David M. Cunningham - Creating Magickal Entities (2003).pdf

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David Michael Cunningham
Taylor Ellwood & Amanda R. Wagener
Egregore Publishing
Perrysburg, OH
© 2003 DAVID MICHACL CUNNINGHAM. All rights reserved. No portion
of this publication may be copied, reproduced, stored in a retrieval
system, reposted, duplicated, or transmitted, in any means, electronic,
mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise now known
or hereafter to become known without the express prior written
permission of Egregore Publishing.
Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Cunningham, David Michacl.
Creating magickal entities: a complete guide to entity creation /
David Michael Cunningham with Taylor Ellwood and Amanda
R. Wagencr. 1st—ed.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 1-932517-44-8
1. Magic. 2. Spirits—Miscellanea. 3. Evocation—Miscellanea.
I. Ellwood, Taylor II. Wagcner, Amanda R. III. Title
Library of Congress Control Number: 2003107760
This book is dedicated to the teachers and mentors that have
shared their magickal wisdom with us and many others.
This book is also dedicated to those that are starting and
continuing their studies and practices of the occult arts. If
it -were not for such people, we would not have anyone to
share our knowledge with.
David personally dedicates this book to his mother,
for teaching him that he is the master of his own reality.
Taylor personally dedicates this book to Matthew
Thompson, Storm Constantine, Todd Heilmann, and to
the Magick.
Amanda personally dedicates this book to the memory
of "Robot," her mother, father, and her brother Aaron for
accepting her uniqueness (and who keep the memory of
Robot alive still to this day).
Any trade names, trade marks, service marks, etc. mentioned in this
publication are for identification only. Therefore, any specific company
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Egregore Publishing. Further, the company or product mentioned neither
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we can avoid printing the ®, IM , ©, etc. marks that we might otherwise
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The publisher does not participate in, endorse, or have any authority
or responsibility concerning private business transactions between our
authors and the public.
Published by
Egregore Publishing
PO Box 572
Perrysburg, OH 43552-0572
Printed in the United States of America
Thanks to our mentors, families, friends, and fellow magi
for the contributions that they have made to this book.
Without their lust for tried and tested knowledge and their
belief that we could satisfy this lust, we wouldn't have been
challenged to put our knowledge in a format so that others
may learn from our experiences.
We wish to express our gratitude to Phil Hine, Donald
Michael Kraig, and Patricia Telesco, for helping us in both
magick and writing.
To Storm Constantine, Douglas Grant, Chris Chen-
ette, Richard Sutherland II, and Bryan Lee Briggs, we owe a
world of thanks.
David personally thanks Sensei Joseph Hurtsellers
of the Academy of Karate by Hurtsellers, Toledo, Ohio
( www.academyof karate.com ) . Through his instruction
and caring as a teacher, Mr. Hurtsellers has provided David
with the tools to command focus and dedication in his life.
Taylor would like to thank David and Amanda for
their support in this book.
Amanda thanks her husband for his support and
understanding. She also thanks Mrs. Jennifer Kiernan and
the late Mr. John Harlow, her high school English/Creative
Writing instructors, for encouraging her to be creative,
providing an environment to stretch her mind, and a kick
in the rear when she needed it.
This book is designed to provide information in regard to
the subject matter covered. It is sold with the understanding
that the publisher, authors, contributors, and advisors are
not rendering legal, medical, psychological, or other profes-
sional services or advice.
It is not the purpose of this book to reprint all the
information that is otherwise available to readers but to
compliment, amplify, and supplement other texts. For
more information, please see the references at the end of
this book.
Every effort has been made to make this book as
complete and accurate as possible. However, there may be
mistakes both in content and typography. The publisher
accepts no legal or otherwise responsibility for the contents
therein. The opinions of the author and contributors do not
necessarily reflect those of the publisher.
The publisher, authors, contributors, and advisors
shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person
or group of people with respect to any loss or damage
caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by the
information contained in this book.
If you do not agree with and do not wish to be bound
by the above, you may return this book to the publisher for
a full refund.
Definition of Entity
Entity Uses
Attuning Your Energy
Important Precautions
Goals and Results
Planning Your Entity
Choosing a Name
Your Entity's Appearance
Housing Your Entity
Feeding Time
Magickal Abilities
Life Span
Programming Your Intent
Giving Life to Your Entity
Contacting Your Entity
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