat the op po nent
sys tem.The sys tem could be
al tered so that it becomes non
le thal so that it could be used
by the po lice and se cu rity
Ques tion. Who would win if
a prac ti tio ner of (name of one
mar tial art) fought a prac ti tio-
ner of (name of an other mar-
tial art )?
Its not the style which wins,
its the man, in that mo-
ment, de pend ing on his
state of be ing. A good
fighter can make their
mar tial art work amaz -
ingly well even if they are
only a be gin ner in that
An swer. Its not the style
which wins, its the man, in
that mo ment, de pend ing on
his state of be ing. A good
fighter can make their mar tial
art work amaz ingly well even
if they are only a be gin ner in
that style. And a per son who
is not in the right state of
bieng even if they have
trained to high est level of
their mar tial art will still
The prob lem is that al ter ing it
makes it less ef fec tive.
Ques tion . So would you win
a full con tact com pe ti tion
An swer. First of all I would
never en ter a taiji com pe ti tion
nor would I rec om mend any
of my stu dents to be cause I
don’t train or teach any thing
that is rel e vant for com pe ti -
The in ev i ta ble out come of
this is that even tu ally one of
his at tacks gets through we
are weak ened, he ex ploits this
weak ness and grinds us into
the ground, where we are
then kicked to death.
The em pha sis in The Old
Yang Style is to kill the op po-
nent, we first dis able them by
strik ing their eyes to blind
them and then we punch and
el bow them in the throat and
neck re peat edly with fa jin
and dim mak. The main tar get
ar eas eyes, neck and throat
that we are trained to at tack
are al ways for bid den tar get
ar eas in com pe ti tions so we
would not be able to use our
It’s the per son who in that
mo ment has the vic tory or the
de feat not the style.
Ques tion. Is The Old Yang
Style of Taiji good for self de-
fense? or for se cu rity staff? or
for po lice forces or for the
So the only way to stop this is
to turn the ta bles, we must be-
come the at tacker, as soon as
we are at tacked or even as
soon as we are threat ened
with at tack we should not
hes i tate but go on the of fen-
sive, the only way to win is to
re verse the rolls.
An swer. The Old Yang Style
of Taiji was de vel oped to kill
the op po nent so it would be
good for the army but not ap -
pro pri ate for se cu rity staff or
4 June 2003
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