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{1}{100}www.napiprojekt.pl - nowa jakoœæ napisów.|Napisy zosta³y specjalnie dopasowane do Twojej wersji filmu.
{141}{197}Previously on "Weeds"...
{198}{282}- What?|- I just love college so much.
{283}{315}Are you sure|that's a good idea?
{316}{370}Geez, God!|Damn it!
{371}{407}Everyone's gonna be looking|for us here.
{408}{439}Goodbye, Seattle.
{483}{525}- Can I borrow your car?|- You got a car!
{526}{574}You are the hero|of this family!
{575}{613}What the fuck|are you doing here?
{643}{687}Mom...|The fuckers got me.
{688}{732}Come on. I've had nothing|to eat in three days
{733}{775}except|for a linty-car French fry.
{776}{800}Where's my son?
{914}{942}Give me your keys.
{943}{983}I know where he is.
{1015}{1051}You're not gonna shoot me.
{1052}{1118}I will if I have to.|But you don't have to.
{1119}{1156}You gonna put a bullet|in me, mijo?
{1157}{1207}What do you think?
{1208}{1253}Please record your message.
{1254}{1318}Esteban, I'm a mother lion.
{1319}{1423}And you can't defeat a mother|lion when you threaten her cubs.
{1424}{1475}I have to disappear now.
{1476}{1565}Good luck with your crime.
{1565}{1805}<font color="#ec14bd">Sync by honeybunny</font>|<font color="#ec14bd">www.addic7ed.com</font>
{1882}{1932}Did you kill Pilar?
{1958}{2003}Do you know who did?
{2029}{2085}Pilar Zuazo turns up dead.
{2086}{2125}Your boss's wife goes missing.
{2126}{2199}Any idea where she might be?
{2412}{2439}Say it.
{2440}{2485}Seattle was a bust.
{2486}{2515}You gonna listen to me now?
{2548}{2590}You're the guru|of off-the-grid.
{2591}{2641}I'm the guru|of off-the-grid.
{2642}{2712}You've got me right here in this car|with you, you lucky woman, you,
{2713}{2747}so you gonna use me?
{2748}{2807}You gonna accept my wisdom|and experience?
{2807}{2837}You gonna let me take the lead?
{2899}{2991}I cede the reins to you,|the expert, the guru,
{2992}{3053}the one who will lead us|in a safer,
{3054}{3098}more untrackable direction.
{3099}{3171}Thank you!|It's a great honor.
{3171}{3211}It's an honor|that I don't take lightly...
{3212}{3243}to protect, to guide...
{3243}{3276}just fucking lay it out!
{3277}{3319}Fine, fine.|Here we go.
{3320}{3382}To quote Bill Maher,|"new rules."
{3383}{3445}Number one...|keep moving.
{3446}{3529}We need to widen the gap|between us and our aggressors.
{3530}{3591}That means at least another|24 hours on the road,
{3592}{3719}no stopping, no exceptions|except for gas and potty.
{3767}{3840}Rule number two...|this one is key...
{3841}{3891}no social interactions.
{3892}{3977}We go way underground,|seal ourselves off.
{3978}{4062}I'm talking Bin Laden,|the Unabomber,
{4063}{4143}that guy Sly|from Sly and the Family Stone.
{4175}{4219}Nance, how's this sounding?
{4220}{4280}Great. Movement.|Isolation. Mm-hmm.
{4281}{4327}Okay. Anyone have|any questions so far?
{4328}{4385}Yeah. Do I get|a road-trip spirit name?
{4386}{4431}No one's chasing you.|Are you kidding?
{4432}{4481}I owe Dana thousands|in child support.
{4482}{4516}How about "Ted"?
{4517}{4590}Or "coward who led a car|of Mexicans to Seattle."
{4591}{4629}Eh, "Ted" works.
{4630}{4671}Silas, you okay back there?
{4672}{4718}Yeah. I'm great.
{4719}{4750}We'll stop soon.|Ah!
{4751}{4828}Just for lunch!|I promise.
{4829}{4878}That's it.|Then back on the road.
{4879}{4941}Off-the-grid.|Bill Maher.
{5079}{5127}We should take|the Lewis and Clark trail.
{5128}{5185}It goes from Washington state|to Washington, D.C.
{5186}{5221}Why do you know|these things?
{5222}{5251}I'm an autodidact.
{5252}{5285}Also, there's a brochure|up front.
{5286}{5339}No historic trails.
{5340}{5393}We got to think|more unpredictably.
{5394}{5450}Now, when I trekked|across Alaska,
{5451}{5495}we only took|even-numbered highways
{5496}{5542}and avoided|all suspension bridges.
{5543}{5590}That baby doesn't look Mexican.
{5591}{5643}Yeah, he's half, but mom doesn't|like us mentioning it.
{5644}{5693}Well, when she comes back|from the bathroom,
{5694}{5744}she can complain about it.
{5855}{5923}♪ Well, I'm a snaggle-tooth|mama, don't know no shoes ♪
{5924}{5975}♪ I got a tin-roof tan ♪
{5975}{6050}♪ with my cornbread daddy|right by my side ♪
{6051}{6111}♪ we do the best that we can ♪
{6112}{6176}♪ I live so far out|down the country road ♪
{6177}{6230}♪ there ain't nothin'|for hours ♪
{6231}{6302}♪ by the time I get back|from the grocery store ♪
{6303}{6352}♪ the milk's already gone sour ♪
{6353}{6431}♪ well, I'm a snaggle-tooth|mama, don't know no shoes ♪
{6432}{6487}♪ I got a tin-roof tan ♪
{6488}{6555}♪ with my cornbread daddy|right by my side ♪
{6555}{6611}♪ we do the best that we can ♪
{6612}{6677}♪ we do the best that we can ♪
{6678}{6749}♪ we do the best that we can ♪
{6750}{6782}No. Bad idea.
{6783}{6839}This family needs some fun.
{6839}{6886}Way too many people.
{6887}{6939}Come on. Who's gonna spot us|in the middle of Montana?
{6940}{7003}Okay.|You just put me in charge.
{7004}{7059}Momentum. Seclusion.|Andy's plan.
{7059}{7095}He's right.
{7096}{7154}This doesn't seem like|the smartest idea right now.
{7155}{7199}I can't believe I have to|convince you guys
{7199}{7230}to go to a giant carnival!
{7231}{7299}Look, there's a rodeo!
{7299}{7357}And a roller coaster.
{7640}{7689}Wait.|What's going on?
{7690}{7741}That was Judah's thing...|roller coasters.
{7779}{7831}Oh, I thought he was kidding|when he said he designed those.
{7832}{7873}What did you think|he did for a living?
{7874}{7914}Never really cared.
{7915}{8000}Remember that one idea he had|where the seats flipped
{8001}{8051}so you didn't actually|go upside down?
{8052}{8110}Oh, and David bowie music|was pumped into the headrest!
{8111}{8153}"Lightning frightening."|Right.
{8154}{8197}Kept a model of it|in the garage.
{8198}{8247}Yeah, and he always took us|to that one at six flags,
{8248}{8280}like, every other weekend.
{8281}{8326}That settles it.|We're going.
{8327}{8372}Nance, I...|For old time's sake.
{8373}{8411}Plus, Shane has been kidnapped.
{8412}{8481}It's very traumatic,|being kidnapped.
{8482}{8525}Mm. I wouldn't know.
{8526}{8576}Two hours, tops.
{8577}{8631}I want everybody to clean up|before we get back into the car.
{8632}{8681}Change your... your shirts|and your underwear.
{8682}{8730}Hygiene... still important.
{8848}{8907}You need to keep your hat on|at all times.
{8908}{8960}These places have|tight security...
{8961}{9003}cameras, undercover police.
{9004}{9071}That bearded lady over there...|not a lady at all.
{9071}{9121}Safety... we got it.|Relax.
{9161}{9199}'Cause you're a...|you're a squeaky field mouse
{9200}{9243}headed into a bear cave,
{9244}{9319}except the cave|is a swarm of people, okay?
{9320}{9360}And the mouse is your own ego.
{9361}{9419}Wait, the cave is...|the c... you get my point.
{9420}{9457}Ego. Yes.|Ego, ego.
{9458}{9511}Willful defiance,|'cause I laid down rules,
{9512}{9550}but you had to break them.
{9551}{9599}I am here because|I don't want my kid
{9599}{9656}to miss out on his entire|fucking childhood, okay?
{9657}{9689}It's just fun!
{9690}{9747}See the way I held that gun|on Ignacio?
{9747}{9815}Caved like a coal mine.|Fucking payaso amateur.
{9815}{9885}Shane, get over yourself.|No one cares.
{9886}{9926}You're just jealous.|Of what?
{9927}{9981}That mom likes me better now.
{9982}{10044}Pinwheels|and whirligigs!
{10045}{10097}Get your pinwheels|and whirligigs!
{10098}{10142}5 for $10!
{10143}{10180}It spins! It whirls!
{10181}{10253}It's a hee-haw,|fire-cracking whirligig!
{10254}{10301}Wow.|Do you want one?
{10302}{10339}Sounds lame.
{10340}{10390}Nope. Thanks, though.
{10391}{10429}Have a good day.
{10430}{10470}First prize
{10471}{10516}in the 21st annual|butter sculpture contest...
{10517}{10558}a luxury motor home.
{10559}{10607}Winner today can drive her home|tomorrow.
{10607}{10648}That's right, folks.|A luxury motor home.
{10649}{10696}The winner today can drive|her home tomorrow.
{10697}{10765}Remind me again where we're|supposed to be sleeping tonight.
{10766}{10828}Doug, watch the baby.
{10888}{10961}Yeah, don't worry|about me. Assholes.
{11098}{11139}This thing's insane.
{11139}{11179}We could live here.
{11180}{11224}We should. Should.|We should live here.
{11225}{11262}Kitchen, living room, bedroom.
{11263}{11306}We could set up|a little nursery.
{11307}{11352}Oh! Is this corian?
{11353}{11402}We wouldn't have to stay|in crappy motels.
{11403}{11467}We could stay at...|National parks
{11468}{11535}up in the, like, mountains,|anywhere.
{11536}{11585}Plus, we need to dump|Cesar's car.
{11586}{11648}Yes. Black town car...|classic bad-guy mobile.
{11649}{11708}Very conspicuous.
{11741}{11769}Win this.
{11770}{11810}On it.|Ah!
{11811}{11883}So, what, it's like a contest?
{11924}{11991}Yeah, I have no idea,|but I'm a consummate contestant.
{11992}{12083}I win shit all the time.|Trust me, it's in the bag.
{12122}{12179}Doug, I'm gonna pretend
{12180}{12230}that you aren't the reason|that we were tracked down
{12231}{12281}and ask you to watch Stevie|for the afternoon.
{12282}{12318}Nance, I raised four kids.
{12319}{12361}Trust me,|they all turned out...
{12362}{12421}well, I raised four kids.
{12422}{12519}Okay, so there's a full bottle|of formula in the stroller.
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