Szara Sowa (Grey Owl) 1999 Cd1.txt

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{1}{72}movie info: XVID 640x272 23.976fps 700.0 MB|/SubEdit b.3890 (
{264}{}[Whinnies ]
{2376}{}Come in.
{2467}{}Excuse me, sir.|You won't know me.
{2564}{}Cyrus Finney,|North Bay Nugget.
{2642}{}Um, that's a newspaper.
{2701}{}[ Man Over Intercom ]|Three minutes, Mr. Grey Owl.
{2760}{}This won't take a moment.
{2843}{}I'm trying to trace a fellow|by the name of Archie Belaney.
{3054}{}Do you know him?
{3192}{}Yes, I know him.
{3391}{}- What took you so long?|- I had to be sure.
{3553}{}[ Inhales ]|What do you want to know?
{3651}{}Whatever you want|to tell me.
{3703}{}Not much to tell.
{3824}{}He was just a kid with a dream|of livin' in the wilderness.
{3919}{}[ Finney ]|And no one suspected,
{3989}{}even when you were working|as a guide?
{4415}{}-[ Man ] See anything?|- Sh-sh-sh-sh.
{4692}{}[ Twig Breaking ]
{5549}{}[ Chittering ]
{5633}{}[ Bird Calling ]
{5881}{}- Aw, geez--|-[ Growling ]
{6181}{}[Whimpering ]
{6502}{}Did I get him?
{6598}{}I got him. Didn't I, Archie?|[ Chuckles ]
{6673}{}[ Murmurs In Native Language ]
{6742}{}Well, Mr. Champlin,
{6857}{}he sure is dead.
{6980}{}You're real good|at what you do, Archie.
{7037}{}You know what?|So am I.
{7106}{}I'm sure you are,|Mr. Champlin.
{7159}{}I own a paper mill|and a printing business...
{7233}{}and a couple|of book-publishing firms.
{7310}{}I am a rich man, Archie.
{7360}{}- Wouldn't you like to be rich?|- Why would I want to be rich?
{7467}{}What you do is,|you write a book:
{7543}{}An Indian's Life|in the Forest.
{7639}{}Same as your magazine pieces, only|longer. That would make you famous.
{7815}{}Being famous doesn't|interest me, Mr. Champlin.
{7897}{}You know how hungry|people are out there...
{7975}{}for your world?
{8056}{}The authenticvoice|from the wilderness.
{8257}{}- Congratulations, Harry. Tres bien.|- I haven't seen you in a while.
{8356}{}Couldn't make it last year--|too busy.
{8441}{}Here's to my first bear.
{8492}{}- You want bear,you wantArchie.|- Salud, mon ami.
{8578}{}Here's a little something|to remember me by.
{8672}{}Here you are.|Archie Grey Owl.
{8745}{}Your guide wrote this?
{8828}{}''The still hunt is an art|perfected by the Indian,
{8908}{}''who has learned from childhood|to move like a shadow,
{8986}{}''his actions smooth as oil,|his senses set to a hair trigger;
{9094}{}for the forest is argus-eyed.''
{9158}{}This is an Indian,|writing in a magazine?
{9221}{}You want to know something?
{9273}{}I'm not here just to hunt bear.
{9333}{}This fellow could be|a gold mine.
{9397}{}Good evening, ladies and gentlemen.|Something for the dancers?
{9453}{}Thank you very much, sir. Good evening.|Something for the dancers?
{9557}{}[ Guests Chattering, Laughing ]
{9662}{}- Thank you, sir.|- Oh, I never pay till I see the goods.
{9758}{}How do I know if this war dance|of yours is authentic?
{9839}{}The more you pay,|the more authentic it gets.
{9911}{}[ Laughing ]
{10003}{}�ܢ�[ Chanting In Native Language ]
{10053}{}[ Drums Beating,|Chanting Continues ]
{10228}{}[ Chanting, Whooping ]
{10811}{}[ Drum Beats Accelerate ]
{11000}{}-[ Drumming Stops ]|- [Whooping ]
{11087}{}- Terrific! Well done, boys.|- Thank you, ladies and gentlemen.
{11170}{}We call that|''The Dance of the Dead Men.''
{11253}{}When the dance is done|and the drums fall silent,
{11339}{}we hurl ourselves|upon the hated white man...
{11417}{}and we kill.{477977}{}But that costs extra.
{11556}{}[ All Laugh ]
{11629}{}Ladies and gentlemen,|mesdames et messieurs,
{11671}{}I hope you've enjoyed|our little show.
{11724}{}May I welcome you to dinner?
{11776}{}[ Guests Chattering ]
{12169}{}[ Woman ] I read what you wrote|in that magazine.
{12238}{}You can write.|I'm impressed.
{12304}{}You can read.|I'm impressed.
{12473}{}You booked today?
{12520}{}You want to go huntin'?
{12574}{}No. I want to learn|about my people.
{12628}{}- Who's your people?|- Mohawk-- Iroquois Confederacy.
{12802}{}First Mohawk I seen|dressed like that.
{12866}{}Then you've never been in|downtown Val d'Or on a Saturday night.
{12964}{}Two bucks for the day.
{13044}{}Maybe something at the end|to show your appreciation.
{13116}{}Oh, I can't pay you.
{13188}{}So why should I take you?
{13236}{}- Men always do what I want.|-Sure.
{13309}{}Men jump in the lake|for just one of your smiles, right?
{13549}{}Be back in an hour.
{13836}{}[Woman Whispering ] Jump in the lake|and I'll give you 50 cents-- right now!
{13917}{}You got it, Pony!
{13989}{}[ Laughing ]
{14403}{}- The world of your ancestors.|- My ancestors wouldn't have done that.
{14522}{}But that's not|where we're going, is it?
{14584}{}No. Up ahead.
{14642}{}Bear Island-- Ojibwa village.|See how our people live.
{14778}{}- Your village?|- Could say that.
{14844}{}Chief kind of adopted me|a long time ago.
{14902}{}Can I meet him?
{14953}{}He'll think you're my woman,|and I brought you for him to inspect.
{15091}{}Then we can inspect each other.
{15160}{}[ Speaking Native Language ]
{15569}{}[ Speaking Native Language ]
{15776}{}He's up here.|I'll lead the way.
{15867}{}[ Baby Crying ]
{15951}{}This what you wanted?
{16015}{}It's not what I expected.
{16087}{}[ Speaks Native Phrase ]|It's a hard life they have here.
{16194}{}[ Native Language ]
{16315}{}Shh. Hey.|[ Native Language ]
{16404}{}[ Archie Speaks|In Native Language ]
{16520}{}You young devil!|Where've you been for so long?
{16592}{}[ Laughs ] Oh, earning a living.|Good to see you.
{16664}{}- [ Native Language ]|- Oh, Ned.
{16731}{}My young brother.
{16793}{}Hello, Ned.|Some dancing.
{16900}{}- Who is this you bring to see me?|- Mmm--
{17000}{}My name is Gertrude Bernard.
{17076}{}Chief Pete Misabi.
{17124}{}- I'm honored, Father.|- Lovely. Very lovely.
{17211}{}She's your wife?
{17268}{}No, no, no.|Just a friend.
{17322}{}When the time is right,|you tell him...
{17387}{}he bring you to me,|and I make the wedding.
{17462}{}Uh, Pete,|no one's marrying anybody.
{17566}{}- He's kinda old, you think?|- Well, he does look kind of old.
{17669}{}Well, with the life he leads,|what do you expect?
{17735}{}He's a great hunter, great trapper.|He'll provide well for you.
{17839}{}You think he's the kind of man|a girl can rely on?
{17929}{}[ Laughs ] That I cannot say.|He's a wanderer, you know.
{18044}{}That's why I gave him his name:|Wa-Sha-Quon-Asin-- Grey Owl--
{18167}{}he who walks by night.
{18313}{}- Can you manage?|- Yeah, sure.
{18605}{}Are you really called|Gertrude?
{18654}{}You think I'd make up|a name like that?
{18763}{}So what do they call you?|Gertie?
{18848}{}Do I look like a Gertie?
{18923}{}I wouldn't know.
{18971}{}I'm called Pony,|my father's pet name for me.
{19044}{}- Don't ask me why.|- Hmm. I won't.
{19196}{}How about a good-bye kiss,|to show my appreciation?
{19601}{}- That was it?|- Takes two to kiss.
{19809}{}See you around,|Archie Grey Owl.
{20107}{}[ Train Whistle Blowing ]
{20232}{}Ned, come on.|Get a move on.
{20324}{}There's a wind comin' up.|I want to get back before dark.
{20418}{}[ Man ] I can only stay here|five minutes.
{20522}{}Hey,you!|Don't I know you?
{20647}{}- Do me a favor. Where am I ?|- You're in Elk River.
{20732}{}What the hell am I doin'|in Elk River ?
{20801}{}- It's as far as the railroad goes.|- Oh, end of the line, eh?
{20912}{}- Yup, end of the line.|-[ Man ] Hurry it up,you guys!
{20976}{}- Friend of yours?|- Never seen him before in my life.
{21388}{}Are you the fella|they call Archie Grey Owl ?
{21581}{}That's me.
{21628}{}I'm Jim Bernard,|Pony's father.
{21770}{}What can I do for you?
{21818}{}Well, sir,
{21869}{}Pony's been offered a job|in Montreal.
{21929}{}She's supposed to start|next week.
{22005}{}- Sounds good.|- But she says she's not going.
{22135}{}Got this Indian bug.
{22231}{}- Wants to live like her ancestors.|- Hmm.
{22299}{}It's all moonshine.
{22357}{}Can't turn back the clock.|That life's over.
{22444}{}- Nobody lives in the forest anymore.|- I do.
{22536}{}How the hell|do you survive up there?
{22620}{}Oh, I don't need that much.
{22717}{}The forest looks after me.
{22792}{}Brave talk.
{22847}{}- Got my daughter all fired up.|- She wouldn't last a week.
{22937}{}Then why is she planning|on goin' up north with you?
{23057}{}Oh, I never said that.
{23156}{}What Pony wants, Pony gets.
{23256}{}Of course, you could always strike camp|and go before she knew it.
{23394}{}Then you'd be gone.
{23818}{}[ Panting ]
{24366}{}[ Wolf Howls ]
{25143}{}[ Howling ]
{25489}{}[Whimpering ]
{25760}{}[ Blows Landing ]
{26918}{}-[ Swearing In Native Language ]|-She told me you said I could bring her.
{27004}{}Are you out of your bloody mind?|What am I gonna do with her out here?
{27091}{}- Hell, I thought you'd want her here.|- Don't think!
{27160}{}Just take her back with you|in the morning. Get her outta here.
{27243}{}- Sure, Archie, if that's what you want.|- That's what I want.
{27348}{}- You're goin' back with Ned.|- No.
{27412}{}I didn't invite you here. I don't|want you here. I'm telling you to go.
{27503}{}- I'm telling you I won't.|- I don't have time to nursemaid you.
{27575}{}- Fine. Don't.|- Then you'll die.
{27650}{}- So I die.|- I mean it!
{27798}{}You don't know|what life's like here.
{27866}{}It's hard, and it's dangerous.|Tell her, Ned.
{27994}{}Sure is hard and dangerous.
{28049}{}- This is no life for a woman.|- I'm not going.
{28146}{}So either you tie me up|and have Ned carry me back,
{28248}{}or I stay right here.
{28752}{}[ Cries Out ]
{28914}{}[ Snarling ]
{29724}{}What are you doing?
{29801}{}Making a torch.
{29849}{}What for ?
{29958}{}- Can I come?|- No.
{30023}{}[ Door Shuts ]
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