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T he
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Shattered lives
by Shelby (D.J.) Babb
The Abyss presents Shattered Lives written by Shelby (D.J.) Babb, a sourcebook from The Abyss. This electronic
version of Shattered Lives may be used provided you charge no fee and do not alter its contents or layout. If you
wish to distribute this or copies of this digital document in any other format please contact Jason Just for written
The following material developed for the contemporary horror roleplaying game, Kult (Target Games), is made
available in this format by The Abyss, and are not authorized or endorsed in any way by Target Games or any
other publisher of Kult. Neither Target Games or any other publisher of Kult is in any way responsible for the
content of this sourcebook. Shattered Lives © The Abyss, All Rights Reserved.
Cover inset and Interior Graphics© PeterAmthor. Images may be used provided no fee is charged and or
Contact just.faction@clear.net.nz
Reccommended for Mature audiences.
Shelby (D.J.) Babb
Shattered Lives
Author: Shelby (D.J.) Babb
Cover Inset/Graphics: PeterAmthor
A Publication from The Abyss
Made for the Kult Roleplaying Game
For Mature Readers
"The Abyss is a not-for-profit worldwide corporation whose aim is to
encourage a new publishing company to buy the rights to the Kult role-playing
game and bring it back into print. We run an extensive outreach campaign to
attract new gamers, and we produce high-quality new material and distribute
it for free on the Internet in order to keep gamers interested."
~ www.kult-rpg.org ~
Copyright 2000
NOTE: The Abyss stands by artists who contribute to The Abyss and will aid them and provide legal defense
should a breach of copyright be made. The Abyss claims no copyright of author/artist material. Any parties
interested in reprinting the content contained within Shattered Lives or any other Abyss release should contact
the author/artist for agreement. In these cases The Abyss can act as liason for said parties.
Shelby (D.J.) Babb
Shattered Lives
(Before reading any further, let me make one point clear: THIS IS SICK STUFF. It deals with child pornography and sexual
exploitation. I can not stress enough that I do NOT support or approve of these things, and find them VERY repulsive. However,
I also find this to be an interesting topic to explore within Kult, a game where the darkest aspects of humanity are explored.)
~ writer’s note
The Epiphany
(originally printed in a complete version in "The Awakening #2")
Boasting teens speak of trips to the Epiphany with their classmates. Arrogant college students toss its name around to
impress potential dates. Even professionals describe it as one of the greatest places they've ever been to. And yet, despite
how many people know the name, only a precious handful have ever truly been there.
The Epiphany is somewhat of an urban legend among the people of Seattle. Some say it's a huge dance-club built inside
the bottom of a private yacht that's always moving from country to country. Others say it's a drug-den hidden within a
cemetery crypt, run by Jamaicans. The most recent rumors describe it as actually being a sex-parlor hidden inside the
offices of nearby Microsoft. However, of all the rumors, only the last comes truly close, and even it is grossly wrong.
The Epiphany IS a sex-club, founded in 1979 by a dark skinned man (believed to be from Iran) named Hareesh. Hareesh
started the Epiphany as a "counter-culture" scene, who's location was spread by word of mouth. The rich and trendy
would gossip and whisper among their friends, spreading tales of a bar unlike any other.
Women, drugs, and even darker things were all available at the Epiphany. Those who found it became addicted to its
nature, plunging ever deeper into the darkness it had to offer. Those who couldn't find the club branded it a place of
pornography and child-molestation and a drug den; their lust for what they couldn't have made them retaliate by
attacking the club.
Hareesh knew that the arrogance and outrage of those he scorned would drive them to destroy the Epiphany, so Hareesh
set the club up as a roving place. It never stayed in any one location for very long, and would move from building to
building. Some times, especially when the police were actively hunting for the Epiphany, Hareesh would stop the club
and it would disappear. Once things calmed down, the club would re-open. All this changed in 1984, as Hareesh began
recruiting the children (from ages 8 t o 19) into his club.
He gave the young children marijuana and harder drugs while allowing the older children to sleep with his "entertainers".
In many cases the children (young and old) were encouraged to entertain the guests. The young ones were encouraged to
hide underneath tables and give oral sex to those who sat down, the children's hands and heads creeping out from under
the tablecloth to perform for Hareesh's guests. The older children were kept as prostitutes and encouraged to perform in
sexual shows; dozens of tee ns encouraging the patrons to form "daisy-chains", where long lines of people screwing one
another were formed. Some children did even worse things for Hareesh's pleasure.
As the children grew older, they began to become devoted to the Epiphany, and saw it as their only family. All as Hareesh
planned. The son of the police commissioner warned Hareesh of the police's knowledge, the mayor's daughter located
"safe" areas to open the Epiphany, the children of leading businessmen stole money from their parents to keep the
Epiphany going.
Occasionally someone would catch on, and then Hareesh would have the children frame the person with child
molestation. A child, occasionally the person's own, would seduce the person threatening Hareesh. As the individual was
having intercourse with the child, a second child would record the entire incident on video tape. The tape would then be
used to blackmail the person involved. And when blackmail would not work, the children gladly murdered their own
Shelby (D.J.) Babb
Shattered Lives
parents to preserve the Epiphany. Currently Hareesh has become somewhat slack in moving the Epiphany from place to
place, confident that his circle of loyal followers will keep him informed if anything should be amiss. Instead, Hareesh
spends his time focused on the true purpose of the Epiphany, letting the Inner cabal run the club.
The Epiphany is always changing. Both in its location, but also in its appearance and what it has to offer. Perhaps it meets
in a school gym late one night, holding a drunken orgy. The next it may meet in a mausoleum, the corpses of the dead
pulled out to "join in the fun" of a night of necrophilia. The "acts" change from night to night, always following a certain
theme. But despite the constant changes the Epiphany undergoes, there are always a few common threads.
An observer will quickly notice the children everywhere. Naked and wiggling on a man's lap, heads bobbing up and down
between a woman's legs from underneath a table cloth, and so on. Most people leave at that point, never to return. But
some stay. As they grow more and more aroused, as their acceptance of the place begins to increase, they begin to notice
who the children perform for. Off in the corner, sodomizing a small boy, the bank president grins as if his face would
explode. The Police Commissioner of Seattle stands, peeing in a beautiful girl's mouth. The head editor of the local
newspaper cartel laughs as a pair of twelve year olds take turns licking her anus. And as the observer becomes ever more
drawn into the Epiphany, he notices more and more the noted people who visit.
Group Organization:
The power structure of the Epiphany is very simple. Hareesh rules the club and the children with an iron fist, and his
followers would do anything for him. Anything.
Immediately beneath Hareesh is the Inner Cabal, 6 boys and 6 girls between the ages of 16 and 19. Chosen for their power
in the mundane world (all have ties to high ranking politicians and individuals in the Seattle area), the Inner Cabal are
also quite impressive in their mystical potential. Hareesh has trained them in simple magic to be able to aid him in his
rites. Besides Hareesh, only the Inner Cabal know of the Epiphany's true purpose.
The majority of the Epiphany's followers comprise the Outer Cabal. Over 60 children (from ages 8 to 19) serve the
Epiphany in a manner of ways. Performing sexual services for Hareesh's customers, dealing with those who threaten the
club, and so on. All are thoroughly devoted to the Epiphany, Hareesh, and the Inner Cabal and would willingly give their
lives (or anything else) for the pleasure of any of them.
The "guests" of Hareesh form another group. The wealthy and the trendy gravitate to the hidden, moving nature of the
club, seeking to vent their pent-up urges. While many leave in horror at what they see, a large number become almost
hypnotized at the d isplays of perversion and degradation they see. They come back, rapidly coming to embrace the
Epiphany and all it has to offer. Some even send their own children to join the Outer Cabal, while others work to discredit
the (accurate) claims of child mole station and sexual abuse from others.
Finally, the Epiphany has the Sea of Joy, the Children of Joy.
The Sea of Joy:
The true purpose of the Epiphany is even darker than the sexual exploitation of children. The Epiphany is an experiment
of sorts, a test conducted by Gamaliel, the Death Angel of Perverted Sexuality. An experiment that may threaten to
unravel the entire Illusion.
Hareesh is an incarnate of Gamaliel, conducting a unique experiment revolving around spreading the darkest of carnal
desires. Hareesh and his Inner Cabal take those too useless to the Epiphany and those who threaten it, and give them to
the Sea. The Sea is a giant swirling pit of flesh, sweat, and sexual fluids, forever swirling with hungered lust. As people are
given to the Sea (usually after being drugged and covered in a mixture of semen, vaginal ejaculation, and bodily wastes),
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