2. Healing Dance I.pdf

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Healing Dance ® I
Matador Start Stand opposite the receiver and
support beneath her palms or wrists. The water
depth should be comfortable for her.
Invite the reciver to go inside and to squeeze
your hands when she is ready to be floated.
Open her left arm (your right arm) to the side.
Step into the space created. Without contact,
hook your left leg behind partner’s left calf, like
a judo trip. Continue to support both hands.
Reach under the arm to traction the back of the
head with the “Horns of the Bull” grip. Nestle
your shoulder reassuringly into her side.
Re-grasp above the wrist with an overgrip. This
will give you more control in the coming Mata-
dor. Take your time, step by step. A good begin-
ning is a slow one without surprises or shocks.
Pull gently on partner’s arm and guide her head
into the water. Use your thigh to lift the hips if
necessary. Support under the spine with your
forearm. Do the “Yo” movement to keep the
chin down.
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Walk a slow half circle keeping the legs near the
surface. Pull the head toward you and thread
quietly into 1st, your forearm under the sacrum.
1 WAVES Trance Waves Do The Cross. Lead
with head traction “around the curve” while
stepping 90º to the side on the head foot.
In a stable Warrior, send the hips out away from
you with your pelvis arm to stretch the far side
of the trunk. Partner’s body stays supine, no tilt.
Transfer your weight onto your foot foot and
slide your head foot back under you. This pulls
partner toward you and stretches her near side.
Repeat four times, stepping away from and back
to the midpoint of a cross. As needed, vary the
head traction from palm on the shoulder, the
Hand Mirror (shown here) to palm down in the
Finding your balance in Warrior Stance, send the
hips out. Partner’s body is in suspension, her
legs completing the movement.
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Fall with your weight straight back. Stretch the
near side equally as much as the far side. Create
a rhythmic field with this sideways wave.
Repeat another cross grasping the waist, palm
toward or away, depending. The spine is being
sequentially articulated and stretched.
The third and final cross from around the rib
cage offers the most freedom of the three grips.
Take care the lower back does not hyperextend.
Carmen Miranda In Horse move your hips in an
eight, partner’s side to your chest, then with a
space. Next balance the ball and play with the hips.
Hip Waves (Geisha) Palm the far shoulder and
the near hip, thumbs up. Roll partner 45º onto
her side. Sit back low in the water, her cheek on
your upper arm. Lift the hip up and away on the
inbreath to traction the neck.
Travel backwards in a circle with Geisha Waltz.
Let partner’s legs and hips sink. Her head (and
you) stay at the same level; water away from the
corner of the mouth. Circle with partner’s back
facing out.
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Hip Waves (Godzilla) The FSNH grip gives you an
excellent leverage for a sideways wave. Lead with
elbow traction in the round phase. Body at 45º.
In the arch phase lean back and lengthen the near
hip away from you to safeguard the back. Step
out, then round, step straight back, then arch.
Freeing the Arm Geisha backwards. Use the
back of your foot hand to “shoehorn” the near
arm to in front of you. Partner rolls face-up.
Pull the upper arm to slide the head onto your
upper arm. Head hand goes to heart or shoulder, a
90º angle between your forearm and upper arm.
Heart Wave Supine Make a heart sandwich in
the Best in Show position. Godzilla backwards.
Step outside and lead with elbow traction. Stay
low in the water to keep her ears in the water.
Step to the inside and guide the sandwich across
to create the wave to the middle of the circle.
Keep partner at a distance. Your head hand may
be on the shoulder or over partner’s hand on the
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Heart Wave Away Stand up, continue Godzilla
steps, roll partner 45º away, lift your elbow to
have the crown higher than chin. Rounding...
Here the arch phase is shown. Use the “courtesy
thumb” or receiver’s own hand on the female
chest. Follow the breath; arch phase on the inhale.
Hara Hug Guide partner’s back to your chest.
Reach under the arm to the navel. Lengthen your
head elbow sideways, C-curving, palm down.
Head Hug In Horse Stance, turn the cheek to
your side, massage the neck, countertraction
between head and sacrum, and rock sideways.
Head Wave Using the Bowl Grip, travel back-
wards with the 123 sideways weaving Geisha
Waltz. Lead it from the top of the head, crown
slightly lifted.
2 SEAWEED Hara Hold In a deep Horse
Stance guide the head to your left shoulder. One
hand rests on the hara; the other tractions the
sacrum. Rock in a small 8.
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