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Microsoft Word - lead1.doc
Notes for playing lead are based on the
D blues scale going up & down
Pitch-bending: from the 4th to the 5th. Play and hold the 4th andbend it to the 5th. Release
the bend gradually to the originalposition to return to the 4 th
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"Playing around" with the 4th and the flatted-5th to achieve tension.Use the pitch wheel
instead of of a mod. wheel to make the vibrato
Bending from the 4th to the flat-5th
Bending from the 4th to the Perfect 5th
A Comparison
Bending from the 7th to the Octave
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"Jan-Hammer" bend (exercise)
Bend into the 7th from the 6th. Use the 6th primarily for bending
The 2nd bending into the 3 rd
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Close Voice-Leading (C-Am-F)
Close Voice-Leading (Exercise)
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Close Voice-Leading, Exercise starting on first-inversion C
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