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123 Lubelska Drużyna Starszoharcerska





1. Dance me to the end of love L.Cohen


              Dance me to your beauty with a burning violin                            d a

              Dance me through the panic 'til I'm gathered safely in              d a

              Lift me like an olive branch and be my homeward dove              d a

              Dance me to the end of love                                                                      E7 a

              Dance me to the end of love                                                                      E7 a


              Oh let me see your beauty when the witnesses are gone

              Let me feel you moving like they do in Babylon

              Show me slowly what I only know the limits of

              Dance me to the end of love

              Dance me to the end of love


              Dance me to the wedding now, dance me on and on

              Dance me very tenderly and dance me very long

              We're both of us beneath our love, we're both of us above

              Dance me to the end of love

              Dance me to the end of love


              Dance me to the children who are asking to be born

              Dance me through the curtains that our kisses have outworn

              Raise a tent of shelter now, though every thread is torn

              Dance me to the end of love


              Dance me to your beauty with a burning violin

              Dance me through the panic till I'm gathered safely in

              Touch me with your naked hand or touch me with your glove

              Dance me to the end of love

              Dance me to the end of love

              Dance me to the end of love




2. I loved you in the morning L.Cohen


              I loved You in the morning                                                        A

              Our kisses deep and warm

              Your hair upon the pillow                                                        fis

              Lake a sleepy golden storm

              Yes, many loved before us                                                        D

              I know that we are not new

              In city and in forestA

              They smiled like me and You             

              But now it's come to distances                                          fis

              And both of us must try

              Your eyes is soft with sorrow                                          D

              Hey that's no way to say goodbye                                          E AE AE AE AE


              I'm not looking for another

              As I wander in my time

              Walk me to the corner

              Our steps will always rhyme

              You know my love goes with You

              As Your love stays with me

              It's Just the way it changes

              Like the shoreline and the sea

              But let's not talk of love or chains

              And things we can't untie

              Your eyes is soft with sorrow

              Hey that's no way to say goodbye


              I loved You in the morning

              Our kisses deep and warm

              Your hair upon the pillow

              Lake a sleepy golden storm

              Yes, many loved before us

              I know that we are not new

              In city and in forest

              They smiled like me and You

              But let's not talk of love or chains

              And things we can't untie

              Your eyes are soft with sorrow

              Hey, that's no way to say goodbye.



3.Head Over Feet  Alanis Morissette


              I had no choice but to hear you                                                        C G a F

              You stated your case time and again

              I thought about it


              You treat me like I'm a princess                                                        C G a F

              I'm not used to liking that

              You ask how my day was


              You've already won me over in spite of me                                          B h G A

              Don't be alarmed if I fall head over feet                                          D h b A

              Don't be surprised if I love you for all that you are                            D h G A

              I couldn't help it                                                                                    F C

              It's all your fault                                                                                    G


              Your love is thick and it swallowed me whole

              You're so much braver than I gave you credit for

              That's not lip service


              You are the bearer of unconditional things

              You held your breath and the door for me

              Thanks for your patience


              You're the best listened that I've ever met

              You're my best friend

              Best friend with benefits

              What took me so long


              I've never felt this healthy before

              I've never wanted something rational

              I am aware now

              I am aware now


              4. When You're Gone Bryan Adams


   I've been wandering around the house all night                                            d G

   wondering what the hell to do                                                                        C

   I'm trying to concentrate but all i can think of is you                              d G C

   well the phone don't ring cuz my friends ain't homed                               G

   I'm tired of being all alone                                                                                       C

   got the tv on cuz the radio's playing songs that remind me of you   d b G


   Baby when you're gone - i realize i'm in love                                          d F C G

   the days go on and on - and the nights just seem so long                            d F C G

   even food don't taste that good - drink ain't doing what it should d F C G

   things just feel so wrong - baby when you're gone                                            d b G


   I've been driving up and down these streets                                          d G

   trying to find somewhere to go                                                                      C

   ya I'm lookin' for a familiar face but there's no one i know                              d G C

   this is torture - this is paind                                                                                       G

   It feels like i'm gonna go insane                                                                      C

   I hope you're coming back real soon - cuz i don't know what to do  d b G


   Oh, baby when you're gone                                                                                    d b G

   yeah, baby when you're gone – oh                                                                      F












5. Głowy L. Elektryczne gitary


              Już miałem wstać i podejść do klawiszy              a D a D

              Już się oparłem o poręcz fotela                            F C d E

              Siedziałem dość długo i jadłem czereśnie              a D a D

              W moim pokoju równym jak cela                            F C d E

              Ju? miałem stać i podejść do pianina                            F C F C

              Gdy nagle widzę sześć główek Lenina              F C E



              Głowy Lenina znad pianina                                          a G F G   |x3

              Z nad pianina                                                                      d E a E


              Mrówki rozlazły się z kart partytury

              Nie zostawiwszy na nich żadnej nuty

              Nie mogłem już patrzeć na to robactwo

              Zniecierpliwiony włożyłem buty

              Ju? miałem wstać i podejść do pianina

              Gdy nagle widzę sześć główek Lenina




              Szuflady z bioder, trawa spod pachy

              Sflaczały zegar suszy sę? na oknie

              Jajko sadzone zwisa nad pustyni?

              Pianino cieknie, pod?oga moknie

              Już miałem wstać, bo trudno to wytrzyma?

              Gdy nagle widzę sześć główek Lenina







6. "Koniec" Elektryczne gitary


                      To już jest koniec, nie ma już nic                                          G D e C


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