Frank O'Collins - The Almanac of Evil - The Final Testament.pdf

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Chapter 1
In accordance with international treaties and conventions concerning human rights, the rule
of law, all nations that recognize human dignity and decency and the prosecution of
organized crime including but not restricted to prostitution, trafficking of prohibited
narcotics, money laundering, murder, political assassination, fraud, pedophile rings,
institutional incest, arms trade; and crimes against humanity including but not restricted to
genocide, sadistic torture, germ warfare, ritual and satanic murder and cannibalism, child
slavery, general slavery and wholesale destruction and suppression of human history,
knowledge and wisdom; and in consideration for the publicly acknowledged claim of
unbroken leadership and control by persons implicated in such allegations that the following
charges of crime are listed against the said defendants:
1. Pope Benedict XVI, also known as Joseph Alois Ratzinger;
2. Cardinal William Levada, Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and all
officials and staff of what if formerly known as the Supreme Sacred Congregation of the
Holy Office, formerly known as the Supreme Sacred Congregation of the Roman and
Universal Inquisition;
3. The remaining Heads of departments including all officials of the Roman Curia, otherwise
known as The Holy See, otherwise known as the Vatican;
4. All regional Cardinals, archbishops and bishops not attached to the Curia;
5. All heads of orders of Priests. Nuns and monks.
That the presentation of these charges and their execution in accordance with national and
international law shall be applied in the context of the warrants as listed in this, the Supreme
Bible of God.
Of murder : (44 CE) That Paul of Tarsus (St. Paul) did commit the murder of Stephen the
Martyr, a man who had been appointed by James, the brother of Jesus to coordinate food
relief to starving people at the beginning of the great famine.
Of establishing an unlawful enterprise for the purpose of crime : (45 CE) That Paul of
Tarsus (St. Paul) aided by Josephus ben Matthias (St. Luke) and other members of the House
of Ananus did set up an unlawful enterprise called “Christianity” for the sole purpose of
pursuing criminal activities according to the following objectives:
1. Render the Gnostic teachings of Jesus and the Nazarenes ineffective by producing a
counter religion claiming to be the only true faith that focuses on simplistic symbolism,
conformity and a hatred of knowledge.
2. Perpetuate the strength and credibility of canonical Jewish sacred texts created by
Jeremiah, Baruch, Nehemiah and Ezra by incorporating these texts as a key part of the liturgy
of the religion.
3. Destroy all texts, references to Gnosticism and any evidence to history that threatens
objective 1 or 2.
4. Where is not possible to destroy, re-write the evidence that contradicts claims.
5. Usurp all members of Jesus’s family and disciples and where possible ensure their death.
6. Structure the church so that the House of Ananus, the former Jewish High Priests and its
descendents along with other selected Sadducee Jewish families maintain effective control
over the church and are able to continue satanic rituals and human sacrifice with impunity.
7. Curse every “sheep” that chooses to follow Christianity blindly unaware of the god they
truly worship.
Of obtaining property by deception : (45 – 48 CE) That Paul of Tarsus (St. Paul) aided by
the House of Ananus and other accomplices did obtain both money and property from
generous Jews and non-Jews across several Hellenic cities under false pretences of assisting
James the Just and the Apostles in their funding of food aid during the great famine.
Of receiving and trading the proceeds of crime : (45 -48 CE) That the House of Ananus did
receive the proceeds of crime perpetrated by Paul of Tarsus for their own personal gain and
to fund in the establishment and objectives of their criminal enterprise called “Christianity”
including but not restricted to the production of false public documents relating to false
accounts of the life of Jesus and the apostles and the recruitment of individuals to operate
local representations of the criminal enterprise.
Of publishing false documents : (45 -48 CE) That the House of Ananus with the
collaboration of Paul of Tarsus and Josephus ben Matthias, also known as St. Luke did
deliberately and knowingly create false documents relating to alleged gospels of Jesus Christ
including the deliberate inclusion of a modified set of the Babylonian Talmud in order to
subvert the original Gnostic message of Jesus and his disciples and prevent the identity of the
Jewish Sadducee High Priests as being Satanists from being clearly understood.
Of publishing false documents and indecent materials : (45 -48 CE) That the House of
Ananus with the collaboration of Paul of Tarsus and Josephus ben Matthias, did public false
statements concerning (1) the true Jesus Passover ceremony from a vegetarian and anti-
human/animal sacrifice ritual to being a full body and blood satanic ritual of simulated
human sacrifice (2) the true Nazarene respect for women being spiritual and ecclesiastical
equals as being evil, not to be trusted and forbidden from having any spiritual significance
and (3) the corruption of the rite of marriage according to Jesus from being a meeting of
equals to a contract of property whereby the woman is effectively “sold” into slavery to the
Of murder (58/59 CE) Upon being excommunicated by Pope James the Just, that Paul of
Tarsus (St. Paul) in the company of accomplices did travel to the region of Marseilles in the
South of France and did commit the deliberate murders of full Roman citizens being Mary
(Salome) the sister of Jesus and Mary Cleopas, the cousin of Jesus and Sara, the youngest of
the children of Jesus and Mary Magdalene.
Of moral indecency and depravity : (52 CE onwards): That Paul of Tarsus and members of
the House of Ananus, also being High Priests of the Jews did undertake new ceremonies of
such moral indecency and depravity concerning the worship of satanic demons, human
sacrifice and cannibalism under the guise of the “High Mass” of their religion called
Christianity. That such rituals included infanticide, drug consumption and frenzied sexual
acts consistent with the ancient rites of satanic Judaism practiced for over one thousand years
Of murder (58/59 CE) That Paul of Tarsus (St. Paul) upon reaching the region of Marseilles
in the South of France did commit the deliberate and premeditated murder of the full Roman
citizen Jesus ben Joseph, otherwise known as Jesus the Messiah and Jesus Christ.
Furthermore, that Paul of Tarsus (St. Paul) did severe the head of Jesus from his body and
return it and hand it as proof of his evil deeds to members of the House of Ananus in
Jerusalem. That the House of Ananus did then hide the head of Jesus within the complex
under the Great Temple, from which it was discovered by the Templers one thousand years
later and named the “Baphomet”.
Of murder (61 CE) That Paul of Tarsus (St. Paul) did travel to Britain and to Glastonbury
the home of Joseph Ha-Rama-Theo (Arimethea), the legitimate King of Israel in exile, the
father of Jesus, and did commit the murder of Mary, the mother of Jesus, also known as
“Virgin Mary” and “Mary the mother of God”. Furthermore, that Paul of Tarsus and his
accomplices did commit other acts of murder upon members of the household of Joseph and
Mary upon the absence of Joseph who was in Scotland at the time.
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