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The Magic Wand
Defining Chaos
byMark Chao
Chaos,accordngo heOxord Englsh Dconay'means:
1. A gapngvod,yawnnggul,chasm,orabyss.
2. Theormlessvod'ofprmordal maer,hegreatdeep'orabyss'outofwhch hecosmosor
There are a couple of addonal denons, but hey are rrelevant o hs dscusson. When
chaossused n magc,heresno placeorcon- uson ordorder.
Chaosshecreaveprncplebehnd all magc. When amagcal rual speromed,regardless
of radon' or oher varables n he elemens of peromance, a magcal energy s creaed and
put no moon o caue somehng o happen. n hs book, Sorcery as Vrual Mechancs,
Sephen Macecesascencprecedentorhscreaveprncple.
"To keep t smple, let us conne our example o ut wo elecons, he ponlke carrers of
negavecharge. Letusayheyareapartofhesolarwnd--beaparcles,astwere--sreamng
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Defining Chaos
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outom hesun athousandsofmlesasecond. Sayhathesewo camecloseenough hather
negave charges nerac, causng hem o repel one anoher. How do hey accomplsh hs
changen momenum?
"Accordng o quanum elecrodynamcs, hey do t by exchangng a "vrual" phoon. One
elecron spawns,heoherabsorbs,and so do heyrepel each oher. Thephoon s"vrual"
becausetcannotbeseen byan ousdeobserver,bengwhollyconaned n heneracon. But
tsreal enough,and heemsson and aborbon ofvrual phoonsshow heelecromagnec
neracon operaes.
"The queson whch s elevant o our purpose here s where does he phoon come om. t
does not come out of one elecron and lodge n he oher, as f t were a bullet red rom one
rock no anoher. Theelecronshemselvesareunchanged,exceptorhermomena. Raher,
he phoon s creaed out of nohng by he san of he neracon. Accord- ng o current
heory, when he wo elecrons come close her waveorms nerac, eher cancellng out or
renorcngoneanoher. Waveormsarenmaelyed o characerscslkeelecrccharge,and
wecould husexpecthechargeson hewo elecronso change. Butelecron chargedoesnot
vary;tsalways1602x (-19)coulombs.
nsead hevrual phoonsappearoutofhevacuum and acto readusthesysem. Thesress
spawnshem and byhercreaon shesressreolved".
Ausn Spare underood hs prncple n regard o magcal phenomena long beore scenss
dscovered phoonsorbegan expermensn heaeaofchaosscence.
Ausn Osman Spare- somehsory
Ausn Spare was born at mdngh, Dec. 31s, 1886 n a London suburb called Snow Hll. Hs
aherwasaLondon polceman,oen on nghtduy.
Spareshowed anaural alentordrawngatan earlyage,and n
1901- 1904 let school o serve an apprenceshp n a saned-glass works, but connued hs
educaon atArtCollegen Lambeh.
n 1904hewon ascholashp o heRoyal CollegeofAr. n hatyearhealso exhbed apcure
n heRoyal Academyorherstme.
n 1905 he publshed hs rst book, Earh neno. t was prmarly meant o be a book of
drawngs,butncluded commenareshathowed someofhsnsghtand sprual leanngs. John
SngerSargenthaled hm asagenusatage17. Atan unspeced men hsadolescence,Spare
wasntaed no awch cultbyasorceressnamed Mrs. Paerson,whom Sparereerred o as
hs"second moher". n 1908 heheld an exhbon atBruon Gallery. n 1910 hespentahot
me as a member of he Golden Dawn. Becomng dsenchaned wh hem, he laer oned
CrowleysArgenum Asrum. Theasocaon dd notlastlong.
Crowleywassad o haveconsdered Spareo beaBlack Magcan. n 1909 Sparebegan creaton
ofheBook ofPleasure.
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n 1912hsrepuaon wasgrowngrapdlyn heartworld. n
1913hepublshed heBook ofPleasure. tsconsdered o behsmostmporantmagcal work,
and ncludesdealed nsruconsorhssysem ofsgl- zaon and he"deah posures"hathe
swell known or. 1914-1918 heserved asan ocal wararts. Hewasposed o Egyptwhch
had agreateecton hm. n 1921,hepublshed FocusofLe,anoherbook ofdrawngswh
hs unque and magcal commenares. 1921-1924 Spare was at he heght of hs arsc success,
hen, n 1924 he publshed he Anahema of Zos, n whch he eecvely excommuncaed
hmselfrom hsalseand rendyarsc"rends"and beneacors. Hereurned o Souh London
and obscuryo nd hereedom o develop hsphlosophy,artand magc.
n 1947 Spare met Kenneh Grant and became acvely nvolved wh oher well-known
occulss of he perod. n 1948-1956 he began work on a denve Grmore of he Zos Ka
Culus,whch sreerred o n hsvarouswrngs. Thssunnshed and bengsynheszed rom
SparespapersbyKenneh Gran,who nhered all ofSparespapers. Much ofhsnormaon
was ncluded n mages and Oracles of Ausn Osman Spare' by Kenneh Gran, but here are
someunpublshed workswhch Grantplanso publsh aercompleon ofhsTyphonan seres.
Reerences or hs secon are moly rom Chrsopher Brays nroduc- on o The Colleced
WorksofAusn Osman Spare'and rom ExcessSpare,whch sacomplaon byTheTemple
Ov PsychcYouh ofphoocoped arclesaboutSparerom varousource.
TheMagcofAusn Osman Spare
Spares art and magc were closely relaed. t s repued hat here aremessages n hs drawngs
abouthsmagcal phlosophy.
OneparcularpcureofMrs. Paerson hasreporedlybeen seen o move;heeyesopenngand
closng. Spare s best known or hs sysem of ung sgls. Beng an ars, he was very vsually
The sysem bascally consss of wrng down he desre, preerably n your own magcal
alphabe,elmnangall repeaed leers,hen omngadesgn ofheremanngsngleleers.
Thesgl musthen becharged. Theresavareyofspeccwayso do hs,buthekeyelement
so acheveasaeof"vacuy"whch can bedonehrough exhauson,sexual releaseorseveral
Ths creaes a vacuum' or vod' much lke he condon descrbed n he nroducon o hs
dscusson,and tslled wh heenergyofhemagcan. Thesgl,bengnow charged,mustbe
orgoen so hathesub-conscousmnd maywork on twhouthedsaconsand dsspaon
ofenergyhatheconscousmnd subecto. Sparerecognzed hatmagccomesom heub-
conscousmnd ofhemagcan,notsomeousdesprs'orgods.
Chrsopher Bray has hs o say about Spares mehods n hs no- ducon o The Colleced
WorksofAun Osman Spare:
"So n hsartand wrng,Sparespungusn hemood;orshowngbyexamplewhatatude
we need o adopt o approach he angle of depar- ure of conscouness' n order o ener he
nne. Whatpch ofcon- scounessweneed o gan success.
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"Onemutbewaremakngdogma,orSparewento greatpanso excludetasmuch aspossble
o achevesuccessn hsmagc;howeveranumberofbascassumponsunderpn chaosmagc.
"Chaos s he unversal poenal of creave orce, whch s consanly engaged n ryng o seep
hrough he cracks of our personal and collecve reales. t s he power of
"Shamansm s nnae whn every one of us and can be apped f we qualy by adusng our
percepon/audeand makngourbengreadyo acceptheponaneou. AchevngGnoss,or
hngheangleofdeparureofconscousnessand me,saknack raherhan askll"
Thereareohermehodso ulzehesameconcepthatSpareexplansorus. Magcanssnce
Spare have wren about her own mehods and expanons of hs mehod que requenly n
occult magaznes, mosly n Great Bran. Spare s ceranly not he rst person n hsory o
praccehssortofmagc,buthesheonewho hasdubbed t(appropraely),Chaos.
Ausn Spare ded May 15, 1956, but hs magc dd not de wh hm. There have been select
groups of magcans praccng versons of Chaos ever snce, especally n Norhern England and
n helae1970s,RaySherwn wasedorand publsherofamagaznecalled TheNew Equnox'
Pee Carroll was a regular conrbuor o he magazne, and ogeher, dueo dssasacon wh
he magcal scene n Bran at he me, hey ormed he llumnaos Of Thanaeros' They
adversed n New Equnox'and agroup ormed. Partofhenenon ofhegroup waso have
an Order where degrees expressed aanment raher han auhory, and herarchy beyond ut
organzaonal requremenswasnon-exsen.
Atsomepon,about1986,RaySherwn "excommuncaed hmsel"
because he elt hat he Order was slppng no he power srucure hat he had nended o
avod wh hs group, and Pee Carroll became known as he leader of The Pac' The OT
connues o hrve and s dened as he only nernaonal Chaos organzaon o dae. The
OT hasalso spread o Amerca,and hasheadquaersn Encno,Calornaand Alana,Georga.
There are smaller groups of Chaos praconers, as well as ndvduals praccng alone. Chaos
snceSparehasaken on aleofsown. twll alwaysconnueo grow,hatssnaure.
t was only naural hat evenually he world of scence would begn o dscover he physcal
prncplesunderlyngmagc,alhough hescensswho aremaknghesedscoveressll do not
realzehathsswhatheyaredong. tsneresnghatheyhavehad hewsdom o call t
Modern chaosscencebegan n he1960swhen ahandul ofopen-mnded scensswh an eye
or paen realzed hat smple mahemacal equa- ons ed no a compuer could model
paerns every bt as regular and "chaoc" as a waerall. They were able o apply hs o
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weaherpaerns,coaslnes,all sorsofnaural phenomena. Pacularequaonswould resultn
pcures resemblng specc ypes of leaves, he possbltes were ncredble. Ceners and
nsueswereounded o specalze n "non- lneardynamcs"and "complex sysems" Naural
phenomena, lke he red spot of Juper, could now be undersood. The common cach-erms
hat mostpeoplehave heard bynow; srange aacors, racals, ec, are elaed o hesudyof
urbulencen naure.
Theresnotoom o go no hesesubecsn deph here,and Irecommend hathosewho ae
neresed n hs ubect read Chaos: makng a new scence' by James Gleck and Turbulent
Mrror'byJohn Brggs& F. Davd Pea.
Whatweareconcened wh hereshow all hsrelaeso magc.
Manymagcans,especallyChaosMagcans,havebegun usngheseerms,"racal"and "srange
aracor",n hereverydayconversaons. Mostofhosewho do hshavesomeunderandng
of he relaonhp beween magc and hs area of scence. To put t very smply, a successul
magcal act causes an apparanly acausal resul. n sudyng urbulence, chaos scenss have
realzed hatapparanlyacausal phenomenan naurearenotonlyhenom,butaremeasurable
bysmplemahemacal equaons.
rregularyshesuflesmadeo. Forexample,n hesudyofhearbeatrhyhmsand bran-
wave paerns, rregular paerns are measured om normally unconng organs, whle seady,
regular paerns are a drect sympom of a heart aack about o occur, or an eplepc .
Reerrngback agan o "vrual"phoons,aproperlyexecued magcal releaseofenergycreaesa
"wave orm" (vsble by Krlan phoography) around he magcan causng urbulence n he
aehercspace. Thsurbulencewll lkelycausearesul,preerablyashemagcan hasnended.
Once he energy s released, conrol over he phenomena s out of he magcans hands, ust as
onceheequaon hasbeen ed no hecompuer,hedesgn ollowshepah setor.
The scenss who are workng n hs area would scof at hs explana- on, heyhave no dea
hat hey are n he pocess of dscoverng he physcs behnd magc. But hen, many common
place scences of oday, chemsry or example, were once condered o be magc.
Undersandng hs subect requres, besdes ome readng, a ht n hnkng. We are raned
rom an earlyageo hnk n lnearerms,butnaureand hechaoswhn tarenon-lnear,and
hereorerequrenon-lnearhnkngo beundeood. Thssoundssmple,yettremndsmeof
alogcclassIhad n college. WeweredongsmpleArsoelan syllogsms. All wehad o do was
o puteverydaylanguageno equaon om. tsoundssmple,and ts.
However,trequresanon-lnearhoughtpoces. Durnghatleson overhespaceofaweek,
heclassszedopped rom 48 o 9 sudens. Thecompuerpogrammerswerehersto drop
Those of us who survved hat secon went on o earn hgh grades n he class, but more
mporanly, ound hat we had acheved a permanent change n our hnkng processes. Our
lveswerechanged byhatonesmpleshtofpespecve.
Chaosscencessll n theprocesofdscovery,yetmagcanshavebeen applyngsprncples
or at least as long as hey have been wrng about magc. Once he pncples of hs scence
begn o ake hold on he hnkng process, he magcan begns o noce everyhng rom he
racal paerns n moke rsng rom a cgaree o he paensofsuccess and alure n magcal
workngs,whch leadso an undersandngofwhythassucceeded oraled.
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