Quick introduction to ILWIS 3.1.pdf

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Quick introduction to ILWIS 3.1
Quick introduction to ILWIS 3.1
This exercise is intended to introduce you to ILWIS 3.1, and specifically to the user
interface and some key concepts of ILWIS. It is a quick introduction based on the
chapters 1 and 2 of the ILWIS 3.0 User’s Guide .
ILWIS Main window
To start ILWIS 3.1, double-click the ILWIS icon on the desktop. After the logo,
you see the ILWIS Main window (see Figure 1). From this window you can
manage your data and start all operations and select all data.
Close button
Standard toolbar
Object selection toolbar
Maximize button
Control menu icon
Menu bar
Title bar
Minimize button
Command line
Operations/Navigator pane
Status bar
Scroll bar
Figure 1: The ILWIS Main window.
• Have a look at the ILWIS Main window and find out what the
individual parts of the window are meant for.
! To get more information on the ILWIS Main window, press the F1 -key or open
the Help menu and select Help on this Window .
Go to section 1.1 of the ILWIS 3.0 User’s Guide if you wish to practice some
more with the individual parts of the Main window.
Before continuing with the exercises you first need to change to the subdirectory
that stores the data files for this exercise. Ask your supervisor where you can find
the dataset.
ILWIS exercise
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Quick introduction to ILWIS 3.1
• Use the Navigator to browse to the correct directory.
If you have browsed to the correct directory you will see in the Main window a list
of ILWIS objects. This part of the Main window, in which maps, tables and other
ILWIS objects in the working directory are displayed each with its own type of icon,
is called a Catalog (see Figure 2).
Figure 2: Example of a Catalog of the ILWIS Main window.
ILWIS objects commonly used are:
Raster maps (for example Tmb1 )
Polygon maps (for example Cityblock )
Segment maps (for example Contour )
Point maps (for example Rainfall )
Tables (for example Rainfall )
Domains (for example Cityblock )
Representations (for example Landuse )
Coordinate systems (for example Cochabamba )
Georeferences (for example Tmgeo )
The first five objects are called data objects. They contain the actual data. The other
objects are service objects; they contain accessories that data objects need besides
the data itself.
! For a complete list of ILWIS objects and their icons, see the ILWIS Help topic
Basic concepts , ILWIS objects and icons .
• Position the mouse pointer on polygon map Landuse . A
description of this map will appear on the Status bar .
The Status bar also gives short information when you move the mouse pointer to a
menu command, to a button in the Toolbar or to an operation in the Operation-
Tree or Operation-List .
• Click in the Catalog with the right mouse button on polygon map
Landuse to get a context-sensitive menu.
A context-sensitive menu is a menu, which gives only those menu commands that
are applicable to the moment you use the right mouse button; thus you will only get
the operations, which can be applied on polygon map Landuse .
ILWIS dialog boxes
• Double-click polygon map Landuse in the Catalog . The Display
Options Polygon Map dialog box (see Figure 3) is opened.
ILWIS exercise
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Quick introduction to ILWIS 3.1
Figure 3: Example of a Display Options - Polygon Map dialog box.
A dialog box allows the user to enter the information required by ILWIS to carry out
an operation. Dialog boxes differ depending on the application you are performing.
! Read pages 14 and 15 of the ILWIS 3.0 User’s Guide or click the Help button
to get more detailed information about the Display Options - Polygon Map
dialog box.
A map window
• Accept the defaults by clicking OK . Polygon map Landuse is
displayed in a map window (see Figure 4).
A map window has many similar features as the Main window of ILWIS, which we
have seen before.
! To get more information on a map window, press the F1 -key or open the Help
menu and select Help on this Window .
• Press the left mouse button on different units in the map to find out
what they represent.
• Find the land use class around the location: X=801830 and
Y=8089283 .
Domain As you can see, the units of the Landuse map are described by classes, with names
such as Forest , Grassland , Bare rock , Lake , etc. The list of all class names
that can occur in a map is called in ILWIS a domain . A domain defines the possible
contents of a map, a table, or a column. In other words, what do the items in a map,
table or column mean? Are they classes (such as land use classes), or values or
something else? All ILWIS data objects have a domain. The four most important
types of domains are:
- Class domains for data objects that contain classes (e.g. land use units,
geomorphological units);
ILWIS exercise
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Quick introduction to ILWIS 3.1
- ID domains for data objects that contain unique identifiers (e.g. city block 102 ,
rainfall station Laguna );
- Value domains for data objects that contain measured, calculated or
interpolated values (e.g. height, concentration);
- The Image domain for satellite images or scanned aerial photographs
containing values between 0 and 255.
! The domain concept is very essential in ILWIS. See the ILWIS Help topic
ILWIS Objects , Domains for more detail.
Close button
Title bar
Maximize button
Control menu icon
Menu bar
Minimize button
Scale box
Layer Management pane
Scroll bar
Status bar
Map viewer
Figure 4: An ILWIS map window.
• Double-click with the left mouse button a unit in the polygon map
Landuse .
Now you will see a small window appearing with the title Attributes . Inside the
window you will see two lines. The first line contains the land use class name of the
unit you clicked, and the second line contains the word Landvalue followed by a
number, which is the average monetary value of this land use type. The line with
Landvalue information is a line from an attribute table Landuse , which is linked
to the map.
A table window
• Close the Attributes window and double-click table Landuse in the
Catalog .
ILWIS exercise
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Quick introduction to ILWIS 3.1
The table Landuse is now displayed in a table window (see Figure 5). As you can
see from Figure 5, a table window contains many of the features we have already
seen in the Main window and in the map window.
Close button
Title bar
Maximize button
Control menu icon
Column properties
Minimize button
Record view button
Command line
Statistics pane
Status bar
Table viewer
Split bar
Scroll bar
Figure 5: An ILWIS table window.
! To get more information on a table window, press the F1 -key or open the Help
menu and select Help on this Window or read pages 14 and 15 of the ILWIS
3.0 User’s Guide.
The table contains two columns. The left column, in gray color, has no header. If
you look closely to the names in this left column you will remember that those are
the names that you have seen in the map Landuse . This is the domain of the table.
A domain can thus define the contents of a map as well as the contents of a table.
Next to the left gray column containing the domain items, the table has one more
column, called Landvalue . This column is an attribute column that contains the
average value of the land in fictive monetary values. This column uses a Value
• Double-click the Column header with the name Landvalue on it.
The Column Properties dialog box (Figure 6) appears.
This dialog box contains information on column Landvalue .
! Click the Help button to get more detailed information about the Column
Properties dialog box.
• Click the Cancel button to close the Column Properties dialog box.
In section 1.2 of the ILWIS 3.0 User’s Guide many more options of the table
window are treated. For now, close table Landuse .
ILWIS exercise
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