Donna Eden - Wired For Joy - Secret of Radiant Circuits.pdf

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Wired for joy
Donna Eden and David Feinstein 2002
This Chapter 8, from a forthcoming book by the authors, is presented in a somewhat different form in the
Radiant Circuits Unit of the Energy Psychology Interactive CD ROM (available at
The figures and diagrams are available on the CD. Reprinted with permission.
The neurological fact that your brain is wired for joy and the social reality that your world has rewired you
for tedium, consumption, and worry, set the scene for this chapter. We begin by inviting you to consider that
it is far from frivolous to fix your sights on recapturing the joy and playfulness that are your natural
endowment. When your work is touched by joy, the product radiates. When your relationships are infused
with play, love flourishes. Think of a wise elder with a twinkle in the eye, a childlike capacity for wonder
and appreciation, and a fresh response to each encounter. Wherever your life is headed, this is not a bad role
model to carry in your imagination. The capacity for joy is wired into your body, carried along a network
called the Ðradiant circuitsÑ whose radiant energies are crucial for maintaining health as well as for feeling
good. Wherever the radiant energies move, they bring strength and resilience, joy and vitality. These
energies are a precious resource, and it is the body's design that they jump to wherever they are most needed.
Beyond doing repair work, these are also primary energies in exhilaration, falling in love, orgasm, hope,
gratitude, rapture, and spiritual ecstasy. Called the "strange flows," Ðcollector meridians,Ñ or Ðextraordinary
vesselsÑ in traditional Chinese medicine, they are actually not exactly flows, meridians, or vessels. More like
hyperlinks on the Web, they jump instantly to wherever they are about to travel, which is one reason the
Chinese found them to be both strange and extraordinary. Through them all of the bodyÓs energy systems are
linked and energetic deficiencies and excesses regulated. Because they are associated with the awakening of
psychic abilities and the capacity to channel healing energies into the body, they were also sometimes called
the "psychic channels."
Looking for a more accurate and broadly descriptive name for these critically important yet largely
misunderstood and under appreciated energies, we chose the term radiant because people who see energy
experience this force as carrying a radiant glow, and we chose the term circuits because one of their most
important functions is to create instant circuits that distribute energies throughout the body. Theirs is a
radiant charge connecting all the energies and energy systems of the body, and they connect us with vital
energies in the universe.
Just as they literally have a radiant appearance to people who are able to see energies, they bring a radiant,
joyful, uplifting quality to all they touch. We begin our instruction in freeing the spirit by presenting energy
medicine techniques for Ðturning up the volumeÑ on your radiant energies. If your radiant circuits are not
flowing, you cannot feel joy. It is that simple. And if they are not doing their essential task of connecting and
harmonizing among all your energy systems, you will be disjointed as you move through your life. Inner joy
is, for certain, a different standard of wisdom than worldly knowledge, a different standard of success than
material accomplishment, a different standard of health than the absence of illness, and a different standard
of good citizenship than mere obedience. But it is a gold standard, capable of bringing a Midas touch to
every aspect of your life. This chapter offers tools so you may be infusedÏbody, mind, and soulÏwith
greater radiance and joy.
A woman who suffered with periodic bouts of severe depression had been treated over a period of years with
unsuccessful talk and drug therapies. She believed that if she were able to heal the torments from her past,
her depression would lift. She responded well to chakra work. Over several months, distasteful or forgotten
scenes from her childhood would emerge and the traumatic energies associated with them purged. It seemed
she had energetically cleared truckloads of bad memories she had not been able to release through talk
therapy, but she was enormously disappointed with the outcome. While she was no longer so entangled with
the traumas from her past, they were not replaced by any kind of happiness. When caught in her old story,
she at least felt an intensity when she would cry and wail and go to pieces. Now nothing made her feel alive.
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I (DE) could see that her energies were gridlocked. Over the years, they had spiraled down into extreme life-
negating patterns. Her radiant circuits were hardly even moving, and when I looked at her energies, I could
see no radiance anywhere in her body. Her energies had a uniform dull appearance. Even after the
significant, desirable healing of her childhood wounds, her body was simply unable to come out of its
deadness. Deep tension and negative thinking had become habitual and were deeply ingrained. She in fact
hated the idea of Ðpositive thinkingÑ and was irritated by people like me who seemed Ðtoo happy.Ñ
She herself certainly wasnÓt going to look foolish by acting happy, but she longed for more passion and a
sense of aliveness. As the inner deadness persisted, she went into greater despair than ever. Her treatment
progress ceased. Her disappointment and negative thinking began to dominate the sessions. We reached a
point where I wouldnÓt even let her talk during the treatments so she would stop countering the energy work
with incessant negative patter. This was over 20 years ago, and IÓd not had much experience at that point
working with the radiant energies, but I decided to experiment. As I applied techniques for activating the
radiant circuits, the first thing to happen was that tension would leave her body. This allowed the radiant
energies to begin to move, which literally began to flush the negative energies from her system. Then she
would feel something akin to happiness well up from inside her. It was an odd sensation for her. She knew
glimpses of happiness from when she would receive a compliment or something good happened in her life,
but this was coming from within. From one session to the next, the feeling would remain longer. She had
been using marijuana and other drugs to get high. The radiant energies gave her the same feeling. This
amazed her. It was hardly an instant cure. It is necessary to build the radiant pathways when habitual
energies gravitate toward a negative polarity, and it is hard not to feel negative when this is the energetic
foundation of your emotions. With persistence, including daily use of the anchor and wander technique you
will be learning in this chapter, the pathways did re-build. Her bouts of depression gradually ceased, her
pessimism shifted, and she became more upbeat in both her mood and her character.
The Nature of the Radiant Circuits
The radiant energies were first described in ancient Chinese texts dating back some 4,500 years, and their use
continues to be reported within the clinical literatures of acupuncture, acupressure, Jin Shin Do, Qigong, and
shiatsu. While the radiant energies have not to our knowledge been detected via scientific measures, other
subtle energies, including the meridians, chakras, and aura have been. And we have repeatedly seen in our
classes that the hands of a sensitive person can readily feel the radiant circuits. The descriptions of radiant
energy found in this chapter are based on DonnaÓs clairvoyant-like ability to see and feel these energies and
on her personal and clinical experiences in working with them.
We believe the electromagnetic dimension of the radiant circuits will be measured relatively soon, but that
they encompass more subtle energies as well. One of the most striking qualities of subtle energies is that, like
prayer and visualization, as well as quantum matter, they can influence events from a distance.
The radiant circuits not only connect the energies within our body, they attract us to, and attract to us,
uplifting circumstances and events in the outer world. Their involvement in psychic phenomena is another
reason the Chinese physicians applied the word ÐextraordinaryÑ to them. Developing the radiant energy
system is a path toward developing greater intuition and psychic ability.
The radiant circuits appear to predate the meridians [meridians will be defined in Chapter 1 of the
forthcoming book], and they are the first energy circuit to appear in the developing fetus.
We believe, in fact, that a meridian is an energy pathway that was once, in the course of evolution, a radiant
circuit. Donna, who sees eight human energy systems in varying colors, intensities, and geometric patterns,
see the meridians and the radiant circuits as discrete energies in humans and in animals, but she cannot see
meridians in simpler organisms, only the radiant circuits. As creatures became more complex, radiant
energies that moved along the same lines day after day, generation after generation, plausibly formed the
meridians. Meridians are the energy equivalent of riverbeds, flows of energy movement that have become
entrenched in the body. A meridian is highly efficient for specific, repetitive tasks. Radiant energy, on the
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other hand, spontaneously jumps to wherever it is needed. It appears capable of intelligent choice. Meridians
accomplish more narrowly defined tasks. They appear capable of doing these tasks with intelligence and
efficiency, but their creative problem-solving abilities are limited to their own pathways.
The radiant circuits, serving as "inner wells of joy," support a vibrancy and a harmony throughout the entire
body-energy system. Working with the radiant circuits can change a person's future, orienting the psyche
toward joy rather than despair. They can be marshaled for overcoming self-sabotage and negative thinking.
They bring us in contact with our Ðcore self,Ñ showing us how healthy functioning felt before lifeÓs
inevitable woundings. By countering the triple stimulator system's lock on habitual thought and behavioral
patterns, they can help people trapped in dysfunctional habits to change them [the triple warmer[stimulator]
is defined in Chapter 1 of the forthcoming book]. And to the degree we can cause our radiant energies to be
activated more consistently, the greater our inner peace and enjoyment of life.
Reasons to Focus Your Efforts on the Radiant Energies
Your emotions, thoughts, and beliefs are not just ethereal events. They exist in your energy system and their
energies permeate your cells. Some beliefs become so fully embodied that they seem to carry the weight and
structure of absolute truth, settling into your deepest perspectives about life. Even if they are clearly
dysfunctional, initiating shifts in these deep habits and states of mind can be deceptively difficult. The
radiant energies can be directed to impact them more profoundly than any of the other energy systems. In
addition to the reasons everyone can benefit from keeping their radiant energies strong and flowing, working
with these energies can be particularly helpful
if depression or negativity are persistent themes in your life
if you are Ðcaught in the past,Ñ ruminating about or reenacting earlier trauma
if certain habits of thought or patterns of behavior are particularly resistant to change,
or if other techniques lead to improvement but the improvement does not last.
A man came for a session with his two little boys because it was his turn to take care of them. He was the
pastor of a large progressive church in town, but his ministerial persona was crumbling. He was desperate
inside, and he had become harsh and brittle with others. His temper was easily provoked, particularly by
those closest to him. This was his first session. A story emerged. He had a son who had died at 2. He was
separated from his wife and they were deciding whether to divorce. He was trying to get his spirit back and
to get relief from the pain and anger he was carrying. He knew it was hurting the boys. He did not think there
was a chance for his marriage. He was talking a mile a minute. When energy goes out like that, the person
isnÓt able to receive. Incoming energies are literally being blocked by the pressured speech. Usually in a
situation like this, I (DE) begin by ÐunscramblingÑ the force fields [described in Chapter 3 of the
forthcoming book]. But I had an instinct to go right to his radiant energies. I began holding points that
stimulate the radiant circuits and connect them with one another so the entire radiant system is activated. He
immediately fell silent and began to relax. It was as if he were taking in the most soothing nourishment. After
a time, he began to cry and cry.
The boys came in concerned that I was hurting their daddy. But he was so soft when they came in, which
was such a relief from the harshness theyÓd been living with, that they started laughing and laughing and
laughing. And it made him laugh as well. I was just holding points. ThatÓs all I was doing. All three of them
became relaxed. I got the boys to go back into the other room. Then the man began to shake. His tremors
were so violent that it was one of those rare times I wanted to intervene in a natural process. I began to make
him stop. He said, ÐNo,Ñ so I let him be. He just kept shaking and releasing. Then he became still, and it
looked like he was in bliss. We worked with the radiant energies in each of his next several sessions, but
from that first session, his demeanor changed, particularly with his wife. He had never realized why he was
so angry at her. But as he softened and they began to communicate, he discovered that he had (irrationally)
been holding her responsible for the death of their son. HeÓd never uttered this thought, even to himself, and
this unacknowledged blame/rage was the domino that resulted in his retreat into a brittle shell. It may be
necessary to focus upon other energy systems as well, but often enough, when the radiant energies are given
a powerful boost, all the systems are affected. Consider giving special attention to the radiant energies:
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If negativity is a persistent theme in your life. Because the radiant circuits are a distinctly "positive"
energy, they erode negativity and leave a positive, optimistic, hopeful psychological imprint.
To overcome resistant habits. As part of the bodyÓs survival strategy, energy habits run deep.
Because of the way the radiant circuits permeate the cells, the information they carry is presumably
spread as the cells replicate. In our experience, working with the radiant circuits can initiate changes
in the bodyÓs energy habits, as evidenced by changes in the health and behavioral patterns that reflect
When caught in the past. Even if your energy system is holding onto a habit, a belief, or a dream that
is no longer viable, engaging the radiant circuits as you think about such issues forges a fresh
pathway that allows a new truth to become embodied.
When other corrections wonÓt hold. When energy treatments result in improvements, but the
improvements are short-lived, older energy habits may be winning the battle. Activating the radiant
circuits can weave the corrections into the larger energy system. If you can make the radiant energies
a more pervasive force in an ongoing and consistent manner, you will be less vulnerable to the way
other influences tend to engage old habits or activate past fears and trauma.
Another time to work with the radiant circuits is to close a powerful healing session. When the body
is open, receptive, and in harmony, engaging the radiant energies reinforces this state while instilling
further openness, receptivity, and harmony.
Three Easy Turn-Ons
Working with the radiant circuits can itself set off waves of energy that feel good. At the same time, they
connect the meridian lines, make the chakras spin, and engage all of the other energies. But they do not lend
themselves easily to formulas. The only "formula" is to model yourself after the radiant energy itself, which
is to be absolutely spontaneous. Think a surge of excitement, falling in love, becoming enchanted. The
radiant circuits are the polarity of "staying on track."
Many things you do naturally and spontaneously activate the radiant circuits. Joy begets joy. When you
smile from a deep natural space, it sends joy all the way down to your soul and up again. A deep smile is not
an ornament or a mask. It engages your radiant energies. So does listening to music you love, being
overtaken by beauty, reveling in nature, laughing uncontrollably, abandoning yourself in play, love, or
dance. As does anything that moves out negative thoughts, painful emotions, or stagnant energies, including
exercise, laughter, or energy techniques such as those found in the Basic Energy Routine (Appendix 2 of the
forthcoming book). But it is also the case that Ðif you donÓt use it,Ñ you really do lose it. The radiant energies
can become stagnant and unable to move easily to where they are needed. This is the plight of many of us
today where work, computer screens, and passive entertainment have taken precedence over deeper
pleasures. The more the radiant energies are exercised, the more available they are to you. Three simple ways
of turning on the radiant energies (requiring less than 3 minutes each) are:
Blow Out and Zip Up. When you are feeling tight, depressed, or overwhelmedÏas if you have become a
collector of stress, anger, or disappointmentÏstand with your hands on your thighs, fingers spread, take a
deep breath in, and then exhale. With your next deep inhalation, make fists and swing your arms up and
around until they are high above your head. Then turn your hands so that your knuckles are facing toward
you. Bring your fisted hands down swiftly, opening them as you blow out the accumulated stress with force.
Repeat, and on the third repetition, move your arms down slowly and deliberately on the exhale. Next, with a
slow deep in-breath, open your hands, move them in front of your thighs, ÐzipÑ up the front of your body, to
your chin, and on the out-breath, drop your hands back to your thighs. Zip up again. On the third zip-up,
continue your hands straight up through your face, reach high, look up and stretch to the heavens. Connect
with the radiant energies of the universe.
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Dancing to the Eights. Like the double helix of DNA, the figure eight is one of natureÓs most basic patterns.
Weaving your energies in figure eight-curves activates the radiant energies and brings the body into greater
health and vitality. Put on music and move your hips to a figure eight; then your arms. Flow freely, moving
your entire body and creating as many small and large figure eight-patterns as feels good to you.
Butt in the Air. On its own or after you have blown out your stress and zipped up and weaved your radiant
energies, this exercise is a peaceful, relaxing way of further cultivating a more radiant presence. Kneel down
on all fours, with your knees on the floor, push back so your butt is resting on your heals, and bring your
hands to your sides as you gently lower your head to the ground. If, and only if, it is comfortable to move
your body and your head forward and lay your face to one side so that your butt can go higher, do so, resting
like a baby. Hold this position for two or three minutes. Use the time to meditate, contemplate on a positive
thought or image, or just let your mind go.
The Individual Radiant Circuits
Why do you need to know about the specific radiant circuits if you can just stick your butts in the air and
activate all of them? You can bolster the overall radiant system by strengthening its weakest links. In
addition, individual radiant circuits have, over evolutionary time, taken on specific roles that serve different
functions. So you can bring about changes in habits that are entrenched not only in the psyche but also in the
body by focusing on, and strengthening, the action of specific radiant circuits. You are now at a choice point
in the program. You may want to go on to the next chapter as you continue to experiment with the Ðthree
easy turn-ons,Ñ and return later (and make a commitment to yourself to do this) to work with the specific
radiant circuits and strengthen your Ðweakest links.Ñ Or you may continue here to explore and strengthen
your radiant energies. The locations of each of the radiant circuits, in their dormant state, are shown in
Figures 1 through 7 [these charts differ somewhat from the traditional renditions based on how Donna sees
the radiant circuits. See the forthcoming book. The figures and diagrams are available on the Radiant Circuits
Unit of the Energy Psychology Interactive CD ROM (available at].
Their basic functions are described below.
The Yin and Yang Regulator Circuits (Figure 1). The front (yin) and back (yang) regulator circuits influence
hormones, chemistry, and circulation as well as the connections among all the systems in the body. They
help your body adapt to endless assaults of internal and external changes. Hormonal imbalances and the
emotional turmoil that may follow can be addressed by working with the regulator circuits. The regulator
circuits also form connections with the energies of other people and energies within the environment and
attempt to establish harmonies with those energies.
The Yin and Yang Bridge Circuits (Figure 2). The front and back bridge circuits connect the front and back
of the body as well as the bodyÓs energetic polarities: positive and negative charges, receptive and forceful
impulses, male and female qualities, yin and yang influences. Where an energy is stuck, these circuits
function as a bridge across to its polarity and reestablish flow in the system. Inner schismsÏalienation of
body and mind, head and heart, love and sexÏmay be addressed by working with the bridge circuits. In the
outer world, where regulating channels support harmony between people, the bridge circuits support the
exchange of information, particularly the accuracy of intuitions about others.
The Belt Circuit (Figure 3). The belt circuit surrounds the waist and connects the energies of the top and
bottom parts of the body. This vertical distribution of the energies is critical to physical health and
orchestrates the flow of energy in the meridians and the chakras. The belt circuit affects how grounded we
are and how inspired we feel; how grounded we can stay when reaching to our spiritual heights, and how
high we can reach while staying grounded. Much human folly and suffering is a reflection of impairment that
keeps us energetically top-heavy or bottom-heavy.
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Zgłoś jeśli naruszono regulamin