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The Complete
By Aaron Allston
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: The Ninja Class ............ 5
Killer Kits ......................... 28
Chapter 4:
Restrictions ........................ 27
Ninja and Rogue .................... 5
hoficiencies and Marthl Arts ......... 30
Ninja Experience Lev& .............. 5
Ninja Class F&quimnents ............ 6
Weapon Pmfiakes ............... 30
Weapon Specialization
and Weapon Groups ............... 30
Alignment .......................... 6
Weapons and Armor ................. 6
Thieving Skills ...................... 6
Nonweapon Profiaenaes ............ 30
Nonweapon Profiaenaes
from the Player's Handhk ......... 31
Ninja's Followers .................... 8
Nonweapon Profiaenaes ............ 10
Starling Money ..................... 10
New Nonweapon Profiaenaes ....... 31
New Nonweapon
Pmfiaency Descriptions ........... 31
Multiclass Ninja .................... 10
Dual-class Ninja .................... 11
Other Character Creation Notes ...... 11
Martial Arts ....................... 39
Chapter 2: Ninja Kits ................ 12
Martial Arts Results ................ 39
Kit Descriptions .................... 12
specializingin Martial Arts .......... 40
Ninja Kits .........................
Mixed campaigns .................. 40
stealer-In .......................... 12
Advanced Martial Arts (Optional) .... 42
Shadow Warrior .................... 12
prerequisites to Learning Martial Arts . 42
Intruder ........................... 13
Finding a Master ................... 42
Training Under the Master ........... 43
Consort ........................... 13
Pathfinder ......................... 14
Learning the Style .................. 43
Multiple Styles ..................... 44
Lone Wolf ......................... 14
Fk-campaignLearning ............. 43
Spirit Warrior ...................... 14
Ninja Spells ........................ 16
Style characteristics ................ 44
First-Level Spells ................... 16
Creating a New Style: Basics ......... 47
Second.Leve1. Spells ................. 18
Creating a New Style: Weapons ...... 48
Gvating a New Style:
Armed and Armored Opponents ..... 59
Stunning and Incapacitating ......... 61
HitLocations ...................... 61.
Third-Level Spells .................. 19
Fourth-Level Spells ................. 20
special Maneuvers ................ 49
Fifth-Level Spells ................... 21
Chapter 3: Shinobi . Spies, and Killers .. -23
Shinobi ........................... 23
Chapter 5: Tools of the Trade ......... 62
Weapons .......................... 62
Entangling Attacks ................. 62
Prone and Entangled Opponents ..... 62
Weapon List ........................ 63
Armor ............................ 76
Shinobi Fighter ..................... 23
Shinobi Ranger ..................... 23
Shinobi Mage ..................... 24
Shinobi Illusionist .................. 24
Shinobi Mest ....................
MissileWeapon Ranges .............
Shinobi Thief ...................... 25
Shinobi Bard ....................... 26
Miscellaneous Equipment ........... 76
Spies .............................. 26
Weapon Modifications .............. 80
The Foreign Service ............... ..2 7
Magical and Special Treasurm ........ 81
Ninja Kits and the Spy ............. 27
What the Spy Does ............... ..2 7
.......... 81
Magical Weapons ................... 84
Demihuman Spies .................. 27
Killers ............................ 27
2 TabieofContenh
Introduction ......................
sixth-Level spells ................... 22
MiscellaneousMagic ..
Chapter 6: Country and Chn ......... .88
Land of the Ninja .................. .88
......... .99
26 Miscellaneous Equipment ....... .77
27 Weapon Modifications .......... .80
28 Ninja Clan Alignments .......... .94
29 Clan Member Alignments ....... .94
30 Ninja Clan Resource
a in the Outer World ........... .99
........ .lo2
.............. .lo4
If ............ .lo4
Design:Aaron Allston
Editing: Barbara G. Young
Black and White Artt Jim Holloway
Color Ark Clyde Caldwell, Fred Fields,
Les hrscheid
Typography: Tracey Isler
Production: Paul Hanchette
a Kits in the Campaign ........ .115
a Clan Resources ............. .117
xamples of Ninja Characters ...... .119
Examples of Ninja Clans .......... .123
Other Ninja-Type Organizations .... .125
Acknowledgements: Many elements of The
Complete Ninja’s Handbook were derived from
parts of Oriental Adventures designed by
David “Zeb” Cook. In particular, portions of
the optional Advanced Martial Arts rules are
drawn from Oriental Adventures.
4 Backstab Damage Multipliers ...... .7
5 Thieving Skill Armor Adjustments.. .8
6: Clan Status ..................... .ll
7 Spirit Warrior Spell Progression ... .15
TSR, Inc.
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120 Church End,
8: Spirit Warrior Experience Levels ... .15
9 Shinobi Thief Base Scores ........ ..26
10Shinobi Bard Base Scores ....... ..26
11: Proficiency Costs ...............
Lake Geneva
cherry Hintm
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12Nonweapon Profiaency Groups .. .31
and DUNGEON MASTER arr registered trademarks owned
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01995 TSR, lnc. AU rights resenred. printed in the U.S.A.
13Broad and light Weapon Groups . .32
14Enamor Proficiency Results ...... .34
15 Escape Proficiency Penalties ..... .35
16 Martial Arts Results ............ .40
without the express written pmnission of TSR lnc.
17Common Martial Arts Styles ..... .45
18: Martial Style Combinations ...... .48
19 Special Maneuvers .............. .51
20 Ch’i Attacks ................... .59
21: Penalties and Bonuses
vs. Armored opponents ......... .60
22: Penalties Vs. Armed opponents .. .60
23: Martial Arts Hit Locations ....... .61
24 Weapon List ................... .63
Table of Contents 3
25: Missile Weapon Ranges .........
................. 107
................ .I10
1: Rogue Experience Levels .......... .5
2 Ninja Thieving Skill Base Scores .... .7
3 Thieving Skill Dexterity Adjustments 7
What is a ninja? Everywhere you turn, you
find a different definition, especially in the
movies. Is the ninja a cruel supernatural
assassin with godlike powers of invisibility,
illusion, and teleportation?A modem, feeling
Oriental man with family, job responsibilities,
and an interesting double life? A stone-faced
Westerner who miraculously inherits the
duties of an ancient ninja clan tradition when
his adopted brother is slain?A martial arts
practitioner celebrating hundreds of years of
unbroken tradition?
In the AD&D@game, the ninja is a highly
trained spy who is expert in matters of intru-
sion, sabotage, and elimination. He is part of
a tight-knit clan whose profession and goals
he shares. Some ninja are generalists, equally
at home in matters of stealth and combat.
Some are specialists, becoming adept at social
skills, magic, or interaction with nature.
They’re all exotic, secretive, and danger-
ous-just the thing for the player who’s tired
of stand-up fighters, clean-cut clerics, and
nearsighted scholar-mages.
Ninja have been here before, in the pages of
DRAGON* Magazine and the Oriental Adven-
tures supplement.Now they return, slinking
into the game’s shadows in their night-suits,
learning the balance of weapons and tools
made a little unfamiliar by adaptation to
AD&P2nd Edition rules. We’ve missed them,
and it’s high time to welcome them back.
The Complete Ninja’s Handbook is a supple-
ment to the Player’s Handbook. It consists of
optional rules that are intended to round out
and add color to a campaign.
The key word here is ”optional.” No DM is
required to introduce any of these rules into
his campaign simply because they’re in print.
Likewise, any DM should feelperfectly at ease
plundering these guidelines for rules and
options he likes, whether or not he introduces
ninja characters into the campaign.Ultimately,
the DM, not this rulebook, is the final author-
ity on what appears in the campaign.
Arrangement of the Sourcebook
Chapter 1: The Ninja Class provides char-
acter class information for the ninja.
Chapter 2: Ninja Kits details kits that
allow you to further customize ninja charac-
Chapter 3: Shinobi, Spies, and Killers
introduces kits to create shinobi (adjunct
members of ninja clans), spies (characters built
with the ninja rules but employed by non-
Oriental organizations, and killers (NPCs built
with the rules of the ninja class).
Chapter 4 Proficiencies and Martial Arts
details the roles of certain proficiencies used
by ninja, adds new proficiencies, and expands
on martial arts and weapon proficiency rules.
Chapter 5: Tools of the Trade describes
weapons and armor available to the ninja
Chapter 6: Country and Clan discusses the
role of the ninja character within his culture.
Chapter 7: Playing the Ninja provides
information and tactics for the player who
intends to play a ninja character.
Chapter 8: Campaigning the Ninja talks
about secrecy, missions, duties to clan, and
other details, and gives hints for placing the
ninja in existing campaigns.
Chapter 9: Examples is full of easily cus-
tomized ninja characters.
Players should familiarize themselves with
chapters 1and 2, and at least glance through
chapters 3-7. Players should not read Chapter 9
unless their DMinvites them to do so.
The Dungeon Master should become famil-
iar with chapters 1,4,5, and 8. These should
give the DM a good idea of what to expect of
a ninja PC in the campaign.
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