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A Put the words/phrases in the box in the correct column in the table.

turbulence                            shuttle                            puncture              anti-lock brakes                            traffic signals

fumes                            freight                            seat belt                            tailback

Safety Features

Transport Problems

Other words connected with transport








B Correct the mistakes in the following phrases.

0 Don’t you thought that would be easier.


1  It’s the way sideways for us, I’m sure.


2  There’s no reason in my mind right now that this is for the best.


3  You can’t discuss that mistakes have been made.


4  I hope we agree that that this is the best road to deal with this.


5 The best solving would be to do nothing right now.


6 We need activity right now if we want to stop it.


7 I think it’s unique to take action quickly and decisively.


8 Sure you must agree that something needs to be done immediately.





C Add the correct past modal in the sentences.

0  When I was on the top of the mountain I __could_____ see for miles.

1 Amundsen ___________ reaching the North Pole before Scott.

2 Because of security concerns, we ___________ even carry a bottle of water onto the plane.

3  We ___________ go to England without a visa until we joined the E.U.

4  When I was at school, we ___________play football on the school grass. Not any more.

5  Although the roads were closed I ___________ to get home by taking a different route.

6  When I was child I ___________ go to bed early. If I wanted I stayed up until midnight!

7  I ___________ to find what I was looking for although it was the last one they had.

8  Because I had been sick for a week, I ___________ teach an extra ten hours this week.



D Read the sentences and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each space.

0 If you ride a ___motorbike_, you must wear a helmet in case you are hit by a car.

a hovercraft              b submarine              c balloon              d motorbike

1  Our company has twelve __________ that transport people to over 36 cities across the country.

a coaches              b motorbikes              c barges              d scooters

2 __________ are much noisier than planes but can land almost anywhere.

a hydrofoils              b helicopters              c vans                            d cable cars

3  Because they cannot be seen, __________ are very effective in times of war.

a balloons              b helicopters              c submarines              d hovercrafts

4  To go from one side of the river to the other we use a __________.

a tram                            b ferry                            c glider                            d van

5   At weekends I’m learning to fly a  __________.

a van                            b glider                            c tram                            d barge

6 Being on a __________is like sailing across the sea on air.

a  truck                            b coach                            c hovercraft              d submarine

7 I use a __________to go to work. Although it’s not very fast I can ride it around cars. I can even carry it when necessary.

a truck                            b ferry                            c scooter              d tram

8 A cheap holiday option is to travel down the canals on a __________.

a barge                            b hydrofoil              c ferry                            d glider



E  Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Use the word in bold in the future form and other words. Use between two and five words.

0 The law allows me to vote when I am eighteen.

be able to

When I am eighteen I __will be able to__________ vote.

1  Do you think she will be available to see you?

be able to

________________________ see you?

2  They won’t let you go to the wedding because you don’t have an invitation.


You________________________ to the wedding because you don’t have an invitation.

3 If you sign the visitors book now you won’t be asked to sign when you leave.


If you sign the book now you ________________________ when you leave.

4  It might be possible to visit your relatives at the weekend.


We ________________________ your relatives at the weekend.

5 Show your identity card or they won’t allow you in.

have to

You ________________________your identity card before they will let you in.

6 I am expecting new developments in the next two days.


There ________________________new developments in the next few days.

7 As the results were good, I don’t think we need another exam.


We ________________________ another exam as the results were good.

8 There is no chance of survival for the panda if new laws are not made.

be able to

The panda ________________________ survive if new laws are not made.








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