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The year is 1000AD. All Europe had sunk into a period of brutality.
The Middle Ages, the dark ages, were a time when ordinary people
lived their daily lives against a background of stark terror.
The Church spread and reinforced old superstitions, among them
belief in witchcraft, for its own ends.
The chosen instrument was the Inquisition. God’s judges struck
fear and trembling into the simple, uneducated souls in their
charge. Leading church members, and members of the Inquisition
itself, used their power for their own personal benefit and pleasure.
They confiscated private estates and murdered their opponents.
These cruel, despotic men also used their power for the gratification
of their own sexual needs. In the name of the Lord all pleasures
were possible...
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In the name of all
that Is holy, what Is
my offence?
the InquIsItor General hImself has
drawn up a lonG lIst of unfortunate
women for InterroGatIon. all of
them are younG and beautIful...
Get movInG, you
she-devIls! the
InquIsItor wIll take
care of you!
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the female prIsoners are paraded throuGh
the streets, half naked. the sun Is not yet
up, but a few townsfolk Go Into the street
to see them. news of theIr arrest wIll
soon be all over the provInce.
they smashed the door,
kIlled my father and
took me. God wIll
punIsh them!
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