Joe Vitale - The 10 Most Unusual Marketing Secrets.pdf

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The 10 Most Unusual Marketing Secrets
An Interview with Joe Vitale
Well, I am just so darned excited, I’ve hardly been able to wait for
this last class because we have an amazing guru. And I’ll just
make a quick check, you’re there, yeah?
I’m here. I guess you’re talking about me.
Yes, I’m talking about you. Well, you guys are in for just a most
special treat and it is with just extreme joy that I share with you
that our guru is Joe Vitale. And many of you have met Joe before
on some of our calls and heard about Joe and read his books.
He’s author of the best-selling e-book, Hypnotic Writing , the
number one best selling book, which we refer to frequently,
Spiritual Marketing . Joe also recorded a best-selling audio
program for Nightindale Conant, and it’s extraordinary, I have it,
it’s called, The Power of Outrageous Marketing , it’s very cool.
He also wrote one of the first books ever published on Internet
Marketing and that was back in 1995, that’s really interesting to
me, called, CyberWriting .
He’s written, There’s a Customer Born Every Minute . And The
Seven Lost Secrets of Success and gosh probably seven books or
more after that.
Joe is also President of Hypnotic Marketing and his clients include:
The Red Cross, Herman Children’s Hospital, PBS Television,
Jerry & Esther Hicks, hundreds of authors, speakers, small
businesses, and entrepreneurs from all around the world.
And here is what I want you to know: One of his news releases
made a man a millionaire. And Joe’s publicity ideas have gotten
his clients on national television and the national media including
on Oprah.
And one of his strategies brought in $25,000 with one email in one
week. Wheeew! So, I’m delighted to have Joe share some time
and some of his wonderful wisdom with us. He has taken time out
today to bring his proven ideas for fast marketing and his fast
marketing, as you can hear, gets results. Joe, thank you for being
Well thank you, what an honor and what a treat, and what a nice
introduction. I feel proud of myself after listening to it.
Good, as you should. But I have really one burning question and
then I’m just going to let you go. How’s that sound?
All right.
Our listeners have been with us now for this Fast Marketing
Journey and they have many, many pieces and many components.
This is much like people who have read many books, heard many
tapes, devoured many ideas, and now wonder what out of all of it
they should do. I’d like for you to share any wisdom you could in
how they take all of this and now how they can get fast results.
OK, and how much time do I have?
You have about four minutes. No I’m kidding.
All right, I’m going to break the four-minute mile here. I figured
that was the question you were going to ask, or something like that,
so I have ten pointers that I can go through. But I can go through
them fairly easily and fairly quickly, but you or anybody can ask
any questions along the way. In fact, I can pause after each one
and if somebody has a question just spout off and I’ll see if I can
answer it.
So the very first one for me, and this is the guiding light principle
for me, that helps me, helps my clients, and I’m sure will help you.
Maybe it’s been discussed and maybe it hasn’t, and that’s the idea
Set An Intention .
Setting an intention will direct every thing you do and it will also
direct the universe to bring you what you need to achieve that
I remember you mentioned Oprah, a few minutes ago. And I don’t
watch her that often but I remember one time turning on the
television and I heard her say, as if she was speaking only to me,
“Intention rules the earth.”
I thought, oh my word, there it is, the quote of the lifetime. And
most people know by now I’ve got a license plate holder on the
front of my car that says, “I am the power of intention.”
So I would ask everybody to set an intention for what you want,
what are the results you want to achieve from the fast marketing
you’ve been learning about. I have no idea how many principles,
ideas, tips, tricks, methods, strategies you’ve been listening to. But
it will all sort itself out if you start with the fundamental premise of
what do I want and declare it, state it, write it down and say it to
yourself so it’s an intention that’s going to guide you in everything
you do.
So, any questions about that one?
Joe, I don’t have any questions, I just want to say yes, that that is
probably the most powerful principle I know also.
I say right now, set an intention . Ask yourself, what do I want to
achieve in the next 30 days, what do I want to be at the end of that
30 days. And write that so it is a guiding light, that is your
principle, that’s the light at the end of the tunnel. That is what will
orientate you to everything you’ve been learning. It will sort out
the stuff that will make that happen and the stuff that won’t make it
happen will fall away. But it all begins with an intention. That
rules the universe as far as I’m concerned. So that’s number one.
Number two is, Follow Your Hunches . I’m a big believer in this
and I’m often surprised by what my hunches tell me. I mean I may
get an urge to turn left one day when I’ve been turning right for
years, and suddenly I discover a store or a business or, in an actual
case, in Houston I discovered a house by turning left one day
following my intuition, that I ended up buying and living in it for
nine years.
I feel that your hunches are going to come into play more---this is
why it’s step two--- after you do step one, set an intention. When
you set that intention you’re telling your unconscious, you’re
telling your conscious, you’re telling the universe, you’re telling
all aspects of all energies that are in the world to bring this about.
But then it starts to give you hints on what to do by speaking to
you through other people, through turning on the TV one day and
Oprah speaks to you and says, intention rules the earth.
Or, you’ll get this hunch to do something, or to make that call, or
to write the letter, or to pick up a particular book, or to go to
Amazon one day and search marketing books when you hadn’t
done it before.
And so step two for me is pay attention to that intuition, to your
gut, to your hunches, and I guess that goes right into acting on
them. You want to pay attention to your hunches, but also act on
them. There are too many people that get the hunch and don’t act
on it. And I’ve learned from hard, hard experience that if I didn’t
act on that hunch, I’d regret it later. It was warning me, it was
alerting me, it was leading me to an opportunity or away from
something I didn’t want to go to. So step two for me is pay
attention to your hunches and act on them.
I’m pausing for dramatic emphasis
And I’m pausing to soak that in, so thank you.
And to let anybody ask a question if they want.
And number three is, and this starts to get even more concrete,
number three is make a list of the to do’s that you want to act on .
This can be the beginning of your marketing plan. You might
want to reflect on what you’ve been listening to on all these calls
and I hope you’ve been making notes or you’ve had a way to re-
listen to the calls so you can refresh your memory about what was
being said. And then make a list of the top 10 best ideas, the
things that you want to act on. And again, just write them down.
That list can end up being your marketing plan, and it’s as simple
as writing a list.
I have a daily list that I use every day and I’ve often used, I don’t
know if you’ve talked about this or not Terri or Sharon, but the
Abraham Calendar is a great tool.
We haven’t. That would be great to bring up.
Oh, OK, gosh. I think everybody should have the Abraham
Planning Calendar.
I keep mine sitting right here.
I forget what it’s called, isn’t it --
It’s called Daily Planning Calendar and Workbook for a One Year
Study of Spiritual Practicality .
There you go. I didn’t even know we were going to talk about this,
but this is so cool. I have it right here in front of me. But every
day I write down my to do’s on the left side of the page. So I’ve
got this little page, there’s a left column and a right column. And
on the left column it’s a heading that’s already pre-printed it says,
“Things I intend to do today.”
So on that I’ll write down the things I intend to do. Like today at
4:00 I’m being interviewed, I’m giving this little talk. So that’s on
the list. And there’s a few other things that I needed to do and that
all goes on Joe’s side of the list – this is what I am going to do.
These are the things that are my marketing strategy, my things to
do for the day.
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