Kuciejczyk - English for Physiotherapists - Angielski dla fizjoterapii.pdf

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Anna Kuciejczyk
English for
Physiotherapists 1
materiały do nauki języka angielskiego
dla studentów fizjoterapii
mgr Hanna Żadkowska
Wydano za zgodą
Senackiej Komisji Wydawnictw
Akademii Medycznej w Gdańsku
© Copyright by Medical University of Gdańsk
ISBN 978-83-60253-31-1
Wydawca: Akademia Medyczna w Gdańsku
Zlec. KW/313/07
EXERCISE 1: Read the text and answer the questions below. Refer to the word-
list if you have problems with vocabulary.
The Medical University of Gdańsk is one of the leading Polish medical centres with
over 60 years of academic experience (founded in 1945) and great potential for de-
velopment. It is now one of the largest medical universities on the southern coast of
the Baltic Sea and is one of the most modern institutions of this kind in Poland. The
University continues a several-centuries-long tradition of the natural and medical sci-
ences of Gdańsk Gymnasium (Gymnasium Gedanense, set up in 1558).
Today the Medical University of Gdańsk provides education to over 3400 students
(full-time, extramural, Ph.D.) in four Faculties: the Faculty of Medicine ( Department
of Medicine, Division of Dentistry, English Division), the Faculty of Pharmacy ( De-
partment of Pharmacy, Division of Laboratory Medicine), the Faculty of Health Sci-
ences (Division of Nursing, Departments of: Public Health - Electroradiology, Physio-
therapy, Emergency Medicine), and the Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology. The
length of studies at the Medical University of Gdańsk varies from six years for stu-
dents of medicine and five years for those of biotechnology or pharmacy to three
years for students of Bachelor’s Degree courses.
The basic teaching at the Medical University of Gdańsk is carried out by over 900
academic teachers, over 120 of them being professors. Academic buildings are lo-
cated in the region of Dębinki Street (Faculty of Medicine), and in Hallera Street
(Faculty of Pharmacy). Teaching and research are mainly based on co-operation with
3 State Teaching Hospitals affiliated to the University.
Among the University buildings, the one erected in 1975 and housing the Basic Sci-
ences Departments (Collegium Biomedicum) is noteworthy for its three lecture halls
and twelve organizational units, that are well-equipped with modern instruments for
teaching and research.
The biggest Teaching Hospital (No 1 - Academic Clinical Centre) is situated in the
region of Dębinki Street and Smoluchowskiego Street in several buildings that origi-
nally housed a town hospital, and later the School of Practical Medicine. At present,
Teaching Hospital No 1 has 27 clinics.
Today, the Medical University of Gdańsk includes 32 clinics, each clinic not only be-
ing involved in teaching activities for undergraduate and graduate students, specialist
professional training of young physicians, but also providing highly specialised diag-
nostic and therapeutic services for the citizens of Gdańsk and neighbouring towns. In
fact, the whole population of the country's central northern region benefits from the
University services, which include, for example, open heart surgery (over 1000 op-
erations per year) and bone marrow and kidney transplantation. At the same time the
Medical University of Gdańsk conducts scientific research in clinical disciplines and
biomedical sciences. The results are presented in several hundred research papers
published yearly in professional journals. Every year our academic teachers partici-
pate in hundreds of international congresses and conferences.
The authorities of the Medical University of Gdańsk are: the Rector, Vice-Rector in
charge of research, Vice-Rector in charge of didactics, Vice-Rector in charge of clini-
cal affairs, Deans and Vice-Deans of specific faculties.
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