Battletech - Record Sheets - 3085 Unabridged - Old is the New New.pdf

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Upgrades from Technical readoUTs: 3039, 3050, 3055, 3058, 3060 & 3075
RECORD SHEETS: 3085 - OLD IS THE NEW NEW / section00: Table of ConTenTs
Previous record sheet volumes grouped all unit types together and then organized
per tonnage. However, this often ignored the organization of the corresponding
Technical Readout, creating disconnect for players moving from a Technical Readout
to a record sheet volume to ind the unit they’re looking for.
To better ease this transition, this record sheet volume is organized like its
corresponding Technical Readout. Hyperlinks of of each unit name in the ToC will
enable players to instantly move to a given section, or to the start of a given unit’s
record sheets.
Note: as this record sheet book represents upgrades to pre-existing designs
introduced elsewhere, the parenthesis after each name indicates which record sheet/
Technical Readout book where that design is originally found.
Theseus (3058)
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002 / 003
Standard ruleS
These designs are considered “standard rules” (see p. 10, Total
Warfare ) and are legal for tournaments played at the Gen Con
Game fair®, origins Game Convention®, and other convention
tournaments, retail store events and so on, alongside the record
sheets found in the various record sheet books (whether published
by Catalyst Game labs, fanPro, or fasa). (note that only those
designs that meet the requirements for a tournament unit selection
will be available for use in a given tournament.)
Advanced and Experimental Rules: If any record sheets
includes “advanced” or “experimental” on it—meaning it mounts
equipment from Tactical Operations —then that record sheet
is generally not appropriate for tournament player (individual
tournaments will spell out the speciics of whether such designs
can or cannot be used).
The record sheets in this volume indicate which era they irst
appeared in; see page 4 for an explanation of battleTech eras.
Record Sheet Application
Jason Tighe
Doug Chafee
brent evans
Project Development
Chris lewis
Randall n. bills
Duane loose
Matt Plog
Data Entry
Johannes Heidler
Chris smith
Additional Data Entry
brian snoddy
franz Vohwinkel
Joel bancroft-Conner, Roland M.“Colbosh” boshnack, sebastian
“beeRockxs” brocks, Rich Cencarik, Johannes Heidler, luke “Jellico”
Robertson, Chris smith, Peter smith, Jason Tighe, Chris Wheeler.
luke Robertson
BattleTech Line Developer
Herbert a. beas II
Production Staf
©2010 The Topps Company, Inc. all Rights Reserved. battleTech
Record sheets Unabridged: 3085 old Is The new new, Classic
battleTech, battleTech, ’Mech, battleMech, MechWarrior and
The Topps Company, Inc. logo are registered trademarks and/or
trademarks of The Topps Company, Inc in the United states and/
or other countries. no part of this work may be reproduced, stored
in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means,
without the prior permission in writing of the Copyright owner,
nor be otherwise circulated in any form other than that in which
it is published.
Art Direction
brent evans
Cover Art
franz Vohwinkle
Cover Design
Ray arrastia
Ray arrastia
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BattleteCH eraS
The BattleTech universe is a living, vibrant entity that grows each year
as more sourcebooks and iction are published. a dynamic universe, its
setting and characters evolve over time within a highly detailed continu-
ity framework, bringing everything to life in a way a static game universe
cannot match.
However, the same dynamic energy that makes BattleTech so compel-
ling can also make it confusing, with so many sourcebooks published
over the years. as people encounter BattleTech , get hooked and start to
obtain sourcebooks, they need to know where a particular sourcebook is
best used along the BattleTech timeline.
To help quickly and easily convey the timeline of the BattleTech uni-
verse—and to allow a player to easily “plug in” a given sourcebook—
we’ve divided BattleTech into ive major eras. (for those that own the Bat-
tleTech Introductory Box Set , the year dates in parentheses following each
era’s title correspond to the maps found in the Inner Sphere at a Glance
CIVIl War (3062, 3067)
The Clan threat is eventually lessened with the
complete destruction of a Clan. With that massive
external threat apparently neutralized, internal con-
licts explode around the Inner sphere. House liao
conquers its former Commonality, the st. Ives Com-
pact; a rebellion of military units belonging to House
Kurita sparks a war with their powerful border enemy, Clan
Ghost bear; the fabulously powerful federated Commonwealth of
House steiner and House Davion collapses into ive long years of
bitter civil war.
following the federated Commonwealth Civil
War, the leaders of the Great Houses meet and dis-
band the new star league, declaring it a sham. The
pseudo-religious Word of blake—a splinter group of
Comstar, the protectors and controllers of interstellar
communication— launch the Jihad: an interstellar war
that will ultimately pit every faction against each other and
even against themselves, as weapons of mass destruction are used for
the irst time in centuries while new and frightening technologies are
likewise unleashed.
Star leaGue (2570)
Ian Cameron, ruler of the Terran Hegemony,
concludes decades of tireless efort with the
creation of the star league, a political and
military alliance between all Great Houses and
the Hegemony. star league armed forces im-
mediately launch the Reuniication War, forcing
the Periphery realms to join. for the next two centu-
ries, humanity experiences a golden age across the thou-
sand light-years of human-occupied space known as the Inner sphere. It
also sees the creation of the most powerful military in human history.
darK aGe (3132+)
Under the guidance of Devlin stone, the Republic
of the sphere is born at the heart of the Inner sphere
following the Jihad. one of the more extensive peri-
ods of peace begins to break out as the 32nd century
dawns. The factions, to one degree or another, em-
brace disarmament and the massive armies of the
succession Wars begin to fade. However, in 3132 eighty
percent of interstellar communications collapses, throwing the universe
into chaos. Wars almost immediately erupt and the factions begin re-
building their armies.
(3025, 3030, 3040)
every last member of first lord Richard
Cameron’s family is killed during a coup
launched by stefan amaris. following the
thirteen-year war to unseat him, the rulers
of each of the ive Great Houses disband the
star league. General aleksandr Kerensky departs
with eighty percent of the star league Defense force
beyond known space and the Inner sphere collapses into
centuries of warfare known as the succession Wars that will eventually
result in a massive loss of technology across most worlds.
as Catalyst Game labs continues to publish new BattleTech products
(and reprint previously published products), easy reference logos—cor-
responding to those above—will be printed directly on their back covers.
This will allow retailers and players alike to know at a glance what eras are
covered by a given product. for additional ease of reference, era logos
will also appear on product’s sell sheet, online products page and so on.
Clan InVaSIOn
(3052, 3057)
a mysterious invading force strikes the core-
ward region of the Inner sphere. The invaders,
called the Clans, are descendants of Kerensky’s
slDf troops, forged into a society dedicated to
becoming the greatest ighting force in history.
With vastly superior technology and warriors, the
Clans conquer world after world. eventually this out-
side threat will forge a new star league, something hun-
dreds of years of warfare failed to accomplish. In addition,
the Clans will act as a catalyst for a technological renaissance.
note that if a Catalyst Game labs’ BattleTech product does not con-
tain an era logo, then it is considered a core rulebook or supplement to
be used across all eras, such as the Introductory Box Set, Total Warfare
and so on.
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