Harbinson - Projekt Saucer Book 02 - Phoenix.pdf

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Phoenix: Project Saucer Book # 2
Phoenix: Projekt Saucer Book 2 E-book Version © 2003 W.A.Harbinson
W.A.Harbinson first exposed the nightmarish truth about UFOs – a truth so terrifying
that it could only be presented as fiction – in his international bestseller Genesis .
Now he has taken the themes and many of the characters from that groundbreaking
work and developed them into further dimensions of cosmic horror with other
astounding novels in the PROJEKT SAUCER series. Phoenix , the second self-
contained Projekt Saucer epic, takes the story on from the end of the Second World
War and through the postwar years of humankind’s first tentative explorations of
space. During this historic period, the sinister Earthly forces behind the UFO
conspiracy begin to show their hand more openly –and start to exert a deadly
stranglehold on the destiny of the whole Earth…
W.A.Harbinson was born in Belfast, Northern Ireland, in 1941. He left school at
fourteen, studied mechanical engineering, then joined the Royal Australian Air Force.
While serving in the RAAF he drafted his first novel, Instruments of Death . In 1980
he completed Genesis , the epic, bestseller novel that became the inspiration for the
Projekt Saucer series. ( Phoenix is chronologically the second novel in the series.)
Harbinson has also written short stories, radio plays and non-fiction books. He
presently divides his time between Paris, France, and West Cork, Ireland.
Phoenix: Projekt Saucer Book 2 E-book Version © 2003 W.A.Harbinson
Also by W.A.Harbinson
Projekt Saucer, Book 1: Inception
Projekt Saucer, Book 2: Phoenix
Projekt Saucer, Book 3: Genesis
Projekt Saucer, Book 4: Millennium
Projekt Saucer, Book 5: Resurrection
The Lodestone
Dream Maker
The Crystal Skulls
Projekt UFO: The Case for Man-Made Flying Saucers
Phoenix: Projekt Saucer Book 2 E-book Version © 2003 W.A.Harbinson
Chapter One
JULY 2, 1947
When that thing flew overhead Marlon Clarke could hardly believe what he was
seeing. As he had been doing too often lately, he was sitting out on his porch, in his
old rocking chair, slugging beer from the bottle, muttering under his breath and
gazing out over the parched lands of his failed farm, flat and eerily desolate in
moonlight. He was just a small farmer who’d had a bad few years and he liked to sit
out there in the evenings, feeling bitter and murmuring angry words to himself,
getting drunk enough to sleep without too much anxiety. Tired and thinking of bed,
he had just glanced at his watch and noticed that it was ten-thirty when the whole
porch shook a little, his last bottle of beer fell over, and he heard an exploding noise
right overhead.
Shocked back to the real world, his heart racing too fast, he looked up to see a
glowing, saucer-shaped object screeching, wobbling, spinning and pouring steam or
smoke as it flew at tremendous speed across the night sky on a descending trajectory.
Before Marlon had a chance to get a grip on himself, the glowing object fell
towards the Plain of San Augustin, between Magdalena and Socorro, about five miles
from his farm, then turned into a growing fan of white and red flames in a billowing
cloud of dust. The explosion came a second later, as the fan of flames grew bigger,
illuminating the rising cloud of dust and obliterating the stars.
The blast rocked Marlon’s house.
Startled into a state of near sobriety, he got out of his rocking chair as the fan of
flame shrank back to a tiny flickering that soon disappeared, letting the star-studded
night sky return.
‘Kee-rist!’ Marlon exclaimed softly. Instantly, on an impulse, both fearful and
curious, he grabbed a bottle of whisky from the floor of the porch, hurried down the
steps, clambered unsteadily into his battered old truck, and tore off towards the scene
of the crash.
As he drove across the moonlit plain, through pale moonlight and the shadows of
cacti and sagebrush, he controlled the steering wheel with one hand, held the bottle in
the other, drank too quickly and felt his heart racing. It was the whisky, he guessed,
but it was also what he had seen: that glowing, saucer-shaped flying object of the
kind he'd heard so much about lately.
‘Jesus!’ he whispered to himself as the old, battered truck growled and rattled
Phoenix: Projekt Saucer Book 2 E-book Version © 2003 W.A.Harbinson
across the flat, windblown plain. ‘Jesus H... I don’t believe...’
He kept glancing outside the truck, growing more apprehensive, half expecting to
see another of those objects gliding under the moonlight. He even thought of turning
back, but his curiosity kept him going, and he convinced himself, even as his fear was
growing, that it had just been an airplane.
He was wrong.
On the broad, flat plain near the town of Magdalena, about halfway between the
road and the distant Black Mountain, he saw a dark pile of still smouldering debris.
Driving off the road, he bounced over the rough, sage-strewn plain until he came to
the location of the crash. Stopping the truck, he had another drink of whisky, wiped
his lips with the back of his hand, then looked out at the smouldering debris.
It was the wreckage of a large, saucer-shaped craft, about half of it smashed to hell,
the remainder a dull grey in the moonlight.
What looked like three scorched corpses were still strapped into the central cockpit
of the crashed object.
‘Lord Almighty!’ Marlon exclaimed softly.
He was too scared to get out, but he had a good look, making sure that his eyes
were not deceiving him. The object was round all right, shaped like two plates, one
inverted and placed on top of the other. It was about twenty-five to thirty feet in
diameter, obviously made of a metallic substance, and had smooth sides that rose
gracefully, seamlessly to a smashed-up, transparent, domed cockpit. The charred
bodies were still strapped to their seats.
That's when Marlon grew really scared. Blinking, rubbing his eyes, he looked out
The three corpses were burned beyond recognition. They were wearing grey-
coloured one-piece suits, or coveralls, which were charred black, in tatters and still
smouldering like the pieces of metal scattered widely around the broken, circular
Nauseated by the smell of roasted flesh, Marlon looked beyond the crashed object
to the distant mountain range. It was black in the night, but covered with stars, its
sides streaked with moonlight that also fell across the flat Plain of Magdalena. Marlon
looked around him, expecting to see something else, but there was nothing out there
but empty land and the wind's constant whispering.
Taking a final look at the charred bodies in the crashed flying saucer, he shivered
with revulsion and fear, then turned the truck around and burned back to his ranch.
When the men from the Roswell Army Air Base came to see him, Marlon was
surprised by how many there were. They arrived in a jeep and troop truck as the sun
was rising over the horizon to flood the flat plain with light. Marlon was still sitting in
his rocking chair, more drunk than ever, when the armed troops jumped out of the
truck to form a semi-circle around the yard, some with their backs turned to the
house, others facing the empty plain, all holding their weapons at the ready.
Phoenix: Projekt Saucer Book 2 E-book Version © 2003 W.A.Harbinson
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