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Sex Transm Inf 2001; 77 :212–213
Combined topical flucytosine and amphotericin B
for refractory vaginal Candida glabrata infections
D J White, A R Habib, A Vanthuyne, S Langford, M Symonds
Patients with vaginitis due to highly azole resistant Candida glabrata can be particularly di Y cult
to treat. We describe three cases of longstanding vaginal candidiasis due to C glabrata . These had
failed to respond to local and systemic antifungals. Flucytosine (1 g) and amphotericin B (100
mg) formulated in lubricating jelly base in a total 8 g delivered dose, was used per vagina once
daily for 14 days with significant improvement, both clinically and microbiologically.
( Sex Transm Inf 2001; 77 :212–213)
Keywords: amphotericin; flucytosine; Candida glabrata
Candida glabrata is the second most common
yeast recovered from the genital tract of women
with vaginitis and accounts for about 5% of
vaginal infections. 1 A substantial minority of C
glabrata isolates are azole resistant 23 and
further resistance may be selected out by non-
curative treatment. Although infections with
this organism are not always associated with
symptoms and clinical signs 4 some a V ected
women have discharge and/or vulvitis and a
poor response to antifungal therapy. 56
We describe three cases of persistent vaginal
candidiasis due to C glabrata , unresponsive to
conventional antifungal therapy including
boric acid. Flucytosine tablets 500 mg (Center
Specialites Pharmaceutiques Cournon Cedex,
France) and amphotericin B BP1998 1 mg =
859IU (Bufa BV Uitgeest Holland) were com-
bined in lubricating jelly, Aquagel (Adams
Healthcare, UK). This was used per vagina
with clinical and microbiological cure. Treat-
ment was delivered by a unit dose vaginal
applicator containing amphotericin 100 mg +
flucytosine 1 g based in Aquagel in a total 8 g
delivered dose. This preparation has an un-
known shelf life and is obtainable from the
pharmacy manufacturing unit, North Sta
days combined with clotrimazole 500 mg vagi-
nal pessaries for 7 nights, intravaginal painting
with gentian violet 0.5% aqueous solution for 3
days, and boric acid 600 mg in gelatine
capsules once daily for 14 nights.
Intravaginal amphotericin B and flucytosine
in lubricating jelly was given at night for 14
days. Her symptoms improved and Gram stain
and cultures were negative 2 and 5 weeks
following treatment.
Department of Sexual
Heartlands Hospital,
Birmingham B9 5SS,
D J White
A R Habib
A Vanthuyne
shire Hospital, Stoke on Trent ST4 6QG (tel
01782 552 289; fax 01782 552 916). The
preparation was compounded no more than 48
hours before treatment began.
Case 2
A 63 year old woman presented witha6year
history of intermittent vulvo-vaginitis and per-
sistent isolation of C glabrata on Gram stain
and culture. This had failed to respond to a
variety of di V ering types and lengths of azole
therapy. She had had a hysterectomy 5 years
before presentation following which she com-
menced subcutaneous oestrogen hormone
replacement implants. One year after the
hysterectomy her symptoms of vaginal dis-
charge and vulval soreness became continuous.
She had had some minor symptomatic im-
provement to dydrogesterone and intravaginal
boric acid.
She was treated with itraconazole 100 mg
daily combined with nystatin pessaries for 4
weeks followed by intravaginal boric acid for 2
weeks. Despite this, Gram stain and cultures
remained positive for C glabrata. This was fully
sensitive to antifungals in vitro (table 1).
Amphotericin B and flucytosine in lubricat-
ing jelly was given once daily for 14 days. She
improved symptomatically and follow up swabs
were negative by Gram stain microscopy and
culture 3, 4, and 8 weeks afterwards. Seven
Hospital, Stoke on
Trent ST4 6QG, UK
S Langford
Department of
Heartlands Hospital,
M Symonds
Case 1
A 42 year old woman presented with “recur-
rent vaginal thrush” since the age of 19. At
referral she had had several recent swabs show-
ing heavy growths of candida species in Gram
stain microscopy despite 3 months’ treatment
with itraconazole 100 mg twice daily for 2 days
every week, two Depo-provera (Pharmacia &
Upjohn) injections, and a number of other
unspecified antifungal treatments including
courses of nystatin pessaries. None of these
produced any symptomatic response.
Vaginal swabs were positive by Gram stain
and culture for C glabrata which persisted
despite itraconazole 200 mg once daily for 14
Table 1 Antifungal sensitivities (NCCLS method Bristol
PHLS mycology reference laboratory) before treatment with
intravaginal flucytosine/amphotericin B in lubricating gel
Correspondence to:
D J White, Department of
Sexual Medicine, Hawthorn
House, Heartlands Hospital,
Birmingham B9 5SS, UK
or A R Habib
Case 1 Case 2 Case 3
Amphotericin B
Accepted for publication
22 March 2001
S = sensitive, R = resistant.
Manufacturing Unit,
North Sta
Combined topical flucytosine and amphotericin B for refractory vaginal C glabrata
months later she presented witha4week
history of discharge. Microscopy of a Gram
stained slide was positive for spores and a non-
albicans yeast (not further speciated) was
isolated in culture. She responded symptomati-
cally and microbiologically to nystatin pessa-
ries at night for 14 nights.
there has previously been no further treatment
available. Intravaginal amphotericin/
flucytosine o V ers a possible treatment for such
Topical flucytosine has been used for vaginal
infections caused by both C albicans 9 and anti-
fungal resistant non- albicans candidiasis 10 11 but
a suitable formulation has not been available in
the United Kingdom. Although it is the only
available fungicidal agent, 1 there are reserva-
tions about its topical use because of the
potential development of flucytosine resist-
ance, which occurs by mutation of a single
gene. The risk of such resistance developing is
thought to be reduced by combination with
polyene antifungals such as amphotericin B
with which flucytosine is synergistic in vitro. 19
Our three cases demonstrate that flucytosine
and amphotericin in lubricating jelly may be
e V ective in chronic vaginal C glabrata infection
where all other available agents have failed.
This treatment was well tolerated in all patients
with no or minimal side e V ects.
Case 3
A 42 year old woman presented with intracta-
ble symptoms of “vaginal thrush” which had
started since a hysterectomy 1 year earlier, fol-
lowing which she had started unopposed
oestrogen hormone replacement therapy.
Microscopy of a Gram stained vaginal slide
showed spores and C glabrata was isolated
which persisted despite dydrogesterone 10 mg
daily for 28 days combined with nystatin
pessaries at night for 14 days, combined nysta-
tin pessaries and itraconazole 400 mg daily for
7 days, and vaginal boric acid 600 mg daily for
14 days.
Intravaginal amphotericin B and flucytosine
in lubricating jelly was given at night for 14
days. Her symptoms improved and microscopy
and cultures were negative 2 and 5 weeks
following treatment.
We would like to thank Professor Frank Odds for his initial
advice and Dr Elizabeth Johnson for help with the results of the
antifungal sensitivity tests.
Contributors: DJW, ARH, and AV collected the patients and
wrote the paper; DJW had the idea of using flucytosine and
amphotericin intravaginally; MS and SL developed the formu-
lation of amphotericin and flucytosine in lubricating jelly.
By comparison with C albicans , C glabrata is
intrinsically less sensitive to azole antifungals
and, because this organism is haploid (unlike C
albicans which is diploid) selection of drug
resistant strains may occur. 7 Persistent vaginal
C glabrata is more likely to be found in patients
who are clinically not or partially responsive to
azole antifungals, older patients, diabetics, and
women who have had hysterectomies. 4 Symp-
toms are, however, not a reliable guide to the
causative organism. It is therefore important to
speciate isolates from patients presenting with
problem vaginal candidosis. 4 Because of the
relatively small numbers of patients presenting
with this condition, treatment of persistent C
glabrata vaginitis is not evidence based but
remains largely anecdotal. Most clinicians
would start treatment with intravaginal nysta-
tin (the only licensed alternative to azoles in the
United Kingdom) and then proceed to either
high dose oral itraconazole together with high
dose intravaginal azole pessaries or nystatin.
Following this with intravaginal boric acid 600
mg at night for 14 days. 8
If this fails however
1 Odds FC. Candida and candidosis. 2nd ed. London: Bailliere
Tindall, 1988.
2 Lynch ME, Sobel JD. Comparative in vitro activity of
antimycotic agents against pathogenic vaginal yeast iso-
lates. J Med Vet Mycol 1994; 32 :267–74.
3 Otero L, Fleites A, Mendez FJ, et al. Susceptibility of Can-
dida species isolated from female prostitutes with\par
vulvovaginitis to antifungal agents and boric acid. Eur J
Clin Microbiol Infect Dis 1999; 18 :59–61.
4 Geiger AM, Foxman B, Sobel JD. Chronic vulvovaginal
candidiasis: characteristics of women with Candida albi-
cans, C glabrata and no candida. Genitourin Med 1995; 71 :
5 Redondo-Lopez V, Lynch M, Schmitt C, et al. Torulopsis
glabrata vaginitis: clinical aspects and susceptibility to anti-
fungal agents. Obstet Gynecol 1990; 76 :651–5.
6 White DJ, Johnson EM, Warnock DW. Management of
persistent vulvo-vaginal candidosis due to azole-resistant
Candida glabrata. Genitourin Med 1993; 69 :112–14.
7 Kerridge D, Nicholas RO. Drug resistance in the opportun-
istic pathogens Candida albicans and Candida glabrata. J
Antimicrob Chemother 1986; 18 :39–49.
8 Bingham JS. What to do with the patient with recurrent vul-
vovaginal candidiasis. Sex Transm Inf 1999; 75 :225–7.
9 Larsson-Cohen U. Treatment of vaginal candidosis with a
single dose of a new antimycotic drug, 5-fluorocytosine +
Candicidin. Castellania 1977; 5 :81–2.
10 Horowitz BJ. Topical flucytosine therapy for chronic recur-
rent Candida tropicalis infections. J Reprod Med 1986; 31 :
11 Fidel PLJ, Vazquez JA, Sobel JD. Candida glabrata: review
of epidemiology, pathogenesis, and clinical disease with
comparison to C. albicans. [Review] [185 refs]. Clin Micro-
biol Rev 1999; 12 :80–96.
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