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Feral Whispers
Dice Pool:
Manipulation + Animal Ken + animalism
Dice Pool:
Presence + Animal Ken + animalism -
animals Composure
Call of the Wild
Cost 1 vitae
Dice Pool:
Presence + Animal Ken + Animalism
Subsume the Lesser Spirit
Cost 1 vitae
Dice Pool:
Manipulation + Animal Ken + Animalism
The kindred with this ability has learned to
understand the lesser creatures that sur-
round her, and to speak with them and
make herself understood. Because this
requires initial eye contact, animals that
cannot see cannot be effected.
The kindred’s connection with his own feral
nature now allows him to command beasts,
no longer need he beg, threaten or cajole
animals into doing his will. He demands
and they obey as best they can. Requires
eye contact as feral whispers.
The kindred is so fully in tune with her own
beast that she an call out in a feral voice,
that beckons all creatures of a specific type
any animal of that sort within a given area
is compelled to respond.
By locking eyes with an animal, a vampire
may psychically enter the creatures body
and possess it as though it were his own, the
animals own mind and instincts are com-
pletely subsumed, allowing the kindred free
reign to take whate ver actions he chooses.
The vampires own body falls into a torpor-
like state.
PG 115, V:TR
PG 116, V:TR
PG 116, V:TR
PG 117, V:TR
A ura S ignifiers
A uspex
A uspex
Afraid Orange
Innocent White
Aggressive Purple
Love struck Bright Blue
Lashing the Beast
Cost 1 vitae
Dice Pool:
Manipulation + Empathy + Animalism
VS Composure + Blood Potency
Heightened Senses
Dice Pool:
Typically none.
(Wits + Composure + Auspex)
Aura Perception
Dice Pool:
Intelligence + Empathy + Auspex -
Subject’s composure
Angry Bright Red
Obsessed Bright Green
Bitter Brown
Sad Silver
Calm Light Blue
Spiritual Gold
Compassionate Pink
Suspicious Dark Blue
Conservative Lavender
Confused Shifting
Depressed Gray
Daydreaming Flickering
Deep Red
Diablerist Black Veins
When the power is activated, all of the
vampires senses sharpen to a razor’s edge,
effectively doubling both range and clarity
of all stimuli received.
With this mystic power, a vampire can open
his perceptions to the psychic auras that
surround all sentient creatures.
The vampire’s connection with the Best is
so powerful that she can manipulate not
only the lesser creatures around her but her
own beast and that of other kindred. This is
not overt corol as with Obedience or Domi-
nate Discipline. Rather the kindred learns to
rouse the Beast’s instincts, inspiring it.
Distrustful Light Green
Dominated Muted
Envious Dark Green
Frenzied Rapid Shifting
Excited Violet
Psychotic Hypnotic
Generous Rose
Vampire Pale colors
Happy Vermilion
Shape shifter Vibrant
Hateful Black
Ghost Intermittent
Idealistic Yellow
Magic Use Sparkles
PG 118, V:TR
PG 120, V:TR
PG 120, V:TR
PG 120, V:TR
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A uspex
A uspex
A uspex
C e l erity
The Spirits Touch
Dice Pool:
Wits + Occult + Auspex
Cost None for mortals
1 willpower unless willing
Dice Pool:
Intelligence + Socialize + Auspex -
Subject’s Resolve
Twilight Projection
Cost: 1 willpower
Dice Pool:
Intelligence + Occult + Auspex
Cost: 1 Vitae per turn
Dice Pool:
Celerity Is unlike other disciplines in that it
is not actively rolled.
The Kindred’s Powers of perception have
progressed to the point that he can pick up
psychic impressions from objects by simply
handling them for a moment or two.
Commonly seen as the pinnacle of auspex
achievement, this power allows a vampire
to project her perceptions out of her physi-
cal body. Her senses take on an existence
their own, traveling the material world like
a specter.
Tales and legends of vampires ascribe them
inhuman speed, the ability to move faster
than the eye can see, Celerity adds to the
initiative of during the turn which it is
active. Sped increases by itself again for
each dot of celerity and multiply that num-
ber by his speed.
At this level of advancement of one’s extra-
sensory perceptions, a vampire may project
his consciousness into a nearby individual’s
Costs 1 willpower for a supernatural subject
unless the subject is willing
PG 121, V:TR
PG 122, V:TR
PG 123, V:TR
PG 124, V:TR
Contested, Resistance is reflexive
Dice Pool:
Intelligence + Intimidation + Dominate
Versus Resolve + Blood Potency
Contested, Resistance is reflexive
Dice Pool:
Intelligence + Expression + Dominate
Versus Resolve + Blood Potency
The Forgetful Mind
Extended (1-100+ successes)
Dice Pool:
Wits + Persuasion + Dominate - Resolve
Cost: 1 willpower per roll
Contested and extended
6-15+ successes
Dice Pool:
Wits + Subterfuge + Dominate versus
Resolve + Blood Potency
Once he has established eye contact, the
vampire issues a single, one-word com-
mand that must be obeyed instantly. The
order must be clear and straight forward
The Source of many legends of the vam-
pire’s hypnotic gaze, Mesmerize allows the
kindred to implant a false thought or sug-
gestion into the subject’s subconscious
mind. Mesmerize can deliver complex and
long-term commands.
A Vampire with this power can literally
delve into a subject’s mind, stealing or
reshaping memories at whim. Simple altera-
tions, such as blurring brief and recent
memories, are simple enough. More com-
prehensive alterations are possible albeit
substantially more difficult.
Through constant veiled whispers, subtle
hints and frequent sustained manipulation, a
vampire can slowly render a particular
victim substantially more suggestible. Each
success represents one week of mental
freeze, jump, run, stop, fall, cough, blink,
and so forth.
PG 124, V:TR
PG 125, V:TR
PG 127, V:TR
PG 127, V:TR
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Cost: 1 willpower
Contested, Resistance is reflexive
Dice Pool:
Intelligence + Intimidation + Dominate
Versus Resolve
Dice Pool:
Presence + Expression + Majesty
Cost 1 Vitae
Contested, Resistance is reflexive
Dice Pool:
Manipulation + Expression + Majesty
Versus subjects composure + Blood Po-
Contested, Resistance is reflexive
Dice Pool:
Manipulation + Expression + Majesty
Versus subjects composure + Blood Po-
This power makes the user seem exponen-
tially more charismatic and magnetic than
he normally is. Whatever the vampire says,
people are likely to lend serious credence to
his position and views.
This power is perhaps the closest thing that
majesty gets to serious command over the
thoughts of another. Its power warps the
emotional state of the subject, making him a
willing servant of the vampire. Subjects
retain their sense of identity and free will,
believing that they are acting on their on
By this point, the kindred need not rely on
spoken commands and limited understand-
ing. Once the kindred has crushed the vic-
tim’s will, she literally takes over the body,
inhabiting it and controlling it as easily as
she does her own
The allure and reassurance of a kindred
with this power is enough to make others
forego caution and share their compassion-
ate words or heartfelt look from the vam-
pire can break down a person’s prudence
and fear, inspiring a desire to share deep
feelings or dark secrets.
PG 127, V:TR
PG 129 V:TR
PG 129, V:TR
PG 130, V:TR
Cost 1 vitae
Contested, Resistance is reflexive
Dice Pool:
Manipulation + Persuasion + Majesty ver-
sus subject’s composure + Blood Potency
Cost 1 Willpower per scene
Dice Pool:
Presence + Intimidation + Majesty versus
subjects Composure + Blood Potency
Monstrous Countenance
Dice Pool:
Presence + Intimidation + Nightmare versus
subject’s Composure + Blood Potency
Cost 1 Vitae
Dice Pool:
Manipulation + Empathy + Nightmare
versus subject’s Composure + Blood Po-
The true face of a vampire is frightening
thing, indeed
made all the more terrifying
by the assistance of this power. When a
kindred activated this power. Subjects will
flee the vampire’s presence, using all avail-
able means.
This potent power allows the vampire to
call any individual he knows personally to
his side. The summoned individual knows
whos presence he travels and may pause to
make arrangements before departure, if
Sovereignty is considered “always active”
during scenes in which it is activated. Peo-
ple can speak freely around the vampire as
long as they don’t try to criticize him, any
one wishing to attack the vampire, however
must overcome the sovereignty to do so.
Gloom, Disquiet and uncertainty creeps into
the hearts of people around the vampire.
Any one within 3 yards per willpower dot
that the vampire posses can be effected.
One contested roll may be made reflexively
for a crowd. Those loose suffer –2 on all
actions, no willpower can be spent.
PG 130, V:TR
PG 132, V:TR
PG 133, V:TR
PG 133, V:TR
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Eye of the Beast
Cost 1 Vitae
Contested; Resistance is reflexive
Dice Pool:
Presence + Empathy + Nightmare Versus
subject’s Composure + Blood Potency
Shatter the Mind
Cost 1 Willpower
Contested; Resistance is reflexive
Dice Pool:
Manipulation + Empathy + Nightmare
Versus subject’s Composure + Blood Po-
Mortal Fear
Cost 1 Willpower
Dice Pool:
Presence + intimidation + nightmare -
Touch of Shadow
Dice Pool:
Wits + Larceny + Obfuscate
This level of Obfuscate allows the vampire
to conceal small items, either in her grasp
or on her person. If she is skilled enough,
even a thorough search fails to turn up a
hidden object.
The vampire reveals the inner core of the
kindred's being. The victim is paralyzed
with fear, incapable of moving or taking
any action. If a victim is attacked or mo-
lested the victim will spend the remainder
of the scene trying to flee the creature.
The vampire confronts a subject with her
greatest fear, Victims loose their next action
and reels from the vision which she is con-
fronted. Her defense still applies, but she
cannot dodge. All other actions are per-
formed at a
The Vampire is able to inspire fear as a
weapon unto its self. A victim is so thor-
oughly and intensely frightened by the
vampire that he suffers physical damage.
He ages prematurely, even other vampires
can be effected, the subject must be able to
see the vampire employing this power.
1 and looses one willpower
point, suffer from a mild derangement.
PG 134, V:TR
PG 134, V:TR
PG 134, V:TR
PG 135, V:TR
Mark of Tranquility
Dice Pool:
This power involves no roll, and is consid-
ered “always on”
Cloak of Night
Dice Pool:
Intelligence + Stealth + Obfuscate
The Familiar Stranger
Contested; Resistance is reflexive
Dice Pool:
Wits + Subterfuge + Obfuscate versus
Subject’s Resolve + Blood Potency
Cloak the Gathering
Dice Pool:
Intelligence + Stealth + Obfuscate
The kindred masters the art of hiding him-
self to such a degree that he may subvert
some of the stains that undeath leaves upon
his soul. A vampire who kno ws this power
can mask his kindred nature from onlook-
ers, leaving them without the impression of
the predator’s taint.
Cloak of night allows a vampire to literally
fade from sight, becoming completely
invisible to observers. The process of fad-
ing away is subtle but its effect on wit-
nesses might not be. Mortals are likely to
panic and flea. Successful use of cloak of
night renders the character invisible until he
does something to draw attention to him-
This power allows the character to assume
the image of whomever the subject most
expects to see under the circumstances in
which they meet. The character has no
immediate knowledge of what aspect he is
perceived to have, unless the target gives
the identity away through verbal or behav-
ioral clues.
A vampire can hide one extra individual per
dot of obfuscate she posses, not counting
her self. While under the effects of this
power, each individuals must obey the rules
of cloak of night.
PG 136, V:TR
PG 136, V:TR
PG 137, V:TR
PG 138, V:TR
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Aspect of the Predator
Dice Pool:
This power involves no roll to invoke
Haven of Soil
Cost 1 Vitae
Dice Pool:
This power involves no roll to invoke
Claws of the Wild
Cost 1 Vitae
Dice Pool:
This power involves no roll to invoke
Shape of the Beast
Cost 1 Vitae
Dice Pool:
This power involves no roll to invoke
The most basic ability of this discipline
allows a vampire to project a supernatural
mien of savage predatory ferocity. A char-
acter is not subject to the usual relationships
of blood potency upon meeting an unknown
kindred for the first time. If the characters
blood potency is lower than that of the
unkno wn kindred it is treated as equal.
A vampire can blend his form with soil.
While so interred, the character is immune
to threat from the sun’s rays, or to any
physical attack as his corporeal form is
actually merged with that of the substance
Upon activation of this power, the vampires
nails grow into long, fearsome talons. These
ferocious weapons offer a +1 bonus to
attack pools in unarmed close combat, and
inflict aggravated damage.
A kindred can take the shape of an ordinary
animal, most commonly a bat or a wolf.
While in this form, the vampire retains his
mind and temperament. Every 3 experience
spent on this ability allows the character
transform into additional animal forms.
PG 138, V:TR
PG 138, V:TR
PG 139, V:TR
PG 139, V:TR
Re s i lience
Cr u a c
Body of Spirit
Cost 1 Vitae
Dice Pool:
This power involves no roll to invoke. The
full change takes one action to complete.
Cost: 1 Vitae per scene
Dice Pool:
Resilience Is unlike other disciplines in that
it is not actively rolled.
Cost: 1 Vitae per scene
Dice Pool:
Vigor Is unlike other disciplines in that it is
not actively rolled.
Pangs of Proserpina
Cost 1 Vitae
Dice Pool:
Manipulation + Occult + Cruac
Versus targets Composure + Blood Potency
The sorcerer causes feelings of intense
hunger in a subject, who must be within
sight. The afflicted subject feels the desire
to eat or feed. The victim will avail himself
to any available sustenance available, short
of cannibalism or drinking of blood (for a
mortal). Kindred might attack nearby ves-
sels or fellow vampires, if their hunger is
sever enough to make them frenzy.
The pinnacle of most vampires achievement
in the transfiguring art, this power enables a
kindred to transform his entire body into a
fine mist. As a small cloud of vapor, the
character can float along above the round at
his normal speed.
Legends abound of vampires who are able
to withstand even the most brutal punish-
ment to their unloving form. Each dot of
resilience increases the characters stamina
by one fore the scene win which the disci-
pline is active, this bonus also increases the
characters health dots during the scene.
Nearly every vampire legend across the
globe expresses the preternatural strength
possessed by the undead. Each dot of vigor
increases the characters strength by one
while the discipline is active.
PG 140, V:TR
PG 140, V:TR
PG 141, V:TR
PG 143, V:TR
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