Kult - Metropolis Ltd - Accessory - GM Screen.pdf

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~ ...-t Cil~ ~eree ..
Including nevv
Errata, and a
Characters Sheets,
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NOTE:This is a supple-
ment, you must have
access to the role playing
game Kult.
" .. ~~.
KuIt is a game which
explores the dark side of
the human soul; some
may find this disturbing.
Kult is not recommended
for players under 16.
Printed in USA #5010
9 781883 716103
~e"t:ropo:IHi LUI
Distribution: POB 105 • Folsom, PA • 19033
Creative Studio: POB 57083 • Wash., DC • 20037 • INTERNET:Lictor@AOL.com
1-883716-10-1 M995
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~ ..1:;ho:rs
Andreas Marklund (Adventure), James
Estes, Terry K. Amthor
Screen Art
Peter Andrew Jones
Peter Bergting
English Edition Editing
James Estes, Terry Kevin Amthor
Page Design and Production
Eidolon Design Studio
Special ContriButions
Jerker Sojdelius, James Estes, Preston M.
Bennett "Biff" Eisenhower Iv, Bob
For Product Information:
Metropolis Ltd
c/o Heartbreaker
P.O. Box 105
Folsom, PA 19033
Voice/FAX 215.544.9052
'Y For general information you can
contact us through America
Online. Check out the
Metropolis Board in Gaming
Company Support under
Keyword: Gaming.
'Y You can E-mail us through the Internet at:
or Lictor@AOL.com, and you can join the
Kult Listserve! email to
listserv@wizards.com with the message
Subscribe Kult-L
---.----~-~---..:: ...-t;
Kult GM Screen is copyright ©
Target Games AB 1991; English edi-
tion copyright © 1994 Metropolis
Ltd. Reprint without written per-
mission is prohibited. All rights
reserved. No reproductions in any
form, whether electronic, photome-
chanical, or any other-except per-
mission is granted to photocopy PC
sheets for personal use. Produced
by Metropolis Ltd. PO. Box 57083,
Washington, DC 20037. Printed in
USA. First US Edition, August 1994.
ISBN 1-883716-10-1.
Stock # 5010
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"""'e :F8J~"e:r~ """'e ~II.~
(~ he doesn't even bother
to take out the broken
glass, but looks down
her bloody thigh with the cold,
expressionless stare ofa meat ven-
dor. What does she care about the
atom bomb, the bedbugs, the scan-
dalous rent, or Friendly Finances
waiting to collect her negligent
flesh... Dream sweet dreams,
Pantopon Rose.'
..-Tnto Death is an adventure
a.J designed for two to four charac-
ters. Experienced players are preferable.
This adventure can be a starting point for
a new campaign, or it can be dropped
into a current campaign. New York City
serves as the setting for the action, but
Gamemasters may easily adapt the story
to any other city with a minimal amount
of effort.
William S Burroughs
8JII.d ~"e IJII.cle8JII. ~:p:I:r.~
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