Planetary Talismans.pdf

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The Magic Wand
Planetary Talismans
"Distribute this as thou wilt,HOWEVER ifthou proit thereby,then may thou be shunned by
all,as a centre ofpestilence"
Nehemiah XI53
Instructions for making a planetary talisman
1) Decide which planet the operation alls under. Here are some guidelines :
Sun - Riches,honour,reedom,great balls ofire !
Moon - Dreams,religion,secrets,womens problems.
Mercury - ntellect,science,writingskills.
Venus - Riches,art,love,SEX.
Mars - Reckless deeds,violence,BLOODSHED.
Jupiter - Ambition,morals,ustice.
Saturn - Death,trustworthyness.
Others - what others ??
2)Maketh the talisman,usingonly materials sympatheticto that planet.
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Sun Gold
Moon Silver
Mercury Mercury or tin
Venus Copper
Mars ron
Jupiter Silver or tin
Saturn Lead
t is suggested that you employ the magicsquare,and the sigil ofthe spirit (or evil works),
or the sigil of the intelligence (or good workings).
The rest ofthe design is let to the ingenium ofthe magician.
3)Now all that is let is to charge the talisman. t is better to charge the talisman the same
day that it is made;in any case,make sure that the planetary aspects are avourable or the
Firstly prepare yourselfan ink rom the ollowing:
10 dozen Gall nuts
3ozGreen Copperas
4ozRock Alum
(Mix the ingredients into a pot ofwater,then boil over a ire ofvine twigs (gathered in the
ull moon ofMarch).Simmer or 13 minutes,or until it has acquired a slightly sticky
consistency ).fthe ingredients are out ofseason then pigeons blood may be substituted.
Take a piece of silk ofthe appropriate colour,and write on it the names Adonay,
Ammastius,Anareton,Cosbos,Eloym,whilst recitingPsalms viii and lxxi.Ater the talisman
has been charged, be sure to keep it wrapped in this silk,else it will soon lose its eicacy.
Perorm the invocation ofthe Olympic Spirit who rules over the planet. The method is given
in ull in the sagogue ofArbatel, in essence it is as ollows :
" O Eternal and Omnipotent God, Who hast ordained the whole creation for Thypraise and Thy
glory, as also for the salvation of man, Ibeseech Thee to send ThySpirit <insert name>, of the
<Solar, Lunar > Race, that he mayinstruct me concerningthose things about which Idesign to
ask him or - that he may bring me medicine against the dropsy, etc. Nevertheless, not my
will, but Thine be done, through Jesus Christ, Thine onlybegotten Son, Who is our Lord.Amen."
The Olympic Spirits are as follows :
Sun - Och
Moon - Phul
Mercury - Ophiel
Venus - Hagith
Mars - Phaleg
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Jupiter - Bethor
Saturn - Aratron
Sigil ofOch Sigil ofPhul Sigil ofOphiel
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Sigil ofHagith Sigil ofPhaleg
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Sigil ofBethor Sigil ofAratron
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Once summoned to visible appearance it is suicient to get the Spirit to hold the talisman
and swear (n the Name ofGod)that he will grant your request. (fyou have diiculty in
commandingthe Spirit then you may employ the sigil ofthat spirit,this should be prepared
beorehand and may be drawn on parchment in blood).
Discharge the Spirit using the following formula :
" Forasmuch as thou camest in peace and quietness, havingalso answered unto mypetitions, Igive
thanks unto God, in Whose Name thou camest.Now mayst thou depart in peace unto thine own
order;but return unto me again, when Ishall call thee bythyname, or bythine order, or bythine
office, which is granted from the Creator.Amen.
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".Be not rash with thy mouth,and let not thine heart be hasty to utter anythingbeore God :
or God is in heaven,and thou art upon earth; thereore let thy words be ew.For a dream
cometh through the multitude ofbusiness,and a ools voice is known by multitude ofwords"
(Here ollow the Kameas ofthe planets )
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| 3| 5| 7|
| 8 | 1| 6 |
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| 9 | 7| 6 | 12|
| 5| 11| 10 | 8 |
| 16 | 2| 3| 13|
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