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Liber MMM
4 ° IOT
This course is an exercise in the disciplines of magical trance, a
form of mind control having similarities to yoga, personal metamorphosis,
and the basic techniques of magic. Success with these techniques is a
prerequisite for any real progress with the initiate 3 ° syllabus.
A magical diary is the magician’s most essential and powerful tool.
It should be large enough to allow a full page for each day. Students should
record the time, duration and degree of success of any practice undertaken.
They should make notes about environmental factors conductive (or other-
wise) to the work.
Those wishing to notify the Order of their intention to begin the
work are invited to do so via the publisher.
To work magic effectively, the ability to concentrate the attention must be
built up until the mind can enter a trance-like condition. This is accom-
plished in a number of stages: absolute motionlessness of the body, regula-
tion of the breathing, stopping of thoughts, concentration on sound, con-
centration on objects, and concentration on mental images.
Arrange the body in any comfortable position and try to remain in that
position for as long as possible. Try not to blink or move the tongue or
fingers or any part of the body at all. Do not let the mind run away on long
trains of thought but rather observe oneself passively. What appeared to
be a comfortable position may become agonizing with time, but persist!
Set aside some time each day for this practice and take advantage of any
opportunity of inactivity which may arise.
Record the results in the magical diary. One should not be satisfied
with less than five minutes. When fifteen have been achieved, proceed to
regulation of the breathing.
Stay as motionless as possible and begin to deliberately make the breath-
ing slower and deeper. The aim is to use the entire capacity of the lungs but
without any undue muscular effort or strain. The lungs may be held empty
or full between exhalation and inhalation to lengthen the cycle. The impor-
tant thing is that the mind should direct it’s complete attention to the breath
cycle. When this can be done for thirty minutes, proceed to not-thinking.
The exercises of motionlessness and breathing may improve health, but
they have no other intrinsic value aside from being a preparation for not
thinking, the beginnings of the magical trance condition. While motion-
less and breathing deeply, begin to withdraw the mind from any thoughts
which arise. The attempt to do this inevitably reveals the mind to be a
raging tempest of
activity. Only the greatest determination can win even a few seconds of
mental silence, but even this is quite a triumph. Aim for complete vigilance
over the arising of thoughts and try to lengthen the periods of total quies-
Like the physical motionlessness, this mental motionlessness should
be practiced at set times and also whenever a period of inactivity presents
itself. The results should be recorded in your diary.
The Magical Trances
Magic is the science and art of causing change to occur in conformity with
will. The will can only become magically effective when the mind is fo-
cused and not interfering with the will. The mind must first discipline itself
to focus it’s entire attention on some meaningless phenomenon. If an at-
tempt is made to focus on some form of desire, the effect is short circuited
by lust of result. Egotistical identification, fear of failure, and the recipro-
cal desire not to achieve desire, arising from our dual nature, destroy the
Therefore, when selecting topics for concentration, choose subjects
of no spiritual, egotistical, intellectual, emotional, or useful significance -
meaningless things.
Object Concentration
The legend of the evil-eye derives from the ability of wizards and sorcerers
to give a fixed dead stare. This ability can be practiced against any object
- a mark on a wall, something in the distance, a star in the night sky -
anything. To hold an object with an absolutely fixed, unwavering gaze for
more than a few moments proves extraordinarily difficult, yet it must be
persisted in for hours at a time. Every attempt by the eye to distort the
object, every attempt by the mind to find something else to think of, must
be resisted. Eventually it is possible to extract occult secrets from things by
this technique, but the ability must be developed by working with mean-
ingless objects.
Sound Concentration
The part of the mind in which verbal thoughts arise is brought under
magical control by concentration on sounds mentally
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