No Quarter 08 Web Extra - Making a Mausoleum.pdf

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Mausaleum Web Extra.indd
Making a
by Alfonso “the Traitor” Falco and Michelle Lyons
This is additional content for the terrain building article “Rest in Pieces” found in No
Quarter magazine issue number 8 (Sep-Oct.) For details on how to build an Iron Kingdoms
graveyard, ask your retailer for No Quarter Magazine issue 8.
Even with the tombstones covered we can’t call this a graveyard without a some buildings
to muck up line of sight and otherwise add interest to the table. Alfonso offers the following
directions for creating a simple mausoleum that will add just the right touch of class.
• Pressboard
• 1 piece 3” x 3” foam core
• 2 pieces 3 1/2” x 4” foam core
• 3 pieces 4” x 4” foam core
• 2 pieces 5” x 5” foam core
• 1 large break-apart plastic egg
• 2 1” x 3” styrene sheets
• 6 1/2” x 1/2” styrene sheet
• 6 plastic holes from a
standard hole punch
• 1 jumbo paper clip
• PVA glue or Carpenters PVA
• Super glue
• Pins
• Spackle
• Paint
• Inks
• Matte medium
The assembled mausoleum.
A No Quarter Web Extra
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Building the box.
1. Take two 3 1/2”x 4” pieces and three 4” x 4” pieces. Take one of each type. Place glue on the
4” side of the 3 1/2” x 4” piece and glue it to the edge of a 4” x 4” piece using white glue, super
glue, and pins as needed to hold it together while it dries. This will give you 2 L-shaped pieces.
The last 4” x 4” piece will be used later.
Mausoleum walls assembled.
2. Taking your two L-shaped sections put glue on the unattached 4” side of both the 3 1/2” x 4”
sections. Glue them together. When you’re done the 3 1/2” x 4” sections should be sandwiched
between their 4” x 4” counterparts.
Adding the fl oor and roof.
3. For the fl oor and roof you will need two 5” x 5” pieces. Take the 4” x 4” x 4” open-ended cube
and glue one open end to one of the 5” x 5” pieces as the “fl oor”. Be sure to position your cube
in the center of the 5” x 5” piece. You should have a 1/2” lip on all sides. Repeat this process
with the ‘roof’.
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Making the roof sections.
4. Next cut a 3” x 3” square and glue it in the middle of the remaining 4” x 4” square. Be sure to
leave the 1/2” lip on all sides.
Putting the roof together.
5. Glue the pieces from step 4 onto the attached 5” x 5” roof of the mausoleum. Again, leave a
1/2” lip on all sides.
Adding the dome.
6. Take the bottom half of the plastic egg and cut off the lip. Glue the egg to the center of the
room for an instant dome.
7. Remove all the pins and spackle all exterior foam sections. Allow it to dry and then sand it
all down.
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8. For corner edging, take right angle 1/4” strip styrene to cover the corners. Make
rivets from the styrene sheet using a 1/16” hole punch. Cut plaques, doors, and the
details on them from the same styrene. The doors are 1” x 3” with a second piece 3⁄4”
x 21⁄4 big glued on it. For detail, the corners of the doors were scalloped with a hole
punch. The plaques are various sizes. Use 1/16” styrene rod to make the door hinges.
Decorate your house of the dead to your heart’s desire.
9. Paint the mausoleum in your preferred colors to complement the rest of your set.
Decorating the building required only a few common items applied with a very watered
down mixture of white glue and then fi xed with a glue wash. The moss is model terrain
scenic grass and the leaves are crushed birch seed pods. You can purchase these or just
collect them; they do grow on trees, after all!
And there you have it! A few more such sepulchral buildings
and you’ll have a truly creepy setting for your games. Keep
your powder dry and your lantern lit.
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