D. M. Turner - The Essential Psychedelic Guide.pdf

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D. M. Turner - Table of Contents
Foreword to the HTML Edition - by Forbidden Donut
A Brief History of Psychedelics - From the Creation of Gods to the
Demise of Psychedelic Reverence in Modern Times
Psychedelic Safety - Understanding the Tools
I - Traditional Psychedelics
LSD - Molecule of Perfection
Psilocybin Mushrooms - The Extraterrestrial Infiltration of Earth?
II - Empathogens
Ecstasy - The Heart Opening Psychedelic
2C-B - The Erotic Empathogen
III - Exotic Highs of a Connoisseur
DMT - Candy for the Mind
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D. M. Turner - Table of Contents
Harmala Alkaloids - Link to the Ancient Spirits
Ketamine - The Ultimate Psychedelic Journey
Multiple Combinations - Cosmic Synergism
Further Explorations - Where do we go from Here?
DMT ~ Water Spirit - A Magical Link
Psychedelic Reality - CydelikSpace
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D. M. Turner - Publication Information
The Essential Psychedelic Guide - By D. M. Turner
First Printing - September 1994
Copyright ©1994 by Panther Press ISBN 0-9642636-1-0
Library of Congress Catalog registration in progress Printed in the United
States of America
Cover art by Nick Philip, SFX Lab Illustrations on pages 31, 41, 45, and
59 by P.B.M.
D. M. Turner is a trademark of Panther Press.
Selected excerpt from The Doors of Perception by Aldous Huxley.
Copyright 1954 by Aldous Huxley. Copyright renewed ©1982 by Laura
Huxley. Reprinted by permission of HarperCollins Publishers Inc. and
Chatto & Windus Ltd.
Selected excerpt from The Holotropic Mind by Stanislav Grof and Hal
Zina Bennett Copyright ©1992 by Stanislav Grof and Hal Zina Bennett.
Reprinted by permission of HarperCollins Publishers Inc.
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any
manner without the written permission of the publisher.
Warning: Many of the substances discussed in this book are currently
illegal in the United States and many other parts of the world. The author
and publisher do not advocate breaking the law, and will not be held
responsible for use or misuse of the information contained herein. This
book was written to expand the body of knowledge available on
psychedelics and is not a recommendation or endorsement of their use.
Additional copies of this book may be ordered for $14.95 each. ($12.95+
$2.00 shipping and handling) CA residents add $0.94 tax for credit card
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D. M. Turner - Publication Information
orders add $1.00 processing fee.
For Visa - Mastercard orders only phone (415) 753-6481.
For mail orders and international orders see the order form on page 112.
For wholesale inquiries and any other information write to:
Panther Press
1032 Irving, #514
San Francisco, CA 94122
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