7. HD100 Short Healing Dance Sequence.pdf

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HD100 Short Healing Dance Sequence 1
Ask her to signal when ready to be floated.
Acknowledge the signal and open your right
arm to the side to create a space to step into.
Begin facing each other in Horse Stance. Sup-
port under the palms. Invite partner to follow
her breath, go inside and surrender to the water.
Preset your head arm with traction, using the
Triangular Cervical Support, your hand resting
on the front of the far shoulder.
Step in to face her side, your thigh just touching
hers. Reach over her arm and place it behind
your back.
Place the back of your other hand on the side of
the hip or under the near knee. Parnter is still on
Gently pull partner off balance as you walk
backwards. She comes sideways into the water.
Take three steps back, rolling her face-up.
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Short Sequence
Begin with Stillness in 1st Position in Horse
Stance. Find the the points of support, the water
level, the weight and the breath.
WAVES Trance Waves Do The Cross. Lead
with head traction “around the curve” while
stepping 90º to the side on the head foot.
In a stable Warrior, send the hips out away from
you with your pelvis arm into suspension. Part-
ner’s body stays supine, no tilt.
Transfer your weight onto your foot foot and
slide your head foot back under you. This pulls
partner toward you and stretches her near side.
Repeat four times, stepping away from and back
to the middle of a cross. As needed, vary the
head traction from palm on the shoulder, the
hand mirror (shown here) to palm down in the
Finding your balance in Warrior Stance, send the
hips out. Partner’s body is in suspension, her
legs completing the movement. Breathe in for
the Warrior; breathe out falling back.
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Short Sequence
Transfer your weight straight back. Stretch the
near side equally as much as the far side. Create
a rhythmic field with this sidways wave.
Repeat another cross grasping the waist, palm
toward or away, depending. The spine is being
sequentially articulated and stretched.
The third and final cross from around the rib
cage offers the most freedom of the three grips.
Take care the lower back does not hyperextend.
Carmen Miranda In Horse Stance moving
your hips in an 8: body against you, then with
space. Let the head roll deep in the water.
Freeing the Arm Geisha backwards. Use the
back of your foot hand to “shoehorn” the near
arm to in front of you. Partner rolls face-up.
Pull the upper arm to slide the head onto your
upper arm. Head hand goes to heart, a 90º angle
between forearm and upper arm.
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Short Sequence
Step to the inside and guide the sandwich across
to create the wave to the middle of the circle.
Keep partner at a distance, ears in the water.
Heart Wave Supine Make a heart sandwich
from the Best in Show position. Godzilla back-
wards. Step outside and lead with elbow.
The arch phase is shown. Use the “courtesy
thumb” or receiver’s own hand on the female
chest. Follow the breath; arch phase on the inhale.
Heart Wave Away Stand up, continue with
Godzilla steps, roll partner 45º away, lift your
elbow to have the crown higher than chin.
SEAWEED Hara Hold In a low Horse Stance
guide the head to the left shoulder. Your hand
rests on partner’s hand on her hara; the other
tractions the sacrum. Do small “eightlets”.
Head Pull Using the Bowl Grip, travel back-
wards in a circle around the pool with Geisha
steps. Lift the crown slightly, palming the
occiput with a relaxed grip.
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Short Sequence
Another option is to place your hand directly on
the hara with or without a clockwise circling
motion that integrates with the sideways rock.
Warrior 8 In either Warrior push the hip bone
down and away with one hand; with the other
hand pull up the opposite side of the ribcage.
Push off the front foot and pivot on your back
foot to the other Warrior. Water resistance
stretches the side.
Find your balance in Warrior after the sweep
across. Switch your hands and repeat, swinging
back. Your hands countertraction.
After establishing a camouflaging turbulence in
the turn, tuck the near arm down and behind
your back, arriving in 1st. Wrist comes to under
near knee for the next move.
T3 Push from the hip to float the head to your
elbow crook. “Turn, traction, tuck.” Use the
Hand Mirror traction and start turning
headwards in a small Geisha circle.
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